I have been scammed, I was as cautious as you can be buying something which cannot be placed in a trade window, the Ware wolf bite. I understand I got scammed, and I should have played smarter and only allowed someone access to money if I trusted them more, but I chatted with this guy for a while, and after finally deciding he was legit, met him by the shrine while he was in WW form, and then he told me he didn't want to be scammed and so we came to the conclusion half now half later type payment. The price was cheap, 8,000. I gave him 4,000 gold, and he left the party and just stood there swiping at me. I began the whole "what happened man? Why did you leave?" It wasn't until I saw in the zone chat, "WTS WW Bite 8k" just as I had seen and replied to. This was followed by me telling the zone he was a scammer, and to my surprise about three or four others said they were scammed by the SAME GUY anywhere from a week ago! That means this player has been scamming for a week, ripping unsuspecting players off for their money, Please do something about it ZOS. I am amazed with all the tickets players said they have submitted on him in the past, along with the three or four that were submitted within the past hour.
Don't allow jerks like this to be the rich few in the game. Correct this action please. I do not want my 4,000 back, it is less than an hour of farming to get that money. I just dont want other poor players such as myself spending thier money on NOTHING.
Thank You, hopefully SOMETHING comes from this.
Edited by ZOS_ShannonM on April 28, 2014 8:13PM