Ok so i am not discussing disciplinary action that has happened but i have a couple things i wanted to highlight. So please zos staff dont just close down this thread without reading.
Firstly I have never had any action taken against me or any in game warnings ;p
But i have seen threads all around about random action.
Some one had a name change (although there name seemed fine). The fact is no info was given as to y said name was against tos.
Also I feel that zos terms of services (forum) really restrict what we can talk about. It seriously feels like im living in 1984 and big brother is watching.
I feel zos should always give concise info as to why a warning is given ie your name was in LOTR (although by the amount of GOT toons i see im guessing copyright isnt a reason to force a name change.
And I also feel the tos are too restrictive on the forums. It sometimes feels as if the close down button is used by people with itchy fingers.
Just my thoughts. Srry im rambling ;p;p just curious if anyone agrees.