Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Suggestions for the Devs (Serious only please)

Across every game ever that has had more than a handful of other players, there has been problems with people abusing the built-in systems for their own ends. Be it gold-sellers, spammers, trolls/griefers/knucklheads and cheater/exploiters. There's a special circle of Hell reserved for them all.

But there's plenty of lessons and tricks of the trade to be learned and possibly even instituted that can at the very least alleviate if not outright stem the tide of these blights.

For instance, in regards to the bot and gold spam problems - the institution of more restrictive naming conventions could at the very least reduce the influx of bots named dakjfla and even wholey inappropriate player names like stompsyermom or UterusRomper.

Examples of said restrictions - names must start with a capitol letter and not include material that's just poor form.

IE: Names like adflaj are a No-Go and automatically temporarily-banned from the game pending a response from the actual player to a ZoS Customer Service Representative.

Names like Spurmslinger, Vagpillager and other such examples of completely inappropriate sexual monikers are likewise dealt with. While leaving names like Sven the Bloodbather or Dances-In-Entrails, would be left alone as they focus more on the gore inherent in a combat oriented game rather than focusing on their downstairs and what not.

This game is classified as an MMORPG - and the RPG's of old had naming restrictions that would make names akin to the aforementioned absolutely impossible at character creation.

This would at the very least, wipe bots from existence within the game for a few hours. And force player with unnecessarily offensive names to rename their toons.

I enjoy a dirty joke and silly names as much as any other guy, but they have their place and ESO is not it. Seeing names like that in Call of Duty, or some other First Person Shooter or wholely PvP oriented game - sure, knock yourself out.

There's more than likely some kind of program that whips through the character creation system and spits out randomly generated characters with nonsensical names. Instituting an intelligent naming restriction would at least by the Power's That Be, some much needed time to put up needed roadblocks.

Another suggestion, as someone in another post already stated, is bestowing a handful of players with limited powers to combat exploiters, spammers and bots.

Now I'm not talking about giving a portion of the playerbase instaban powers but rather making it so any tickets or reports they post - automatically go to the top of the list and places the problem right infront of actual ZoS employees with the power to affect change.

Someone mentioned they could temporarily silence gold spammers or spammers in general - by instituting a post per minute requirement that would the empowered player to make it so the offending player was unable to post in /zone or /guild or what have you for X minutes. Giving the player a jolt to the system enough to realize and think to themselves "Huh, maybe I shouldn't be behaving like that" and effectively silencing program-governed spam bots and gold sellers.

Of course the bot farmers and gold hawkers can find a way around this but it's an effective bandage while their limiting their access to the game as a whole is in worked upon.

Now restriction would then have to be imposed upon the empowered playerbase, discouraging abuse of the given power. Imposing a 2 strike system would work - Strike 1 = Warning Strike 2 = ban proceedings enacted.

What else would you guys suggest be done?

Mind you this thread isn't just for the bot/spammer/exploiter problems, if you have a (serious) suggestion that could make the game better as a whole, put it up.

IE: Adjusting the armors in game so they don't look like they're painted onto the character's bodies.

Aaaaaaaand go.
Edited by WraithAzraiel on April 24, 2014 11:23PM
Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

Captain of the Black Howling

"There's no such thing as overkill..."

"No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • WraithAzraiel
    Nothing? at all? Come on, I know bunches of you have ridiculously good ideas on how to make things better - put them here!
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • starkerealm
    Don't bump your own threads for attention?

    Look, you can already report people for names that are sexual inuendo.
  • Blu3d0gd3m0cr8ts
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with this game in any sense. Even the gold farmers add to the environment and give a realistic touch ! I think you might wont to take a good look within your self and ask if you aren't projecting your own character flaws onto others. The customer service in this game is by far the best hands down i have ever seen.
  • RunAway
    tl;dr - Fix the game. ;)
  • CrimsonThomas

    Want a good, fair, gameplay adjustment that would make Gold seller's businesses significantly less profitable and viable?

    Make the in-game content more player-friendly. If you're only getting 1-2 gold pieces per kill, and a horse (non-Imperial Edition) costs 17,000, or 42,000 for one that's worth anything, there is a problem here. The focus, certainly, is not on the players, but selling Imperial Edition packages. Gold sellers see this and act accordingly. Make their business pointless by allowing players to acquire gold in a reasonable amount of time, or lower the price of horses.

    Have some real confidence in your product, and earn some goodwill from your customers. Let the die-hard fans be the ones who purchase the Imperial Edition, not just because they feel like it's the only reasonable option because you've price-gouged players for horses and other in-game items.
    Edited by CrimsonThomas on April 24, 2014 11:21PM
  • WraithAzraiel
    Look, you can already report people for names that are sexual innuendo.

    Yep and I bet it gets lost in the same pile the reports for bots, exploiters, and other shenanigans get lost in.

    I'm just trying to offer an outlet for constructive ideas, unless you know of some super secret squirrel suggestion box out there (if you do, please share)
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • Arbi
    My 5 biggest issues (personally) right now with this game is

    1. The gold spammers annoy the crap out of me. I hope they all get banned.
    2. Falling through the World at least once every day - usually a couple of times per day. This is both annoying and expensive (repair cost is getting ridiculously high).
    3. Broken quests that can not be completed.
    4. Broken skills that do not work according to their tooltips.
    5. Stupid player names, including all the umpteenth-ish different versions of Aragorn and Gandalf that I have already encountered. Not sure if this one should be corrected by officials but c'mon people, how hard is it to come up with something original that you thought out yourself instead of copying Tolkien (or other) lore?

    If the first 4 issues get fixed I would be a very happy camper. To not have to meet another "Argaorn", "Gaandalf" or "Spacemuffin Atemyshorts" ever again would be a bonus.
    Edited by Arbi on May 3, 2014 4:46AM
  • Arbi
    so after a few months I can see that;

    1-3 has improved to the better. *yay!*
    4 has improved a Little but still some skills are bugged.
    5 ... I guess it is what it is and will not change.
  • skitzconfusiousb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    want to get rid of gold spammers? do what eve online did and create an in game item that you can buy for real cash and resell in game for gold or add 30 days game time...
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