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I knew this would happen

Soooo i pretty much need to "trade guild" switch all the time. I'm in 4 different trade guilds. 2 of which i can't sell anything on. Everyone is level 45+ and all my gear im selling is 28-30. So it sits and sits. I'm not paying the posting fee over and over for gear to not sell.

(All 4 guilds have 500 members by the way). The other guild has VR members so they do nothing but post level 50 gear on the guild store. Out of the 500 im the only level 28. EVERYONE is level 48+ with 250 users being in the VR levels...

My other 2 guilds i have been able to sell stuff. Not really often but it's something i guess. (This is all blue and green gear mind you)

My questions is, has anyone been running into this issue? What is the point of a trade guild when everyone is past your level? As time goes on i see this being an issue and wasn't really thought out. If you fail to keep up with your trade guild, your gear you try to sell will just sit since some level 50 isn't going to buy some level 23 chest piece...unless they craft.

So im now asking for trading guilds with 'Non hardcore" players and have been guild hopping nonstop. I join, look at the member list, if more then half are 10+ levels higher then me i drop the guild..Is this normal? Am i the only one having this problem with selling gear on some guild stores? Am i bound to always trade guild hop?...
  • ZiRM
    I soloed all the way to vet rank and not once was in a Guild nor did I need to sell things or buy things. I sold to the vendor and I used what dropped from killing things and rewards. Levels 1-50 are just a tutorial... I'm not worrying about building awesome armor and weapons until I'm 50++. Why would you? Levels happen so fast in this game, until you reach vet ranks that is.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Jim_McMasterub17_ESO
    The game has thus far catered to the high-enders;

    many of whom (not all! but many...) reached that high end in three weeks time through cheating & exploits.

    (Recall how quickly their "here's your first emperor." screeched to a record-skipping halt as they realized the 'who-what & where' that all went down. ..I was laughing my ass off personally)

    I believe you will indeed be a guild hopper for the next few months as it is ironed out, people drop subscriptions;

    ...& the "core" players set themselves up together through 'Cheerio magnetism"

    (You know...when the last few cheerios in the bowl cling together for survival..)
    Edited by Jim_McMasterub17_ESO on April 30, 2014 1:37PM
  • Hrithmus
    See. That tells me your level grinding. Which i think is one issue in this game. Sure you can play the way you want but i don't think leveling happens that fast unless you want it to. Do you read the lore books and try to get 100% of the zone complete.

    Unless you invest alot of hours into ESO

    NiRN wrote: »
    I soloed all the way to vet rank and not once was in a Guild nor did I need to sell things or buy things. I sold to the vendor and I used what dropped from killing things and rewards. Levels 1-50 are just a tutorial... I'm not worrying about building awesome armor and weapons until I'm 50++. Why would you? Levels happen so fast in this game, until you reach vet ranks that is.

    Edited by Hrithmus on April 30, 2014 1:38PM
  • snowmanflvb14_ESO
    you could just drop 1 or 2 of your trade guilds and join ones that cater more to your lvl :)
    Magic is impressive but now Minsc leads SWORDS FOR EVERYONE!!
  • ZiRM
    I played the game at a leisure pace, not hardcore. So many quests that the levels flew by. I had no need to worry about Guild trading or buying/making armor weapons etc.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • icengr_ESO
    I'm not high level either. but I agree with NiRN. there is no need to get crazy with selling stuff to players in a store. I do realize that many enjoy that aspect in mmo's, but if you do right now you are in the wrong mmo.

    but Like NiRN said, money and gear while leveling aren't a problem at all. And besides I couldn't sell anything in those guilds even when I was level with everyone else. personally I think guild stores in this game are a big joke. and trade guild hopping will get even worse when the mass exodus of players happens.
  • D34thly
    Yea we seriously need an ingame auction house or connected guild stores. I haven't bought one thing or sold one thing on these damned guild stores.
    Blacklist DC NA
    Iron Lotus DC NA
  • ZiRM
    I would like to see an in game auction house but only after you reach 50++. You have no need for one up until then. I'm speaking PvE now because I haven't even touched PvP.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Ranger
    NiRN wrote: »
    I soloed all the way to vet rank and not once was in a Guild nor did I need to sell things or buy things. I sold to the vendor and I used what dropped from killing things and rewards. Levels 1-50 are just a tutorial... I'm not worrying about building awesome armor and weapons until I'm 50++. Why would you? Levels happen so fast in this game, until you reach vet ranks that is.

    Same except I've been taking my time, trying out all the races, classes, combos basically enjoying the game. ( plan on being here for awhile )

    There is so much stuff that a person doesn't NEED to buy / trade.

  • D34thly
    That would be stupid. What about those people that like to gather up to 50 and wish to sell their goods? I don't know about you, but I'm tired of all the spam in zone chat.
    Blacklist DC NA
    Iron Lotus DC NA
  • smosti
    Hrithmus wrote: »
    Soooo i pretty much need to "trade guild" switch all the time. I'm in 4 different trade guilds. 2 of which i can't sell anything on. Everyone is level 45+ and all my gear im selling is 28-30. So it sits and sits. I'm not paying the posting fee over and over for gear to not sell.

    (All 4 guilds have 500 members by the way). The other guild has VR members so they do nothing but post level 50 gear on the guild store. Out of the 500 im the only level 28. EVERYONE is level 48+ with 250 users being in the VR levels...

    My other 2 guilds i have been able to sell stuff. Not really often but it's something i guess. (This is all blue and green gear mind you)

    My questions is, has anyone been running into this issue? What is the point of a trade guild when everyone is past your level? As time goes on i see this being an issue and wasn't really thought out. If you fail to keep up with your trade guild, your gear you try to sell will just sit since some level 50 isn't going to buy some level 23 chest piece...unless they craft.

    So im now asking for trading guilds with 'Non hardcore" players and have been guild hopping nonstop. I join, look at the member list, if more then half are 10+ levels higher then me i drop the guild..Is this normal? Am i the only one having this problem with selling gear on some guild stores? Am i bound to always trade guild hop?...

    Find a new guild or make your own. It's simple.
    This game does not revolve around selling your useless junk. Go deconstruct it! Get crafting xp for it! Sell your materials! so many possibilities!

    Moderator edit: removed insulting comment.
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on April 30, 2014 2:28PM
  • ZiRM
    Ranger wrote: »

    Same except I've been taking my time, trying out all the races, classes, combos basically enjoying the game. ( plan on being here for awhile )

    There is so much stuff that a person doesn't NEED to buy / trade.

    Oh yea, I have a case of altitis. I like not worrying about auctioning or getting ripped off etc.

    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Hrithmus
    D34thly wrote: »
    That would be stupid. What about those people that like to gather up to 50 and wish to sell their goods? I don't know about you, but I'm tired of all the spam in zone chat.

    Indeed. I use zone chat more then i use the guild store since i can't sell anything. Sure i could sell to a vendor for 30 gold OR make 300 gold selling to someone. At times this game totally fails at being an MMO.

    I feel like it's 2004 the way i need to sell stuff in this game. FF11 on the PS2 had an Auction House for Christ sake...
  • Bars
    lol all u need 2 buy in this game is bag/bank slots and feed that hungry f--k of a horse xD
  • nimbli
    I'm not sure if switching guilds will help much, even if they are more your level. For me it seems to be a whole bunch of sellers trying to sell to each other and not many wanting to buy. I move a few things, mostly the common motifs as I price low and don't mind others reselling them for a higher price. That's about it.
  • Reignskream
    Hrithmus wrote: »
    Soooo i pretty much need to "trade guild" switch all the time. I'm in 4 different trade guilds. 2 of which i can't sell anything on. Everyone is level 45+ and all my gear im selling is 28-30. So it sits and sits. I'm not paying the posting fee over and over for gear to not sell.

    (All 4 guilds have 500 members by the way). The other guild has VR members so they do nothing but post level 50 gear on the guild store. Out of the 500 im the only level 28. EVERYONE is level 48+ with 250 users being in the VR levels...

    My other 2 guilds i have been able to sell stuff. Not really often but it's something i guess. (This is all blue and green gear mind you)

    My questions is, has anyone been running into this issue? What is the point of a trade guild when everyone is past your level? As time goes on i see this being an issue and wasn't really thought out. If you fail to keep up with your trade guild, your gear you try to sell will just sit since some level 50 isn't going to buy some level 23 chest piece...unless they craft.

    So im now asking for trading guilds with 'Non hardcore" players and have been guild hopping nonstop. I join, look at the member list, if more then half are 10+ levels higher then me i drop the guild..Is this normal? Am i the only one having this problem with selling gear on some guild stores? Am i bound to always trade guild hop?...

    The one trading guild I'm in has a range of levels, & 100+ people on daily. Stuff sells easily in my guild as long as the price is fair. So no, I'm not experiencing anything near the problem your having, and I'm only level 28.

    You complain about everyone being higher level and that you can't sell gear because of this issue, as you said above. To that, all i know to tell you is get/become higher level, its not that hard to figure out. I have 20+ guild members higher level than me, but i also have a range of lvl 10-50's on as well, with the bulk being 40-50.

    I don't know if your the only one having this issue, but I know you and I are not on the same page, as trade guild hopping is something i havnt had to do ever. My level 20-30 gear has been selling extremely quick (fairly priced), & the bulk is higher levels on my guild as well.
    Edited by Reignskream on April 30, 2014 1:58PM
  • ZiRM
    Well hook em up with the name of the Guild! :)

    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Osi
    That's pretty much why I deconstruct everything. The only thing worth keeping are the upgrade mats because those aren't level specific. Put a few points into crafting professions and use up all the crafting materials you can because most people won't want to buy them.
  • j.frank.nicholsb14_ESO
    Well, as always everyone seems to think their way is the right way to play.

    I have no desire to PvP or even rush to get to 50. I have been playing since November, and I was in the early access. I have 6 alts leveled all the way to 10. That is correct 10. I am completely enjoying PLAYING the PvE and tuning my alts. I re-roll when I want to change one and some day I will reach 50, but I am not holding my breath. I expect there are some others out there like me. Those of you that love to play end game - have lots of fun - doesn't bother me at all, but ESO is designed to allow many different forms of playing.

    I am enjoying crafting everything I can and giving it to members of my guild. I expect that selling things is going to be hard, since there is no easy way to reach many people at lower levels.
  • Reenlister
    Nah, we don't need an AH. First they just provide a place for those gold sellers and their comrades to attempt to manipulate the economy. One central place where they tend to set the prices.
    The guild store has been really good for me. I post things that I find my people can use, and price them within reason, especially the low end stuff, since the only time of course money is a problem is down there in lower end. Not to mention the fact you outgrow your gear so fast here.
    I am in 2 guilds. One since before release, and its not big, we tend to go up and down in the 60's count. But we add various levels of people, so that keeps a blend of levels and skills available.
    The other I joined just because the people are fun. Don't even have a store on that one.
    As for me, I tend to just put a lot of things I cant use in the guild bank, our policy being they are there for those that might need them, just be sure to add something back when you can.
    So after questing and general loot, then selling off things to vendors, I never find myself in a cash crunch.
    Sure its fun to sell things, I like to do it to. But to sell them just for the sake of sticking them up there and selling them to pocket some gold just isn't really needed. Or you can always sell em lower, you still turn a profit, after all most everything you sell is something you got for free, so your not out anything.
  • Ranger
    " altitis " lol

    I've got so many mats in my bank that on my current character ( and prob the next 5 or 6 ) I dont even have to gather until after 14 anyways
  • Reignskream
    NiRN wrote: »
    Well hook em up with the name of the Guild! :)

    Absolutely, OP, PM me if you'd like to know the name of the guild, and i'll see if i can get ya in.

  • Petros
    NiRN wrote: »
    I soloed all the way to vet rank and not once was in a Guild nor did I need to sell things or buy things. I sold to the vendor and I used what dropped from killing things and rewards. Levels 1-50 are just a tutorial... I'm not worrying about building awesome armor and weapons until I'm 50++. Why would you? Levels happen so fast in this game, until you reach vet ranks that is.


    I'm doing the same thing, didn't feel the need to get into a guild for any reason yet, currently hit VR4 last night. accumulated over maybe 100k gold, most went to repairs and more bag space.

    Best thing to do, finish the quests, you'll get gear and gold, don't build anything for yourself until VR++
    "Our light will bring the dawning of a new hope!" ~ Petros Fordring -The Order of Mundus
    - VR16 Imperial Dragonknight (DC -NA) & The One Handed Tank
  • Bansheedragon
    This guild store thing, may sound like a good idea on paper but its a terrible idea in practice.

    I have done some of the guild hopping the OP describes, and I have had serious issues selling anything.

    If I'm lucky I can sell some provisioning recipes at maybe 100 gold, if which I get maybe around 60-70 due to the insane sales taxes.
    But things like crafting materials and racial motifs are just sitting there and not selling at all.

    And nobody else seems to be selling any crafting materials either.
    I often find myself in need of crafting materials to make green or blue items, but I have yet to see a single one in any guild store.
    So I'm left with the choice to either go out and farm mobs for green or blue drops I can deconstruct and hope I get the Items I need, or sit around and spam zone chat with WTB messages.

    A player market of some sort that allows for selling and buying would be much better then this crap.
    It dont have to be the traditional Auction house thing, but there have been plenty of other alternatives suggested that would be better than the current system.

    Add to that the insane cost of repairs, mailing items COD and selling items in the guild stores, etc, then I can only surmise that allot of people are buying gold to cover these insane costs, in which case its no wonder the gold sellers and bots are running rampant in the game.
  • Covyn
    Most the items I see on guild stores (out of 5 trade guilds) is 90% junk, priced 200% too high. People want to sell X item for 200 gold, but they want to make 200 gold, so after fees and all that nonsense its 300-350 just so they can make their 200 gold. I wont pay 350 for a 200 gold it sits.

    Gear as you level, is junk. It serves one purpose and that is basically to deconstruct. If it is part of a set it may have some value for a time, but not for long. Low level epics are replaced in 2-3 levels with a's all decon junk.

    Change your approach on what you sell. I sell salvaged materials on guild stores, trade goods. Honing Stones, Embroidery, Mastic etc etc. I can place 30 items up, and tomorrow when I log in its almost gone. Some things are desired through every level of gameplay. Sadly.....its not that gear, or that potion you looted 100 of.

    With all of this being said, I still rarely use the guild store. I'll sell directly in chat to avoid the fees, and will continue to do so until they make some necessary adjustments to the guild store system. So...enjoy the zone chat spam. I didn't create this monster....
    Gyxx (VR1) Templar
    Quidd (VR5) Nightblade
    Kadzien (15) Sorc
    Covyn (VR12) DragonKnight (now spends his days crafting)
  • M1ghtyQu1nn
    The game has thus far catered to the high-enders;

    many of whom (not all! but many...) reached that high end in three weeks time through cheating & exploits.

    (Recall how quickly their "here's your first emperor." screeched to a record-skipping halt as they realized the 'who-what & where' that all went down. ..I was laughing my ass off personally)

    I believe you will indeed be a guild hopper for the next few months as it is ironed out, people drop subscriptions;

    ...& the "core" players set themselves up together through 'Cheerio magnetism"

    (You know...when the last few cheerios in the bowl cling together for survival..)

    "many of whom...." lol I think you would be surprised at the actual ratio of those of us who legitimately got to VR content to those who cheated and or exploited. Im VR5 and Im actually am a story driven kind of gamer, I did all the quests and actually read them, I never once exploited or cheated, and I soloed at least 80% of the content. Granted Im home on medical leave and have more time on my hands than most but its really not that unbelievable. I havnt really found the need to go ut and buy anything as I have been able to gather mats to craft what I wanted (which is better gear anyway" or gotten plenty of drops. Not sure what the problem is here...
  • holygraell
    I was feeling the same way, until I had my 'A ha!" moment and changed my way of thinking about this game. It IS different than other mmo's. Keeping that in mind, ditch the idea of having any kind of 'trade' involved where you, the adventurer, become a master craftsman who is also known to other adventurers (thinking kind of rp/IC there). Think of yourself strictly as someone who is self sufficient, sells his/her goods/gathered materials they find while adventuring to a real vendor (npc), makes enough gold to keep themselves (and the previously mentioned starving horses) fed, and is learning a craft to make their own <insert crafted thing here>.

    I'm much less stressed about stuff now, just vendor all the heaps of stuff I gather, use what I can to occasionally craft, break down gear I get from mobs to level crafting or use it for my character, and no longer have all the space/money issues. This game has a neat crafting system, but the guild store system, for many, really is kind of 'broken' or not working the way most players (having played AH rules MMO's for years) would think it would work -- coming from a WoW perspective let's say. So, really we're looking at a game that is made with crafting as a neat little mini game you play for yourself only, and, in the future when you're maxed out, for others. (It does seem to cater a bit more to the higher level folks.) Either that, or make lots of friends to swap stuff with who are slower levelers, like some of us are.

    My highest level character (I too have altoholism, as I call it, since it is an addiction) is only level 16. I then have four more who are levels 10-14. I'm enjoying the journey, which is most important to me. So, basically, just realize this isn't a trade centric game (it's kind of like the other TES games that way, more single player in feel in some ways) and rethink your play style a bit. If you prefer an AH style set up that much that you find you can not enjoy the game without it, I hate to say it, but you may be happier elsewhere. I don't mean to tell you to 'go home', as I loathe that response normally, I just mean that you really need to start rethinking how you're operating within game. I tend to more self sufficiency even when an AH is available because I do enjoy doing all the crafts I can. And yes, I use them heavily, but usually to sell stuff to afford senselessly expensive overpowered gear that I really don't need simply because I'm more usually an "OOOH SHINY" type of person. :) And maybe keep a casual eye on zone chat for sales opportunities. Like I sold salt the other day (28 of them) that I had with me since I compulsively raid every sack, barrel, crate, etc I see, to someone for shouting in zone for 50 G each. Nice profit for seconds of work when you're good at fast clicking on them.

    And all this carries with it the awesome bonus of being able to leave my trade guilds (full of immature types whom I don't enjoy in some cases) behind to join those guilds who are more in line with my play style and personality and have an easier time finding dungeon run mates for the rest of the group dungeons in game (I've only done the first ones thus far). So my advice is this -- just relax, realign your thinking, and enjoy. :) Sorry for the long winded post, hope it makes sense, not enough caffiene in me yet..... -.- Mornings.. ugh. And good luck to you! Hope you find a system that works for you or a trade guild that does.
  • traigusb14_ESO2
    I quit 2 trade guilds yesterday. pretty much person+ alts that can make everything trying to sell to other crafters who also make everything. Pretty much a big waste of time.

    Pretty much the only thing I can sell is weapons or armor that has a trait someone wants to research... and half the time we do a 1 for 1 trade for a trait I need.

    I craft to order for a few non-crafting friends, they usually supply mats if I say what I need.
  • JessieColt
    I do not bother trying to sell gear (weapons, armor), through the guild store.

    I either research the items that have traits I can research, or break the items down into their base materials (Deconstruct) and then sell the mats.

    The materials, stones, and tempers that you get from deconstructing the items are worth more to other players than the occasional drop item unless it is from a specific set gear, or they want to buy it to break it down themselves.

    If you are interested in being in a "trading" guild, try looking for ones that are more specialized instead of just open trading, which ends up with all kinds of junk in the store.

    Join a Blacksmithing guild if you are interested in the buying, selling, trading of ores, ingots, etc.

    Join a Woodworking guild for logs/wood, etc.

    Or see if you can find a "Crafters" guild that covers all 3 (Blacksmithing, Woodworking, and Tailoring/Clothing).

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