I went to Cyrodil (EU Bloodthorn Covenant) to hunt for a few Skyshards... and saw a shout out for a raid. So I volunteered and promptly joined a large group.
The moment I joined the group, I found myself unable to do ANYTHING except move around. I couldn't dismount, couldn't use weapons, couldn't use skills, I couldn't even use ingame chat. I couldn't even log out.
If I wait long enough, the game boots me and says "An Error has occurred." Of course when I log back in, I am still in that group and still unable to do anything, so I am totally stuck.
Is this a known bug? Am I missing something obvious?? Some help would be much appreciated.
Edit: AGAIN!
Ok so this time I wasn't even in a group. I just decided to reinforce a fort under attack and followed a stream of allies towards the fort. As soon as I got near the gate, the game froze and I got the error message.
When I try to log back in, the game keeps trying to load up in Cyrodil, but then not getting past the loading screen.
I waited an hour and came back... same problem.
SURELY playing in Cyrodil should not mean I risk losing hours of play time each time I see a loading screen!
Edited by Heindrich on April 27, 2014 6:11PM