Vigrod Wraithbane still bugged - when will this be finally fixed? (EU Server)

I am checking in now every day on that guy and he is still bugged. You cannot talk to him!

It's not the only quest that is broken.
It is always the thing with the spawning or being able to talk to an NPC. Those things break on a constant base and then it takes forever until someone fixes that.

Well, at least the customer support escalated it. Though I dunno if that really helps.
But nothing happened so far.
  • briznuk
    same bug here, please fix it !
  • Daxx
    Soul Shriven
    The only way you can talk to him at the moment is to be the only person in that location. I managed to speak to him Sunday morning, but only because I had to be up at 5am for another reason and decided to quickly check before I left the house. And I did indeed find that if there are no other people around you can talk to him and continue the quest.

    This is by no means a solution, or acceptable in any way, but if you happen to be online at a rather unsociable hour, I suggest you quickly run on over to him while you can.
  • Rhian-Skybladeb16_ESO
    Thanks for that hint :)
  • gurgnir
    Still bugged. Tried logging in at weird hours. Tried running away and back again. Tried relogging. Tried reloadui. Nothing. Works.
  • Desdemonte
    I had this problem with him up at the entry to the companion hall. I will tell you what I did before it bugged and what I did to fix it:

    When I first picked up the quest in the village, I told him I would meet him at the location. I went and did some other local quests then went up to find him. He wanted me to gather some people and I had a persuade (or intim?) option so I used it. I went and gathered my 1 remaining guy and went to talk to him in front of the hall. He was non-interactable. There were a couple other people around but I'm sure there was at least a minute or so I was by myself, so who knows....

    I then abandoned the quest. He had a black triangle above his head, but I still couldn't talk to him, so I left and did some other quests.

    I happened to be back in the village turning in another quest and I noticed he was back down there. I was able to talk to him, so I took the quest again. This time I selected to follow him. I ran along with him and got to the top of the path and this time I did not select the shortcut option. I went and got all 3 of the guys. When I went to talk to him at the entrance to the hall, I was able to, and could complete the quest. I did not notice if there was someone else standing near him at the time though.

    Hope this helps as a work- around until they get it fixed.
    Edited by Desdemonte on April 30, 2014 3:34PM
  • Rhian-Skybladeb16_ESO
    Tried the same, but for me it never worked :-/
    I guess at some point he simply breaks and one has simply to be lucky to catch him before he is broken
  • tRaB
    Cannot speak with him pls fix that
  • MaxOfLondon
    Soul Shriven
    Similar here XB1 - Vigrod not appearing
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