I personally think that public dungeons should be changed into instances you can enter solo or with a party only, and when you kill something, that it won't respawn until you at least went outside. And if you enter it with 4 people make the mobs a bit harder to kill.
As they work now public dungeons are being exploited way too much, and it is only ruining gameplay for most people. The monsters inside are just no challenge anymore, the timer solution for bosses to get rid of some bots is annoying when I'm finally at the end of a public dungeon and have to wait 5 minutes to have a chance to kill the boss if I am fast enough. There is nothing atmospheric about them and it's taking away the RPG value.
I play the game mostly solo and some of you might say why the heck do you even play an MMO or go back to Skyrim, but you must at least agree with me that public dungeon just lacks gameplay and just become easy grinding spots. And I want a game that has a challenge, not an easy game like this has become now, even in WoW it's harder to grind.
The rest of the game is ok, I love the quests, graphics are good, bit too many bugs in the quest for my taste, but the public dungeons is probably the reason I will choose to stop my subscription until this changes.