So far it seems to me that the vast majority of quests reward heavy armour as rewards. And not just by a small margin, you get a lot of heavy armour! And if it is for once not heavy armour it is usually axes. Rarely some medium armour and pretty much non existentially light armour and staffs(never seen a quest reward a destruction staff yet..).
Now to me that rather cause an imbalance in 2 cases:
1: Non-crafters have great difference in how gear upgrades are made available to them based on which kind of armour/weapons then use. Heavy armour users seem to be able to potentially get updates 60-70+% of the quests they do. Light armour users practically never and have to rely entirely on drops.
2: Crafters are differently rewarded depending on which craft they focus on. Blacksmithing get tons of items to deconstruct which in turn make levelling BSing very easy and access to improvement items and research traits very easy. Clothing no so much...
The quests could IMO really use some light and medium armour alternatives now and then. Right now it is just stupid with the amount of heavy armour. Been getting 11 pieces of heavy armour over something like 15 quests in Rivenspire.