Yeah so if you're not an Elder scroll specialist, where screwing up dont count since u can redo any toon as u wish with the loads of editors out there and test all the possibility u wish
the shrine to respec if your in AD is quite easy to get to. i was able to get there at level 10 just ask a guild member to go to where it is and travel to them. As far as play as you wish this game does offer more freedom then most, but it is no where near as free as a typicle TES game. Mainly due to the fact it would be almost impossible to balance for pvp.You can play the way you want, is what they say.
But don't make a mistake too early or you will be screwed for a long time since the ONLY respec possible is at a shrine you cant access until later. And not only its far and not accessible for a long time but it will cost gold. And since its far away and u will be of higher level when u reach it, it will cost more gold.
The info you give is minimal so I take a risk each time I spent a skill point. But if it is a flop, I cant take it back and put it elsewhere. So why the hell do you penalize me even further by making me live with that useless skill I am stuck with for many more levels and even charge me to respec afterwards.
You know its a new game with not much information on its basic mechanic can be found, I checked your online guide, all lore related info. Nothing substantial on what does what, skill wise for any class.
So why the hell don't you offer an easy way to correct mistakes that will be inevitable.
LadyInTheWater wrote: »Yeah, I haven't seen much of a problem. From what I can gather, there are a lot of available skill points. I did a forum search, and I think it was in the ballpark of 300+ (I think 350 was the number I found, I can't quite remember). Someone else had mentioned that there are enough skill points to cap all the crafting, all the class skills, 2 or 3 weapon trees (I can't remember exactly), all the fighters guild, all the mages guild, and 1 of the monster skills (werewolf or vampire). Something like that.
It certainly seems like quite a few.
I've put points into things that I don't much care about, but it doesn't bother me much. I know there will be more skill points later, and I'm not expecting to max out something by level 10.
I also find myself reading a lot of the tooltips for a lot of the abilities, checking the range, magicka/stamina cost, etc. since I like to have a basic idea of what I'm looking forward to building up in the future.
If you're a min/max type of player, though, I can imagine it would be a bit frustrating. But, I guess that still falls into the category of "play as you wish". If you wish to be a min/max player, I'd suggest checking the skill forums, and reading up on some of the builds that players are using, so you can plan ahead for your skill points.
Lanatireb17_ESO wrote: »
There is just one flaw in your logic. What if you encounter a boss early on that you cant defeat with a certain skillset? for example: playing a nightblade and not having the syphon tree skilled makes it impossible to defeat at least three boss mobs of the main and guild quest line. I HAD to respec, otherwise i would have had to level ahead of all my main and guildquest. And i spent more than 15k on it.
Lanatireb17_ESO wrote: »Yeah. Right. So im supposed to level 5 to 15 levels ahead to be able to tackle a quest i couldnt tackle at the correct level because the skillset made it impossible. If THAT is play how you want works...then it is pretty flawed
Lanatireb17_ESO wrote: »Well, when i was level 42 having collected all the skyshards that were available to me (even using an addon showing me where they are), and running into mannimarco without having the syphon skilltree i HAD to reskill, because as every nightblade can tell you, this fight is not possible without the syphoning skilltree. And its not just one skill. you need a skill, its update, and at least 4 passives. that means, considering i collected all the available skyshards, i would have had to make at least 6 levels to be able to do so. And unless you DO play a Nightblade and have been in that situation, i doubt that you can judge it, and neither can you, mutherf...arex
Lanatireb17_ESO wrote: »Oh, really? Well, then show me any Nightblade that can defeat Mannimarco without any syphon skill.
Lanatireb17_ESO wrote: »And there we go again: Play as you want (as long as you put a selfheal in your bar). DONT play a pure thief or assassin.
Lanatireb17_ESO wrote: »And there we go again: Play as you want (as long as you put a selfheal in your bar). DONT play a pure thief or assassin.
Lanatireb17_ESO wrote: »And there we go again: Play as you want (as long as you put a selfheal in your bar). DONT play a pure thief or assassin.