How many times has your UI bugged out?

Randomly get issues where any of my keybinds dont work. Sometimes "." works, sometimes "ESC" works in restoring functionality, but just had an issue where nothing would restore it. Happened in Cyrodiil just now, am trying to log out/log in to see if it will fix.

Also, Cyrodiil is so laggy and it isnt even at 2/3rds full for any faction right now.
  • Carnage2K4
    2-3 times a session (lasting maybe 6 hours) not in Cyrodiil... also been getting a few seconds with no hit reg every so often... annoying to say the least using a section of stam and not even connecting...
    Human Infant Connoisseur
  • Vlas
    Oh yah, I really dislike that as well. My stam gets used up without it even working. I also have issues with Earthen hearts Obsidian Shard not always connecting, taking forever to hit, and still using up Magika. I dont know if its related, but it is annoying.
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