disciplinary action

Ok so i am not discussing disciplinary action that has happened but i have a couple things i wanted to highlight. So please zos staff dont just close down this thread without reading.

Firstly I have never had any action taken against me or any in game warnings ;p
But i have seen threads all around about random action.

Some one had a name change (although there name seemed fine). The fact is no info was given as to y said name was against tos.

Also I feel that zos terms of services (forum) really restrict what we can talk about. It seriously feels like im living in 1984 and big brother is watching.

I feel zos should always give concise info as to why a warning is given ie your name was in LOTR (although by the amount of GOT toons i see im guessing copyright isnt a reason to force a name change.

And I also feel the tos are too restrictive on the forums. It sometimes feels as if the close down button is used by people with itchy fingers.

Just my thoughts. Srry im rambling ;p;p just curious if anyone agrees.
  • jaytin44
    I totally agree with you, if a name is changed without being told why then there is always the possibility of making the same mistake again.
    Communication is a good thing, but seems to be very sadly lacking around here.
    I realise they need to do their job, but they seem to be going about it in a very heavy-handed and in some cases over-zealous and unfair way.
    If they would just give a little explanation then people would not get so irate and feel so frustrated.
    In the past half hour I have seen Drizzt, Legolas and Ned Kelly but I guess they haven't got around to those yet...
  • stefaan.de.wasch1b16_ESO
    Well... Big Brother is actualy watching, and that's a good thing.... But, unlike in Orwell, here we know he will be and we have the option of accepting it or to not join a the game...

    Just saying man...
    Edited by stefaan.de.wasch1b16_ESO on April 25, 2014 11:28AM
    The statement "if you put enough monkeys behind enough typewriters... sooner or later one will produce the works of Shakespeare" has sadly been proven utterly wrong by the internet...
  • YourNameHere
    That is why you take your time and read the Rules of the Forums, the EULAS,a nd ToS.

    You can't agree to it to play the game, then complain about it afterwards. If you don't like it, that's why you decline it and don't play.

    The forums are theirs. They can do what they want. EQ2 forums are the same way. You can always do what EQ2Flames did (A group of people tired of being censored by SoE) and made their own private forums people can go to and write about whatever they want.

    Copyright/Trademark IS a reason to change a name. But I find MMOs don't have a policing code at name creation. It is up to the players to police it in game. You see a name you don't like? Report it but be precise why you don't like it. After that, it is up to Zenimax to leave it or change it.

    I do agree that a reason should always be sent, via PM or e-mail, on why you get a warning, or a post change, or something wrong with your name. I'm a person who wants to know why if something I did or do is a problem to a company.

    And yes, big brother is ALWAYS watching. Keep that nose clean!
    NA Megaserver / RPer
    Alinyssa Gaethar - AD || Raahni-do - AD || Wind-In-Tree's-Shadow - DC
  • Aenra
    i too agree..in fact am all up for some quality disciplinary action indeed. I'd say preferably a brunette, though heavens forbid i refuse any other type really, not one to be that picky;

    But on topic, emphatically 'no'
    Disciplinary action is when the ban hammer hits so hard we get to consider even posting a joke. Disciplinary action is when people making 50 million of gold from the bank exploit get their accounts nuked (see: permanently) rather than allowed to keep playing and make bragging posts in mmorpg.com. Disciplinary action is when a couple of unmerited bans go to people posting valid concerns just to so to mute all the others from doing the same.

    I see none of that here. On the contrary, i see too few GMS needed in too many issues.

    And speaking of issues, that is where the problem lies. Further up the ladder
    Pride, honour and purity
  • Kyosji
    Banning copyrighted names in games makes little sense to me, as some of the time it can be their legal name to begin with. I know a few people who have 'copyrighted' names. Went to school with a kid named Legolas, one of my friends is actually named Bruce Wayne. Crappy thing is, if they wanted to put their legal name given to them at birth as their player name, they are treated like they stole it, lol. It's like banning the use of the name Jesus because of wanting to keep religion out of the game, but it's also a very common name in some countries.
  • stefaan.de.wasch1b16_ESO
    Copyright laws are indeed going over the top but as the Romans put it : Dura lex, sed lex... The law may be harsh, but it is the law....

    Hell, you can't even sing Happy Birthday To You anymore cause some company bought the copyright to it.

    You can't change that in a game man...
    The statement "if you put enough monkeys behind enough typewriters... sooner or later one will produce the works of Shakespeare" has sadly been proven utterly wrong by the internet...
  • AlexDougherty
    Copyright laws are indeed going over the top but as the Romans put it : Dura lex, sed lex... The law may be harsh, but it is the law....

    Hell, you can't even sing Happy Birthday To You anymore cause some company bought the copyright to it.
    That company always owned the "Happy Birthday Song", seriously they bought just after it was written.

    The problem with copyright law is that they copyright things that can't legally be copyrighted. For example this Easter a shop refused to sell a child an egg with his name on (a product they sell every Easter) because his name was Rooney, and Wayne Rooney has copyrighted his name. Now even a law student could tell you names can't be copyrighted, because there could quite easily be another person with the same name, who has all the same legal rights to that name, even if he was named later.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • MerlinTheHappyPig
    You cant copyright a name...
  • Vlas
    You cant copyright a name...

    Yeah... you can.

    It can also be Trademarked.
    Edited by Vlas on April 25, 2014 12:30PM
  • Noswell
    EQ2 forums are the same way. You can always do what EQ2Flames did (A group of people tired of being censored by SoE) and made their own private forums people can go to and write about whatever they want

    That was a great forum back in the day. Remember how it became the go-to place to find hard information on classes and mechanics? Amazing how a forum with pretty much total free speech managed to do what the official forum couldn't.

    From what I remember most of the really good players that posted great info there did it because they wanted to be able to defend their point of view without worrying about the report heroes and banhammers. Maybe a lesson to be learned there.
  • Thechemicals
    Vlas wrote: »

    Yeah... you can.

    It can also be Trademarked.

    Yeah like the swamp-thing and man-thing lawsuit between marvel and dc.

    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
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    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Blu3d0gd3m0cr8ts
    You say youre not discussing disciplinary actions, but then you go on to discussing disciplinary actions. Flagged.
  • Noswell
    You say youre not discussing disciplinary actions, but then you go on to discussing disciplinary actions. Flagged.

  • Lox
    The perceived problems on the forum are not a problem with the TOS, the majority of the things in ESO forum TOS are the same as any other forum. The only real difference is that they are, currently, more actively enforced here than on many other boards.

    So, the reality is, that you are commenting / criticising / complaining about the forums admins actually doing their job, in line with the defined TOS that we have all agreed to!
  • ZOS_HugoP
    Greetings folks,

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    The terms and the application of that Code of Conduct is at the sole discretion of Zenimax Online Studios as stated in our Terms of Use and in the Code of Conduct:
    Enforcement and application of the ESO Community Code of Conduct will be at the sole discretion of ZeniMax Online Studios, and authorized members of the ESO Team. Material that is deemed offensive, illegal, or inappropriate in any way will be removed at the sole discretion of ZeniMax Online Studios.

    If you have any concerns or questions regarding our Code of Conduct, please contact our Customer Support team.

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