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Sorcerors OP. Jack of all trades. Best ranged dps, best self heal (surge), CC (ranged Encase AoE)++

Sorcerors have no real weaknesses, they have pretty much everything at their disposal to choose from.

Best self healing in the game through crit surge (vet 10 geared sorcerors get insane crit and consant crazy high self healing, check reaper build), magicka and health restored from stamina, escape bolt which makes them unstoppable and can fight or run away safely as they choose (!), RANGED AoE root with Encase (people doesnt seem too aware of this yet, but it is very powerful together with escape bolt), 30% moving speed bonus, the best ranged dps abilities in the game, very strong ultimates including dispel aoe, very strong AoE dps abilities, good group support abilities, only class in the game with summons. Combining crit surge self healing, escape bolt, encase aoe ranged aoe CC root, and very strong RANGED dps in one class makes it unstoppable at veteran 10 and good crit rating/decent gear.

Unlike other classes like the DK, Sorcerors have unique CLASS abilities that only sorcerors have, like dark exchange, crit surge and escape bolt. There is no similar skill in any of the skill trees which everyone can use, which is the case with most DK skills (Bow AoE root, 1hand&shield spell reflect, destro staff AoE dps skills (pulsar) lots of melee attacks from 2h, dualwield and so on). ANY class can be powerful with shield bash, and ANY class can be too powerful as vampire with batswarm/mist form, but nobody can choose to be as powerful as the Sorceror. This is what makes Sorcerors very powerful, they are UNIQUE and the ONLY class with these unique options in escape bolt, dark exchange (best magicka regen in the game) and dark surge (best self healing in the game)

They can even be tanks and have 7/7 light armor and get superior armor passives together with bound armor, which is a TOGGLE, not something you even need to keep up. After playing in veteran ranks a good while now, ive seen that sorcerors are the class with the highest skillcap, and they are invincible when played by a clever person. Their mobility, self healing, RANGED dps, aoe and many CC options is insane together.
Edited by monkeymystic on April 29, 2014 3:21PM
  • Erock25
    I guess if you don't get the response you're looking for on Tamriel Foundry, you have to repost on official forums.

    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • Sandhya
    Templars have no real weaknesses. They can self heal, they have skills that allow permastun/perma interrupt, they can be unkillable in melee and still capable of kite/ranged dps, they can be tanks with light armor and have 30% HP worth of shield on the press of a button. They have a very powerful AoE ultimate with snare, some of the most powerful group support abilities and don't even need crit to push out some serious damage. Oh, did I forget to mention they have a FREE AoE HP/Stamina heal that is instant as well? Hell, I even forgot to mention they can completely disable Sorcs for quite a long time with Backlash.

    So, yeah. Nothing to see here.

  • Vitho
    and writing all bold dosnt make the response better!

    I guess u are no sorc?
    Iam a VR9 sorc with all skills/weapons maxed and tested.

    - Yes the sorc has some nice skills but u can only equip 5 and u have to slot skills like magelight,surge, amor, summons ... Most times i have only 2-3 active skills.
    - Selfheal: ur only heal is critbased so its much harder to meele with a sorc then with every other class, every NB i know has a higher HPS(on 1-2 targets)
    - AoE: Its all Destru Staff the only sorc ae is very weak
    - CC: u wearing light amor u need CC or VR mobs oneshooting u(but atm i prefer the vulcanic rune CC, mageguild)
    - best range dps: In PVP u need to cast ur main dmg skill so 1 poison arrow and ur dps is 0. In PVE ur range dps is good but every good meecle does 50% more, 100% in burst situations.

    The sorc has some good synergies between class and weapon skills but u have to choose u cant have all ur amor, CC and attack skills slotted at the same time.
    You are Tanki with pets and no dmg OR a oneshoot with CC OR something between.

    OT: i rlly miss the *** flag for threats like this
    Edited by Vitho on April 29, 2014 10:30AM
  • Mephiston87
    Sandhya wrote: »
    Templars have no real weaknesses. They can self heal, they have skills that allow permastun/perma interrupt, they can be unkillable in melee and still capable of kite/ranged dps, they can be tanks with light armor and have 30% HP worth of shield on the press of a button. They have a very powerful AoE ultimate with snare, some of the most powerful group support abilities and don't even need crit to push out some serious damage. Oh, did I forget to mention they have a FREE AoE HP/Stamina heal that is instant as well? Hell, I even forgot to mention they can completely disable Sorcs for quite a long time with Backlash.

    So, yeah. Nothing to see here.

    Are you mad? templars main downfall is theyr serious lack off Cc, and your saying theyr huge lack off CC is theyr strength? How do they and what ability alows a permastun/perma interrupt? The dragon knight has all of the good group support abilities, earth shield, molten weapons etc, the Templar gets group support heals not much else honestly. And what skill is the %30 HP worth of shield? does that last more then 5 seconds and is it extremely expensive? the AOE ultimate "Nova" is terrible a smart person will go for redemption/Soul syphon/Meteor. And what free instant stam/health AOE? backlash? 6 seconds how does that disable a sorceror at all it? I highly suggest you play other classes or atleast read theyr skills/morphs your whole argument is extremely confusing. If you want invincible mode i would highly suggest going sorceror, a templar cannot do it.
    Edited by Mephiston87 on April 29, 2014 10:44AM
  • matt29070
    I hear a 6 month old crying somewhere...seriously what @Vitho said
  • monkeymystic
    I'm not really suprised that sorcerors come in here and defend their OP class with unique class abilities that nobody else has, or nobody else can get from other skill lines, because there are no similar skills to escape bolt, dark exchange (magicka from stamina) or the insane self healing in crit surge which scales like crazy.
  • LadyChaos
    I'm not really suprised that sorcerors come in here and defend their OP class with unique class abilities that nobody else has, or nobody else can get from other skill lines, because there are no similar skills to escape bolt, dark exchange (magicka from stamina) or the insane self healing in crit surge which scales like crazy.

    We don't heal other people
    We don't have strong AoE DD
    We don't have strong stealth abilities.

    All things other classes do better than us in their own class lines. We do have mobility above the other classes, but not the open vampire line. Since we have DD, Pets, and Mobility as our primary class draw abilities that's where we shine, and no one cares much about pets in PvP so almost waste mentioning it as a specialty.

    We do have to pick what we want to do and trade slots for those like everyone else does.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Thechemicals
    I'm not really suprised that sorcerors come in here and defend their OP class with unique class abilities that nobody else has, or nobody else can get from other skill lines, because there are no similar skills to escape bolt, dark exchange (magicka from stamina) or the insane self healing in crit surge which scales like crazy.

    Dark exchange= mage guild - equilibrium
    Surge= mage guild Entropy with degeneration morph

    You can take a player to water, but you cant make him drink.

    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • ZiRM
    Sorcerers seem OP only because of the knowledgeable, friendly, savvy players behind the characters. :Do:)
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • NordJitsu
    Every class has unique class abilities that no one else has....that's the point of classes.

    NB's are the only class that can go invisible on demand.

    Templars are the only class that can heal without a Resto staff.

    Dragon Knights are the only class with an unbreakable smart AoE root that does more DPS than any dedicated damage AoE, the ability to fully regen their health and stamina, the ability to reflect spells from all sources (instead of just one target), the ability to pull enemies off of walls, who can passively generate Ultimate out of combat, have the only useful damage shield in the game, can do more single target DPS through Flame Whip than the DPS classes, and have a long duration stun that isn't broken by damage.

    Sorcs have Bolt Escape. So they are the best at running away.

    Looking at that list, which class is OP?

    And Sorcs have the WORST self healing in the game. Templars and DKs obviously destroy them in that department (Healing Ritual and Green Dragon's Blood) and NBs do as well through Leeching Strikes. Sorcs have Critical Surge (which requires the whole build to be crit focused to be viable) and Dark Exchange (which is a long duration channel that is easily interrupted and makes you vulnerable.)

    Encase is not OP in any way shape or form. Lets compare it to Dark Talons and morphs. The damage Morph of Encase is laughable in DPS terms (about 100 damage) while Burning Talons can tick for almost 600 damage. It requires you aim while Dark Talons is a smart root. It can be easily avoided with dodge roll, while Dark Talons allows for immediate reapplication.

    I agree that Sorcs have the highest skill cap (bad sorcs suck while good sorcs can be amazing) but they are anything but OP.

    Instead of making a thread like this, you should have asked for help beating them if you're having trouble.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Egdod
    The OP of this thread is OP and should be nerfed. They have the ability to type in all caps and in bold which is unique to his user. See? I can not type in bold or all caps.

    Or, maybe, I do not know how to fully use the forum tools.
  • Niminion
    I agree sorcs have a lot of really great utility spells that allows them to fill all roles well. Very versatile class and a lot of fun.
  • t.claudio.usnub18_ESO
    And yet as a Vet 1 Temp I killed a Vet 10 Sorc 1v1 using nothing put spell reflects from both Shield and Temp skills, they are a good class but by far the best all round, that role falls to the DK.
  • Mephiston87
    And yet as a Vet 1 Temp I killed a Vet 10 Sorc 1v1 using nothing put spell reflects from both Shield and Temp skills, they are a good class but by far the best all round, that role falls to the DK.

    yeh thats a terrible sorceror clearly, all he needed to do was CC you and use AOE/syphons(cant reflect those) the stamina cost reflect it cheap the the templar one is extremely costly. there are plenty of unskilled vet10's most of them being the ones whom exploited theyr way up there. Beating an unskilled player = nil argument.

    Edited by Mephiston87 on April 29, 2014 6:40PM
  • codyyoungnub18_ESO
    "can passively generate Ultimate out of combat"

    How we go about this? (serious)

    If you meant the 2 ultimate from casting an earthen I would like to /ignore you. by the time you get done casting 75 spells that suk 1 /4/5 of your mana you could have hit a group with two hander swipe and gotten your ultimate full 10 times over already. I really hope you weren't meaning that..?
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    honestly, people that whine about classes and cry for nerf's invalidate themselves as true gamers to me. in your youth, when you came against a boss in a rpg or adventure game, did you call the devs or publisher and demand a fix? no? then why should they do it here, they had beta after beta of people doing the same thing, and if you ask me, more people played the beta because it was free. if they didnt nerf the classes then, why should they now.

    play the game and learn to counter attack, dont sit and cry because someone is better than you.
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    Vet mob 1 shoting? I don't recall seeing that even if im myself in light armor using a resto/destroy staff as a NB
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • LadyChaos
    And yet as a Vet 1 Temp I killed a Vet 10 Sorc 1v1 using nothing put spell reflects from both Shield and Temp skills, they are a good class but by far the best all round, that role falls to the DK.

    yeh thats a terrible sorceror clearly, all he needed to do was CC you and use AOE/syphons(cant reflect those) the stamina cost reflect it cheap the the templar one is extremely costly. there are plenty of unskilled vet10's most of them being the ones whom exploited theyr way up there. Beating an unskilled player = nil argument.

    You assume because the player he was fighting wasn't spec'd to counter HIM they were a poor player... his example shows weaknesses and strengths are dynamic.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Diakos
    Soul Shriven
    Oh just PVP QQ.

    If only people spent half as much time making up clever builds and practising as they do complaining and trawling the internet to copy the "best builds" they'd be doing much better.
  • Hadria
    I'm not really suprised that sorcerors come in here and defend their OP class with unique class abilities that nobody else has, or nobody else can get from other skill lines, because there are no similar skills to escape bolt, dark exchange (magicka from stamina) or the insane self healing in crit surge which scales like crazy.

    Well it sounds like the other classes need to be buffed then.
  • Makkir
  • Laura
    I like how the class forum literally has every class as being OP at the top or near the top (except for nightblades but that I think is due to bugs that should be fixed immediately)
  • Kyubi_3002b16_ESO
    Well in the end doing veteran zones resume to this... Elemental ring :trollface:
    One bow to darken the sun
    One bow to unite the clans
    One bow to conquer the world and in darkness drown it...

    - Prophecy of the tyranny of the sun
  • ErilAq
    I'm a little amazed that sorcerers are being called OP for their ability to..... run away. I mean, yeah, it can get annoying not to get the kill, but if he's running he's not attacking either. If you keep pressure on him, use roots (like a good pvper is supposed to) and play to his weaknesses they're not op at all. DKs are able to do all those and more.
    Sure, sorc ranged dps is good, but that's kinda what they're built for. Crying about sorc ranged is like crying about templar heals, NBs stealth, or DK's tanking ability. they're built around that aspect. Can things be tweaked? Of course, no game is perfect, but Sorcs are not OP
    Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!
  • skitznub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Sorcerer Definitely needs nerfs. Ridiculous how they aoe. Dk needs buffs to keep up.
  • Evergreen
    Makkir wrote: »
    Laura wrote: »
    I like how the class forum literally has every class as being OP at the top or near the top (except for nightblades but that I think is due to bugs that should be fixed immediately)

    Can you pass those tissues to the broken nightblades please and leave sorc alone for now. Bugged/broken main class skills (comprehensive list of bugged nightblade skills) should be fixed as a priority imo.

  • matt29070
    Sorcerer Definitely needs nerfs. Ridiculous how they aoe. Dk needs buffs to keep up.

    Please explain how sorc has ridiculous AOE. Impulse/Pulsar is waaaaay better than anything sorcs get innately, and anyone can get Impulse/Pulsar.

  • LadyChaos
    matt29070 wrote: »
    Sorcerer Definitely needs nerfs. Ridiculous how they aoe. Dk needs buffs to keep up.

    Please explain how sorc has ridiculous AOE. Impulse/Pulsar is waaaaay better than anything sorcs get innately, and anyone can get Impulse/Pulsar.

    I think he was kidding lol.. i chuckled
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • matt29070
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    matt29070 wrote: »
    Sorcerer Definitely needs nerfs. Ridiculous how they aoe. Dk needs buffs to keep up.

    Please explain how sorc has ridiculous AOE. Impulse/Pulsar is waaaaay better than anything sorcs get innately, and anyone can get Impulse/Pulsar.

    I think he was kidding lol.. i chuckled

    I did too.
  • Dekkameron
    I think the OP needs to lay off the caffeine.
    - Veteran Combat Librarian -
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