When will the EU Megaserver be moved to Europe?

I read somewhere that it was supposed to be moved 3 weeks after launch, is it? has it? will it?

Less delay would go a long way towards making the combat system really shine.

Dieing due to delay or lag is getting increasingly frustrating, especially since I have to restart the whole game after each death because all my vamp abilities bug out (getting fixed in patch).
  • GossiTheDog
    Search forum. There's many topics on this.

    3 weeks is completely made up. The only thing announced here since game launched is that it isn't moving at this time.
  • Jade1986
    Actually it was announced on the road ahead post that it will be moved after the initial launch phase. While that is sort of vague, initial launch suggests 1 month, 2 max, 3 is pushing it, but is still acceptable. Any more than that and they just lied, and will no longer get my business, as well as a large portion of the EU playerbase.
  • saki
    3 months with this lag and delay, horror experience
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    laced wrote: »
    Actually it was announced on the road ahead post that it will be moved after the initial launch phase. While that is sort of vague, initial launch suggests 1 month, 2 max, 3 is pushing it, but is still acceptable. Any more than that and they just lied, and will no longer get my business, as well as a large portion of the EU playerbase.
    Initial launch? I'd say that was up until about 2 weeks ago.

    They havent technically lied yet - they're just maintaining silence. I dont consider it acceptable for a p2p game. They are probably loosing subscribers by the thousands yet cant even come and give us an approximate date.

    Is the craglorn patch supposed to bring the EU datacenter online? No? Well freakin tell us!
  • [Deleted User]
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  • Sakiri
    Theyll move it when the hardware is ready for it.
  • Jade1986
    Brakkar wrote: »
    They won't.
    End if story.
    Feel free to read.


    They will be moved, the datacenters are already built, its just a matter of time. Question is, how long? Will we really have to deal with 140-1000ms lag for 3 months?

  • Daethz
    Mabye if this anger was directed at internet providers everyone on the world would have 1gb/s download speeds with 1-10ms worldwide maximums.
    Waiting, and watching, for the return of Melee Weapons.
    -Subsidiary of The Fighters Guild
  • Jade1986
    Mabye if this anger was directed at internet providers everyone on the world would have 1gb/s download speeds with 1-10ms worldwide maximums.
    Truth. But we would also need a world wide initiative to upgrade the internet infrastructure. too many areas with ancient internet infrastructures. :p

  • Daethz
    Need to get rid of the global monopoly on internet providers.
    Where I live I have one choice for internet, actually two but the second one is Satellite and costs 10x more for the same speeds and im guessing it will stop working during storms which is unacceptable.
    Waiting, and watching, for the return of Melee Weapons.
    -Subsidiary of The Fighters Guild
  • Brakkar
    I was playing WoW with my 'not-so-good' and cheap broadband with under 20ms 'lags' for years and even after new content releases it never was as bad as it is here. I played many mmo's after that and lag was never so bad.
    In eve online dev's learned quickly to 'reinforce' heavily occupied area's and despite some lag game was playable.
    What I see here means that game wasn't ready for relesse, the eu data center should be active since early access. I am sure we would see a lot less complaints from many people here on the forums.
    Face the truth, most of the issues we have now are caused by traffic and latency.
    This could nd should be addressed prior to launch, there was enough time to do this.
  • nickroc
    Right about the time Zenimax implodes and someone in Europe builds a freeshard.
    Error 301: You purchased The Elder Scrolls Online
  • Reykice
    Just don`t sub if you are in Europe and reading this... it should show them we are not second rate customers.

  • Jirki88
    They will move the server to Europe when they figure out exactly where Europe is located.
    Veritas et aequitas, et usque ad mortem.
  • FegefeueR
    Jirki88 wrote: »
    They will move the server to Europe when they figure out exactly where Europe is located.

    Vote for President!

  • Brakkar
    FegefeueR wrote: »
    Jirki88 wrote: »
    They will move the server to Europe when they figure out exactly where Europe is located.

    Vote for President!

    Of which country?
    Hopefully US, otherwise it won't change anything :-)

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