Since the last patch, I've had an issue where if I get frozen or stunned, and it releases (meaning, I can move my legs) my characters arms won't work. I can't attack. I just have to stand there or try to run away, until I die. I can't use my abilities, I can't hit, but I can block power attacks. I can run around, but not attack at all. It's random too, not every stun does this.
I had this happen for 5 mins at least a couple nights ago. For 5 minutes, I couldn't move my arms or anything, just ran around and took the fireballs from the daedra until I died. It was very frustrating. This was the worst one, I've had it done several other times prior to this, but at random points of the game.
Anyone else have this issue? I didn't see anything on the forum recently about it.