Server status forum says NA server maintance set for Mondays at 8am EDT but game still up

Have they changed the standard day and time for this again? Some of us plan around these set times
  • Shanna
    yep. i got up a bit early so that i could reset my timers for the day...

    oh...the new schedule starts *thursday* I guess that means that it will still happen tomorrow for now.
    Edited by Shanna on April 28, 2014 12:10PM
    This is all part of the game.
  • k9mouse
    Well it is 8 after and does take up to 10 minutes to shut down the server.... May be the hamster wantted over time? ;)
  • Windshadow_ESO
    thanks thought it meant last thursday
  • LadyBravora
    I'm going to assume it meant this coming Thursday, since the server has yet to go down, and there are no large yellow words telling us to go sleep, bathe, or eat.
  • GossiTheDog
    There was no EU maintenance today, so I doubt there will be NA maintenance either.
  • Hozec
    There was no EU maintenance today, so I doubt there will be NA maintenance either.

    EU maintenance is staying Tuesday Friday. NA is going to be Mon Thurs

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