Do lightning form and bound armor stack?

Simple question for anyone with access to both skills... do the armor buffs from the sorcerer skills lightning form and bound armor stack or do they cancel each other out? thank you!
Co-leader of Purple
Astra Solari - VR14 Sorcerer - Boethiah's Scythe
  • Xithian
    I have yet to see any buffs cancel each other out. The softcap makes stacking one stat to ridiculous levels impossible, eliminating the need to handle buffs that way.

    I have a nightblade passive that gives me +1750 armor and spell resist for 4 seconds after leaving stealth. My armor softcaps out at about +400 from my normal. It's not that the buff doesn't stack with my other armor increases, it's just that you get less the closer you get to the cap.
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