Also send it per ingame ticket, but u wanted to hear a few more opinions.
So...the Bank.
As a Crafter and Collector i have to say...its bad.
Dont get me wrong, its great that you can craft with materials in the bank...
but let me explain why i think it is bad the way it currently is.
The price to increase the bank by just 10 slots is ridiculous
20500 to upgrade from 100 to 110...thats too much, way too much.
There are so many collectables, Costumes, Trophys...
I have 18 Costumes and 18 Trophys in it, so 36 slots alone for "trash".
The rest is filled with gems and other crafting materials.
The problem is...there is not enough space for crafters.
Currently i can store just one tier per material.
Suggestions, Requests:
A new "Bank-type" just for Customes and Trophys, so that we wont have to store them in the same bank where our materials are.
Increased Stack-Size (maybe upgradeable), or even unlimited stacksize, so just one slot per material (there are enough types), so that we can store other items in the bank and not jsut materials.
Currently i have 6 Stacks Voidstone, Nightwood in it. The rest of my material is now in my guild-bank.
Reduced Prices:
I mean...seriously, if it stays the way it is now...its a pain for us crafters.
There are so many materials to store, and its hard to afford the slots. So eiter reduce the prices or increase the amount os slots to buy.
With our current system it makes more sense to create Mule-Twinks than to store unused material in your bank.