This is one of the most annoying bugs for me in this game, compared to the PvE bugs.
You plop down a siege weapon, you line the shot up and you fire. You see the AOE circle line up and you have a good number of people within that circle and then BOOM ... not a single person takes any damage.
This repeated itself with boiling oil. If you spam the click button to throw the oil over the side, guess what ... it won't affect anyone!
These bugs are becoming so annoying that I really don't understand how we have not received a public apology from Zenimax Online (Apart everything that has been going wrong since the beta/early access/release).
Robert A. Altman (CEO of Zenimax Online), should pull his thumb out his butt and get the ball rolling on this ... but I doubt we'll ever see that happen, considering how things have been going thus far.
/rant over
Edited by Doowie on April 27, 2014 12:08PM [Name]: Doowie Doucheolas
[Level]: Veteran Rank 5 / [PvP Rank]: Veteran
[Class]: NightBlade / [Race]: Woodelf
[Server]: EU Megaserver / [Faction]: Ebonheart Pact
[Skills]: Medium Armour / Bow / Dual Wield / Werewolf / Clothing
"The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done."