Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)


  • Shayu
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    @Shayu, did you seriously receive that reply from ZoS or are you just pulling a prank? Sounds too good to be true.

    There are werewolves and stuff in Craglorn but the reply just finished saying the setting was in Cyrodiil. Perhaps they are going to have another patch that improves werewolves and vampires which also includes Cyrodiil.

    I'm serious. Why would I take the time to make this up? I want werewolves fixed too!

    Well originally I though a. they're busy nerfing vampires first, then I though b. They're going to BUFF vampires first, but then I thought c. it's a Craglorn world boss. Mostly because of the specific number 40. I don't know why he described Cyrodiil first if that's the case. Does anybody actually know where Craglorn is? Maybe it's in a section of Cyrodill that hasn't been added to the game yet. The part that has been added, after all, is just the center.

    Craglorn is a part of Hammerfell. Also, if this is true, i want to give "William" a medal for being the first ZOS employee to actually provide info on the matter, even if it is a bit cryptic.

    What's your email? I'll forward it to you if you want me to.
  • PurpleFox
    Shayu wrote: »
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    @Shayu, did you seriously receive that reply from ZoS or are you just pulling a prank? Sounds too good to be true.

    There are werewolves and stuff in Craglorn but the reply just finished saying the setting was in Cyrodiil. Perhaps they are going to have another patch that improves werewolves and vampires which also includes Cyrodiil.

    I'm serious. Why would I take the time to make this up? I want werewolves fixed too!

    Well originally I though a. they're busy nerfing vampires first, then I though b. They're going to BUFF vampires first, but then I thought c. it's a Craglorn world boss. Mostly because of the specific number 40. I don't know why he described Cyrodiil first if that's the case. Does anybody actually know where Craglorn is? Maybe it's in a section of Cyrodill that hasn't been added to the game yet. The part that has been added, after all, is just the center.

    Craglorn is a part of Hammerfell. Also, if this is true, i want to give "William" a medal for being the first ZOS employee to actually provide info on the matter, even if it is a bit cryptic.

    What's your email? I'll forward it to you if you want me to.

    Sounds sketchy XD So no LOL
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Shayu
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    @Shayu, did you seriously receive that reply from ZoS or are you just pulling a prank? Sounds too good to be true.

    There are werewolves and stuff in Craglorn but the reply just finished saying the setting was in Cyrodiil. Perhaps they are going to have another patch that improves werewolves and vampires which also includes Cyrodiil.

    I'm serious. Why would I take the time to make this up? I want werewolves fixed too!

    Well originally I though a. they're busy nerfing vampires first, then I though b. They're going to BUFF vampires first, but then I thought c. it's a Craglorn world boss. Mostly because of the specific number 40. I don't know why he described Cyrodiil first if that's the case. Does anybody actually know where Craglorn is? Maybe it's in a section of Cyrodill that hasn't been added to the game yet. The part that has been added, after all, is just the center.

    Craglorn is a part of Hammerfell. Also, if this is true, i want to give "William" a medal for being the first ZOS employee to actually provide info on the matter, even if it is a bit cryptic.

    What's your email? I'll forward it to you if you want me to.

    Sounds sketchy XD So no LOL

    Just sayin bro, if you want me to prove it's legit i can.

  • whatsername908
    Shayu wrote: »
    "I understand that they may be experiencing some difficulty in their current state of being, but I can assure you this is most definitely the the Agenda for the Grand Wizards. There have been many social gatherings with our Grand Wizards, Hircine and many others."

    As the vision becomes clearer, you see something near 40 people of many races, as well as werewolves, slowly becoming more and more tired as they seem to be losing the fight. A Vampire appears to be the only enemy in proximity to this fight against the squad of many.


    He quickly waves his hand over the vision and it begins to fade. A very worrisome and confused look appears on the man's face.

    "Clearly... There are things that are being handled by the Grand Wizard's at the moment..."

    He clears his throat and composes himself again.
    He gave us a scene where one vampire is holding off an entire army alone. Sounds pretty familiar if you've been to Cyrodiil lately. I don't think the number 40 mattered at all, I think what they're saying here is they've prioritized balancing OP vampires. The broken werewolf skill-line affected only werewolves, but the state of vampires was ruining PvP for everyone involved. I'm bummed our fixes aren't coming sooner, but the vampire imbalance was a HUGE issue that affects far more people. I'm glad to finally get some word on what they're doing and that was a really awesome email. Still no certain date, but I'm really happy to know for sure we're on their radar.
  • Sylinias
    I've been looking forward to the Werewolf spec line since it was announced and have to say that I am *deeply* disappointed. To be honest, it's turned into one long grind of kill to build ultimate, transform and kill a couple of more in form for a few seconds, then repeat grind.

    My suggestions:

    1) Remove the more egregious current limitations to the class
    A vamp is always a vamp, so make Werewolf an 'at will' transformation with an initial limited period time in form - though MUCH longer than it is now - and give the class their own Ultimate. The time in form can grow as the player grows in their abilities. This means the transformation is level/time dependent with the ability to go longer and longer as the character grows. For higher levels, if you want to get wicked with it, make it so that any player in form longer than say 48 hrs runs the risk of being permanently locked into the form with the only recourse being 'healed' of their lycanthropy and starting the class all over. Of course, if the player decides to stay in form then they lose the ability to interact with NPCs for buying and selling/mail/etc, town guards *will* attack them, and they can become targets of the Dark Brotherhood or the Fighters Guild. If the player wants to drop out and go rogue, then they can do it!

    1) Give players *their* choice of Ultimate to use
    Allow ultimate points to built independently and applied to either the main spec or the Werewolf spec. This means that the player can have the option of using whichever suits the situation best. e.g., I'm an NB and need that last damage dump on a boss so I can either use my NB ultimate or I can transform into Werewolf form and use that Ultimate. I should not have to give up one for the other.

  • Iduyenn
    Very interesting idea, but it will be complicatet... for example to enter Cyrodiil.
    There are guards everywhere.
    No more questing and no more leveling.

    How strong has the wolf to be, to compensate that?
  • Sylinias
  • Ikata_Stormcloud
    Soul Shriven
    Just my two cents from another perspective.

    TL:DR Make Werewolf a toggle with a timer that only runs down in combat so us RPers can actually RP as Werewolves

    I've been an RPer for many years now, from tabletop, to forum, to in games such as ESO, and while I am aware that most game developers cater to the PvPers and the PvEers first some thought should be given to us RPers as well. (As an aside I do think ZOS have done a modicum of that with the amount of character customisations, the revisit able lore library and so forth)

    With that in mind I'll give some context - I've had the same Orc in almost every game I have RPed, or at least incarnations of him, with a few things that always, always remain the same:
    - He blends Melee combat with destruction magic (usually heavily shock focused, with either a two handed axe/sword or dual axes/daggers)
    - He wears a 'medium' armour set (a blend of furs, mail and leather)
    - He's bald
    - He has a HEAVY affinity with the Wolf. (In WoW that was done via the Frostwolf clan, the Shaman class (it fit with the rest) along with the many wolf visage head pieces available. In the ES games he's always had lycanthropy. So on and so forth.)
    The most successful ES incarnation has to have been my Skyrim Character - with the Stalhrim light set, Dragonbone Axes and a LOT of graft into enchantment, smithing and alchemy I managed to create my Orc almost perfectly. The elemental magic manifesting though Shock and Frost enchants as well as having Shock spells as openers to fights, with my ultimate means of approaching difficult fights being Beast Form, coupled with Beserker rage it was almost unstoppable and once you had skill investment you could keep it up almost indefinitely as long as you had enough corpses to feast upon. If I had to make a guess as to the longest time I spent roaming the wilds as a Werewolf I'd probably put it close to three hours, rampaging through bandit camps, dungeons etc, without ever losing the form. This all of course was wonderful and fit perfectly with the character in my head - there was just one small downside, I was alone.

    When I saw we'd have access to the Werewolf skill line in ESO I rejoiced! Finally I'd be able to create the perfect incarnation AND have people I could share it with, both in random RP encounters (he's an Orc following the Code of Mauloch, he takes most insults as a reason to cave a few faces in, as well as honouring Hircine through the hunt) where if things were going sour i.e his fighting prowess and Storm magick wasn't cutting it - BOOM - Werewolf form to either flee (very unlikely) or savage the unsuspecting bar patron that thought it would be funny to call him an ugly brute - and of course RP though the fall out of such a transformation however it would play out. As well as through pack RP; organised hunts, pack meetings, fights to decide who is alpha etc etc.
    The ideas in my mind, the excitement at the endless possibilities finally open to me in this MMO were euphoric. Until I got the form.

    After leveling at a fairly intense rate during Early Access, while still drinking in the world and the lore around me, I finally got to Bangkorai to begin my hunt for that elusive Werewolf bite. Of course initially that was an utter disaster as I was unaware of the moon phases, and how that affected the spawns. I spent a good three hours running around like a madman, naked (for I didn't fancy damaging my gear if I did find the wolves) and spinning around and around looking all different directions... For four days that continued, the pattern ended up being I'd sleep during ESO days and have alarms set for ESO nights to check for spawns. Then finally after four days of nothing there they were. Those glorious Wolf like humanoids. I rejoiced, as with hands trembling from excitement I charged into the fray, immediately taking several big hits and seeing a disease pop up on my buff bar. I hurried from the Wayshine into Evermore, accepted the quest and was on my way. - I wont spoil the quest here for those that may not have done it -

    Needless to say I was anxious to test my hard earned Werewolf form so I farmed a few packs, got the ultimate and was ready to rampage... I don't think I need to tell you how cripplingly disappointed I was.

    I wont go into what I think needs to change for the combat mechanics as I believe others here have covered that very well and the point of all the stuff above isn't about combat. Instead I will gear what I am about to suggest towards RP; pooling from several of my guild mates as we'd all have the desire to RP a werewolf.

    Make the form a toggle. Please, I beg of you!
    If any of you have any RP experience you'll know that it is often a very timely process, especially as there is no 'duel' function for those people that would rather settle in character disputes with actual combat, emote fights can sometimes take hours if the combatants are evenly matched. Meaning the meagre duration of the WW form currently leaves us woefully lacking in time to actually utilise our gift in character. Not to mention the idea of Pack meetings, hunts, setting up territories, patrolling those territories etc etc is simply impossible. Sure we -can- do it in our human forms but in my mind one of, if not the, most important factor within RP is immersion and lets face it if we can't be in our WW form while RPing as a WW - what's the point?

    Another big attraction of the WW form is the increased run speed; in Skyrim, playing as an RPer, I refused to fast travel, nor would I ride a horse because for the most part I think Orcs look ridiculous on horseback, so if I needed to get somewhere in a hurry - I'd take to four legs and begin the run, stopping now and then to kill and devour a deer/elf or unsuspecting hunter/lone human(oid) in order to maintain my form. Yet I'll never take on my WW form simply to move faster in ESO because the mechanics just simply don't allow it. If it was a toggle I'd be able to do so.

    "But indefinite Werewolf form would be overpowered!" I hear people cry: honestly with the state its in at the moment it would put us at a disadvantage. Utilising Atropos' The Reaver build I have so much sustain in my human form while in combat that most of the time the only way I will die is if I pull slightly too many mobs while in my single-target loadout and even then the chances are if it's under 8 I'll survive as long as I play safe. Heck while travelling though Reaper's March at vr4 I soloed ALL of the worldbosses without an issue. Had I been in my Werewolf form I doubt I'd manage that at all. However if you insist there MUST be a timer for Werewolf form, make it ONLY run down in combat This gives us RPers what we want, the ability to properly RP in our Lycanthropic forms without having to constantly go off and farm more Ultimate (which I might add - as we're often not in level appropriate zones for the sake of actually making sense - can be a very very difficult process) while maintaining a 'fairness'
    Such would also give us more usefulness in Cyrodil as we could properly act as scouting parties/Pack assault groups yet would be limited to the time we could spend in combat. It would -also- mean that devour would actually be worth doing as we'd not lose most of the time gained from devouring while devouring.

    Obviously I understand that RP isn't top priority but we pay our sub the same as anyone else and I think certain issues need to be addressed.
  • Sylinias
    Here's where a community of interest (COI) doesn't seem to 'get' the PvE portion of the game;

    1) If you're in form, you're tied to the skill lines that come with it. Being up *all* the time effectively creates a de facto race of Lycans. Also, WW is a *curse* from the rest of the world's perspective - I suspect standing around a tavern in form chatting with your RP buddies about yesterday's game really should end up with the town guard after your furry @$$. (Not to mention the Dark Brotherhood and The Fighters Guild and maybe an open bounty)

    2) Why would I want a timer to run out in combat and leave me vulnerable to attack at a critical time?
    Edited by Sylinias on May 15, 2014 12:29PM
  • Grao
    Just my two cents from another perspective.

    TL:DR Make Werewolf a toggle with a timer that only runs down in combat so us RPers can actually RP as Werewolves

    So far the best idea I've seen about how the werewolf transformation should work revolved around a toggle that consumes ultimate power the longer you stay in wolf form. It also included a weakness of sort or a flavor that if your ultimate reached a certain number (like 1000 or maybe even higher) you'd be forced to morph. The idea was, that as a curse, the werewolf has to be used from time to time, otherwise it would become compulsory.

    I'd add than to that, your idea. Make so you only lost ultimate charges while in combat. As an RPier that has played werewolves for many, many years, I know I'd be happy to have my wolf form last enough for me to type more then 5 words. >.>
    Edited by Grao on May 15, 2014 12:29PM
  • Sylinias
    Considering a WW can only roar and grunt, that's long enough. <sigh>
  • Grao
    Sylinias wrote: »
    Considering a WW can only roar and grunt, that's long enough. <sigh>

    That one... Clearly not a good RPer. I can type a 10 lines post without having my character say a single word >.> If you can't do that, or you have no clue how to RP or your domain of English language is as good as that of a dog ^^

  • Sylinias
    I thought the goal of RP was to *be* the character? If you're in form, you're limited to what that form can do - grunt, howl, and roar.
  • dodgehopper_ESO
    There a are a few things wrong with the with the werewolf regarding lore. I don't understand the poison weakness at all, its just not been there before. Additionally from a balance perspective I'm not entirely sure why there is a weakness to poison to begin with. The werewolf loses any and all advantage of his outside skills while in Werewolf form, and his human form does not benefit at all from being a Werewolf apart from a passive ultimate builder (which by the way takes some bit of trouble to even acquire).

    Feeding appears to be quite some trouble. I was under the understanding we're supposed to be able to feed on animals to start. This has never worked for my werewolf character. The synergy-type move just has never popped up.

    As to Bloodmoon and the Pack passives, I really hope they keep those. I disagree with a former poster on that. I would argue though that some kind of passive benefit should be available to the character at minimum to offset the strange and lore unfriendly poison weakness. I can't possibly be the only person who finds this weakness strange, particularly since my werewolf was awesome at destroying Falmer in Skyrim.

    Finally, I've been told the Block and Breakfree moves are not working for Werewolves. I've not had need to use it yet, but if this is true they really need to add those in, or the Werewolf will really be a useless skill line. It would be preposterous to argue that they are too strong in melee not to have holds work. They still work, and you'd still have to breakfree, just like any teleporting Sorc would have to do, only the Sorc actually has ranged powers.

    I have one other suggestion as well. They really should create a Vigilant of Stuhn/Stendarr skill line for this game that is mutually exclusive with playing a Hircine/Molag daedric class line like Vamp/Were. It should be something that offsets these two classes due to balance. I realize in some respects Fighters guild does this, except the FG is too integral to the storyline. A new guild would be a great way to offset the power creep, and make it more about character style choice.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • Ikata_Stormcloud
    Soul Shriven
    Sylinias wrote: »
    I thought the goal of RP was to *be* the character? If you're in form, you're limited to what that form can do - grunt, howl, and roar.
    Perhaps from a Communication point of view yes. Though from your post I will hazard a guess that you're not an RPer so what you are missing out of this assessment is the whole range of other things custom emotes let you do - from simply crossing your arms or say grinning, to a whole range of 'emote fights' where you and your opponent will exchange emotes describing attacks, blocks etc etc until you reach a logical end - generally with one person winning.

    There is also the whole range of non-verbal communication which if you know anything about pack behaviour in dogs/wolves makes up most of how they communicate rather than simply barks, growls, howls, whinnies, whines etc. Granted I imagine these would be altered in a werewolf as they retain some of their 'human' mind but for the sake of argument I'd say the point stands. Something as simple as ear and tail position can tell you a HUGE amount.
    Grao wrote: »
    I'd add than to that, your idea. Make so you only lost ultimate charges while in combat. As an RPier that has played werewolves for many, many years, I know I'd be happy to have my wolf form last enough for me to type more then 5 words. >.>

    Yes losing Ultimate based on combat/actions within combat would be a MUCH better idea than the timer. Similar to how the Sorc Ult Overload worked! I love it!
    Sylinias wrote: »
    Here's where a community of interest (COI) doesn't seem to 'get' the PvE portion of the game;

    1) If you're in form, you're tied to the skill lines that come with it. Being up *all* the time effectively creates a de facto race of Lycans. Also, WW is a *curse* from the rest of the world's perspective - I suspect standing around a tavern in form chatting with your RP buddies about yesterday's game really should end up with the town guard after your furry @$$. (Not to mention the Dark Brotherhood and The Fighters Guild and maybe an open bounty)

    2) Why would I want a timer to run out in combat and leave me vulnerable to attack at a critical time?
    Did I forget to mention that while being an RPer I was also an Endgame PvEer for most of my WoW career? Clearing most of BC, WotLK, Cata and MoP while it was current content?

    To address point 1 - I never said we shouldn't be locked into the skills of the WW line, infact I actually made the point of not really addressing combat as that wasn't what I set out to do. As far as the rest goes I'd probably not stand around with the rest of a Pack in a tavern in form or talking about WW things that would be asking for trouble. That said Vampires do stand around in taverns while in stage 1 and often go unnoticed it is only until they decide to attack someone and utilise their abilities in character that they are revealed, much akin to how transforming would reveal a WW. I'd simply like the option of being able to use the form inside an RP context which of course meant that if there were people RPing the town guard/DB that decided to come after me because of it - I would of course RP along with that - which I did mention about the consequences of the transformation.

    To address point 2 - what you've said is largely irrelevant since the timer can already run out in combat, it can and has done to me as I've pulled the second or third pack with only a little time remaining. Perhaps you misunderstood what I meant. What I meant by my suggestion was not that the time run out as soon as I entered combat but that only DURING combat would the timer count down - rather than beginning as soon as you enter the form as it does now. This would allow you to maintain the form outside of combat if you wish and it would mean that the bonus time from devour would actually be useful as it would in effect 'fill up' your timerbar. However as suggested above an ultimate consumption based on combat actions would be a better way of doing it.
    Edited by Ikata_Stormcloud on May 15, 2014 2:48PM
  • Arionic
    Let's not derail the thread trying to define someone's past or what the term RP means. Any Ultimate toggle would be ideal.

    It could cost a flat rate and use ultimate over time allowing your ultimate that you generate to keep you in the WW form.

    It cost 100 flat rate and grants an additional 1 second for every 10 ultimate generated.

    It could be toggled with no flat rate but the duration last for XX amount of seconds per point of ultimate you have at the time of transformation, allowing you to turn it off and on at will.

    You have 400 Ultimate upon transformation - that's a 40 second duration and your ultimate drains @ 10 per second (Similar to the sorc toggle). Turn it off with 200 ultimate left and you have 20 seconds. Gain 300 more ultimate and you have 50 seconds.

    Transformation could cost a flat rate and then use any additional ultimate to grant more time at a rate for 100 ult = 5 seconds. No toggle.

    Transformation cost 100. That's 30 sec. I have 300 ultimate total so...
    You have 200 extra. That adds 10 more seconds, totaling 40.
    With 1000 Ultimate to start you would have 900 extra leaving you with 45 extra seconds, totaling 1 minute and 15 seconds in werewolf.

    Throw in the ability to generate a little more time with skills... win.
    This along with the primal energy buff that I added would let people aim for an ideal length of use.
    Edited by Arionic on May 15, 2014 3:38PM
  • Ikata_Stormcloud
    Soul Shriven
    Only NONE of your suggestions are even remotely helpful from an RP perspective.
  • Eivar
    Only NONE of your suggestions are even remotely helpful from an RP perspective.

    I suppose that depends on your opinion, lore wise being a werewolf is a curse, and only marginally under your own control, so the whole "i wanna rp in werewolf form" is marginally valid, but being able to do more than shift into form and run off to hunt/kill isn't very lore friendly. So all such actions would be short term anyway.

  • Ikata_Stormcloud
    Soul Shriven
    Eivar wrote: »
    Only NONE of your suggestions are even remotely helpful from an RP perspective.

    I suppose that depends on your opinion, lore wise being a werewolf is a curse, and only marginally under your own control, so the whole "i wanna rp in werewolf form" is marginally valid, but being able to do more than shift into form and run off to hunt/kill isn't very lore friendly. So all such actions would be short term anyway.
    Granted ESO Lycanthropy has always had a short term effect, however as we know what could be a short term fight in game/reality terms often becomes a LOT longer in RP simply because in most cases you're having to emote each blow/block/counter/dodge etc one at a time. Meaning that what could in theory have taken a couple of seconds instead takes a couple of minutes - so on and so forth. Plus we've already seem LOTS of mobs within the games that are permanently Werewolves. Do we simply follow the 'game designers don't always respect the lore' argument that is thrown around all too often or will we perhaps open ourselves to the idea that there may be other possibilities?
  • Sylinias
    I confess I'm just not down with what is effectively an online 'furry'.
  • Arionic
    They could make PvE werewolf toggle except for in towns. They have unlimited werewolf near Hircines shrine. This could be extended to the entire world excluding pvp or town locations since people would flip out if a werewolf went running through a city.

    For pvp they give it a timer.
    Edited by Arionic on May 15, 2014 5:29PM
  • Shayu
    Edited by Shayu on May 15, 2014 7:55PM
  • Brittany_Joy
    Sylinias wrote: »
    I thought the goal of RP was to *be* the character? If you're in form, you're limited to what that form can do - grunt, howl, and roar.
    Perhaps from a Communication point of view yes. Though from your post I will hazard a guess that you're not an RPer so what you are missing out of this assessment is the whole range of other things custom emotes let you do - from simply crossing your arms or say grinning, to a whole range of 'emote fights' where you and your opponent will exchange emotes describing attacks, blocks etc etc until you reach a logical end - generally with one person winning.

    There is also the whole range of non-verbal communication which if you know anything about pack behaviour in dogs/wolves makes up most of how they communicate rather than simply barks, growls, howls, whinnies, whines etc. Granted I imagine these would be altered in a werewolf as they retain some of their 'human' mind but for the sake of argument I'd say the point stands. Something as simple as ear and tail position can tell you a HUGE amount.
    Grao wrote: »
    I'd add than to that, your idea. Make so you only lost ultimate charges while in combat. As an RPier that has played werewolves for many, many years, I know I'd be happy to have my wolf form last enough for me to type more then 5 words. >.>

    Yes losing Ultimate based on combat/actions within combat would be a MUCH better idea than the timer. Similar to how the Sorc Ult Overload worked! I love it!
    Sylinias wrote: »
    Here's where a community of interest (COI) doesn't seem to 'get' the PvE portion of the game;

    1) If you're in form, you're tied to the skill lines that come with it. Being up *all* the time effectively creates a de facto race of Lycans. Also, WW is a *curse* from the rest of the world's perspective - I suspect standing around a tavern in form chatting with your RP buddies about yesterday's game really should end up with the town guard after your furry @$$. (Not to mention the Dark Brotherhood and The Fighters Guild and maybe an open bounty)

    2) Why would I want a timer to run out in combat and leave me vulnerable to attack at a critical time?
    Did I forget to mention that while being an RPer I was also an Endgame PvEer for most of my WoW career? Clearing most of BC, WotLK, Cata and MoP while it was current content?

    To address point 1 - I never said we shouldn't be locked into the skills of the WW line, infact I actually made the point of not really addressing combat as that wasn't what I set out to do. As far as the rest goes I'd probably not stand around with the rest of a Pack in a tavern in form or talking about WW things that would be asking for trouble. That said Vampires do stand around in taverns while in stage 1 and often go unnoticed it is only until they decide to attack someone and utilise their abilities in character that they are revealed, much akin to how transforming would reveal a WW. I'd simply like the option of being able to use the form inside an RP context which of course meant that if there were people RPing the town guard/DB that decided to come after me because of it - I would of course RP along with that - which I did mention about the consequences of the transformation.

    To address point 2 - what you've said is largely irrelevant since the timer can already run out in combat, it can and has done to me as I've pulled the second or third pack with only a little time remaining. Perhaps you misunderstood what I meant. What I meant by my suggestion was not that the time run out as soon as I entered combat but that only DURING combat would the timer count down - rather than beginning as soon as you enter the form as it does now. This would allow you to maintain the form outside of combat if you wish and it would mean that the bonus time from devour would actually be useful as it would in effect 'fill up' your timerbar. However as suggested above an ultimate consumption based on combat actions would be a better way of doing it.

    Terrible ideas. Why would should there be a werewolf timer anyways? Feral druids from WoW do not have a timer on their animal forms.ZoS should take notes from WoW and make the werewolf transformation a toggle, so I can shapeshift at will and stay in form for as long as I want. Shapeshifting indefinitely is not OP because the damage boost from the werewolf form is about the same as any other build. They should build the werewolf transformation to be a shapeshift at will ability and balance it around that, just like the feral druid. I am tired of ultimate costs and timers for my werewolf transformation. I just want to be a werewolf all day, everyday.

    It makes no sense for a follower of Hircine to rarely be in werewolf form. Since I embrace the gift from Hircine I should be able to shapeshift at will and play as a werewolf for an unlimited time, it is fun that way. ZoS needs to take notes from the feral druid from WoW.
  • Shayu
    Sylinias wrote: »
    I confess I'm just not down with what is effectively an online 'furry'.

    Something wrong with furries?
  • Sylinias
    Shayu wrote: »
    Sylinias wrote: »
    I confess I'm just not down with what is effectively an online 'furry'.

    Something wrong with furries?


  • Shayu
    Sylinias wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    Sylinias wrote: »
    I confess I'm just not down with what is effectively an online 'furry'.

    Something wrong with furries?


    Just asked you a question bro. If you're going troll, I'm going to have a hard time taking your points made on the subject of werewolves seriously.
  • PurpleFox
    Shayu wrote: »
    Sylinias wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    Sylinias wrote: »
    I confess I'm just not down with what is effectively an online 'furry'.

    Something wrong with furries?


    Just asked you a question bro. If you're going troll, I'm going to have a hard time taking your points made on the subject of werewolves seriously.

    Can you both calm down and not embarass yourselves? Lets give "Furries" to the cats and be done with it shall we? This a topic on the ferial beasts of the wild hunt not a topic that will eventually start a flame war...thats what i always does. So.. calm thy ***.
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Shayu
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    Sylinias wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    Sylinias wrote: »
    I confess I'm just not down with what is effectively an online 'furry'.

    Something wrong with furries?


    Just asked you a question bro. If you're going troll, I'm going to have a hard time taking your points made on the subject of werewolves seriously.

    Can you both calm down and not embarass yourselves? Lets give "Furries" to the cats and be done with it shall we? This a topic on the ferial beasts of the wild hunt not a topic that will eventually start a flame war...thats what i always does. So.. calm thy ***.

    I am calm, and it doesn't really matter to me who is embarrassed. I just think it's silly that we're pointing fingers at the furry demographic now. Feral as werewolves may be they are still anthropomorphic beasts, lol. I'm not going to start a flame war over this, but really? it's silly to shoot someone's idea down because it reminds you of a demographic of people you don't like.
  • PurpleFox
    Shayu wrote: »
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    Sylinias wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    Sylinias wrote: »
    I confess I'm just not down with what is effectively an online 'furry'.

    Something wrong with furries?


    Just asked you a question bro. If you're going troll, I'm going to have a hard time taking your points made on the subject of werewolves seriously.

    Can you both calm down and not embarass yourselves? Lets give "Furries" to the cats and be done with it shall we? This a topic on the ferial beasts of the wild hunt not a topic that will eventually start a flame war...thats what i always does. So.. calm thy ***.

    I am calm, and it doesn't really matter to me who is embarrassed. I just think it's silly that we're pointing fingers at the furry demographic now. Feral as werewolves may be they are still anthropomorphic beasts, lol. I'm not going to start a flame war over this, but really? it's silly to shoot someone's idea down because it reminds you of a demographic of people you don't like.

    Agreed, it's not nice to shoot people down, I'm just trying to be the good guy and keep the peace is all :)
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Shayu
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    Sylinias wrote: »
    Shayu wrote: »
    Sylinias wrote: »
    I confess I'm just not down with what is effectively an online 'furry'.

    Something wrong with furries?


    Just asked you a question bro. If you're going troll, I'm going to have a hard time taking your points made on the subject of werewolves seriously.

    Can you both calm down and not embarass yourselves? Lets give "Furries" to the cats and be done with it shall we? This a topic on the ferial beasts of the wild hunt not a topic that will eventually start a flame war...thats what i always does. So.. calm thy ***.

    I am calm, and it doesn't really matter to me who is embarrassed. I just think it's silly that we're pointing fingers at the furry demographic now. Feral as werewolves may be they are still anthropomorphic beasts, lol. I'm not going to start a flame war over this, but really? it's silly to shoot someone's idea down because it reminds you of a demographic of people you don't like.

    Agreed, it's not nice to shoot people down, I'm just trying to be the good guy and keep the peace is all :)

    But of course, I wouldn't start a flame war over this. It's silly, and it's not going to fix anything either. Besides we need to keep this thread open for Zenimax to see right? I just wanted express that I'm opposed to that sort of prejudice train of thought.
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