They should add a Van Helsing questline that gives us Vampire and Werewolf hunters some added abilities to deal with them abominations ...
I still see more "normies" than vamps(at least on Wabbajack).
However, I didn't see the current rise in the vamp population until after most of the Werewolf players realized how bad it is. Then most of them switched over to being a vamp.
Vampires and Werewolves have always been popular regardless of which movie, game, or etc they may be in. Unless you make these lines completely useless(see: Werewolf), you will not see a major decline in popularity.
Brittany_Joy wrote: »Well vampires have a passive that decreases damage taken when they drop below a certain hp percentage, basically a lifeline. The mist form is powerful too because it is bugged and actually makes your character untargetable and increases movement speed when it is just supposed to decreases damage taken and make you immune to heals. See, vampires have more valuable lifelines than werewolves.
JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO wrote: »
Bat swam cost 80 ultimate, elusive mist is the same argument as bolt escape.
Also the feeding is fine if you don't feed you get cheaper vampire abilities but -75% hp regain
JoseDelgadoCub17_ESO wrote: »
On the emperor who is one person out of thousands. Please stop
Also Dragon set makes 80 then 20% cheaper makes 68
5% bonus from emperor buff makes 61
20% from ritual mundus stone makes 49
There is your math 49 ultimate
blackwolf7 wrote: »Such crybabies deserve to choose a more simplier game than eso. It is very easy to deal with vampires even if they are spammjng ult / mistform if you know what you are doing. You are just being outplayed by these guilds of vamp nothing more.