When the entire server goes vamp...


… you begin to suspect there is a problem.

I am enjoying using my fighter’s guild against vamps plenty, but it’s clear that something is out of whack when the entirety of the best pvp guilds are going vampire.

I’m going to take a crazy guess that all those vet vamps have weighed the pros and cons, and decided that the pros outweigh any fighter’s guild or fire based magic challenges.

On one level, so what. Everyone could be a vamp. But it feels somewhat un-thematic when vamp becomes completely dominant.

What’s going on here? How can this be countered?
  • SirAndy
    They should add a Van Helsing questline that gives us Vampire and Werewolf hunters some added abilities to deal with them abominations ...
  • Eris
    I've heard about the vampire and werewolf stuff, but I've not actually seen it in game yet, just made 23 this morning. However, I'm sure that if things get too weighted towards one of them that something will likely be introduced to deal with it. Perhaps a simple modification that vampires cannot use fire resist equipment/potions would help. I seem to recall people selling fire resist potions and mentioning that vampires need them.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Mishoniko
    SirAndy wrote: »
    They should add a Van Helsing questline that gives us Vampire and Werewolf hunters some added abilities to deal with them abominations ...

    And we'll call it... The Fighter's Guild!
  • Sihnfahl
    Well, if the vamps get beyond stage 2, they're recognizable to NPCs, who then refuse to do business with them... ever again.

    "Oh, the bloodsucker's back!"
  • Tendeep
    Problem is currently OP in PvP SPAM skills, ultimate, etc

    Oh yeah, and as a side note, when the entire population goes Vamp, you know that Werewolf sucks it hard... and it does :-(
  • malais
    A few have seen the broken mist form ultimate combo and just have to get some of that.

    Once that gets fixed the bandwagon will swing. My case I have a theory crafted build that requires the passives from the vamp tree.

    To compensate I have to stack resist fire resist and health regen along with I believe the vampires kiss set to counter the negatives. So it isn't a build most casual people would be willing to use.
  • Klimarov
    mist form is not OP and the Ultimate no longer heals you while in mist form. asides from that neither of them are spammable. So relax and look for some one else to hit with a nerf stick. WW though can clearly use a buff stick.
  • Anilahation
    Maybe idk people went vampire in past TES games so they do it in ESO. .. just a thought
  • SirAndy
    Mishoniko wrote: »
    And we'll call it... The Fighter's Guild!
    Except, the fighters guild skill-line is pretty much useless against PvP vampires and werewolfes, even when maxed out.

    Hence me asking for something more powerful. Get it?
  • Ker.Rakb16_ESO
    SirAndy wrote: »
    Except, the fighters guild skill-line is pretty much useless against PvP vampires and werewolfes, even when maxed out.;-)

    Go tell somebody with a stamina burst build that Silver Shards is useless in PvP. Their reaction may... surprise you.
  • SirAndy
    Go tell somebody with a stamina burst build that Silver Shards is useless in PvP. Their reaction may... surprise you.
    Nope, it wouldn't, since i have done the same. Every once in a while you get lucky with a critical but that's about it.
    And if the vampire you're fighting knows how to play, even that can be countered.

    Been there, done that, have the (vampire) emperor trophy's on my belt to prove it ...
  • Brittany_Joy
    Well vampires have a passive that decreases damage taken when they drop below a certain hp percentage, basically a lifeline. The mist form is powerful too because it is bugged and actually makes your character untargetable and increases movement speed when it is just supposed to decreases damage taken and make you immune to heals. See, vampires have more valuable lifelines than werewolves.
  • ArgonianAssassin
    Eris wrote: »
    I've heard about the vampire and werewolf stuff, but I've not actually seen it in game yet, just made 23 this morning. However, I'm sure that if things get too weighted towards one of them that something will likely be introduced to deal with it. Perhaps a simple modification that vampires cannot use fire resist equipment/potions would help. I seem to recall people selling fire resist potions and mentioning that vampires need them.
    So we get to take 50% more fire damage AND have no way to counter it? Cool, way to make vampires completely and utterly useless with once sentence.

    "It is okay to fear the night, even the bravest warriors are filled with fright, at the sight of the might of Sithis' fang, let the blood be washed away by the rain, let the stains forever remain, another life taken in Sithis' name, another soul for the void. All hail our Dread Father and his consort, the Night Mother." -Stalks-His-Prey
  • ArgonianAssassin
    Tendeep wrote: »
    Problem is currently OP in PvP SPAM skills, ultimate, etc

    Oh yeah, and as a side note, when the entire population goes Vamp, you know that Werewolf sucks it hard... and it does :-(
    We have ONE skill that can be spammed, and it takes 2 skill points to just to make it do damage, we're unable to to fight back and we still take damage while in mist form, the only thing it's good for is running away and unliving to fight another day.

    "It is okay to fear the night, even the bravest warriors are filled with fright, at the sight of the might of Sithis' fang, let the blood be washed away by the rain, let the stains forever remain, another life taken in Sithis' name, another soul for the void. All hail our Dread Father and his consort, the Night Mother." -Stalks-His-Prey
  • visionlyricsub17_ESO
    Klimarov wrote: »
    mist form is not OP and the Ultimate no longer heals you while in mist form. asides from that neither of them are spammable. So relax and look for some one else to hit with a nerf stick. WW though can clearly use a buff stick.

    Ummm what? Mist form and bats are both spammable. In pvp everyone is running around at stage 4 making both of those skills super cheap. The ultimate can be reduced to cost 4 ultimate points which makes it very spammable. Mist form also receives a huge cost reduction making it spammable.

    They need to rework the feeding system and cost reductions. A fed vamp should be stronger than a hungry vamp anyway and right now that's not the case. You're much stronger at stage 4.
  • marion.coleman83_ESO
    Because WW is so damn broken.. Its almost like WW line wasn't even finished.. And that god awful sprinting on two legs.. smh.
  • Anilahation

    Ummm what? Mist form and bats are both spammable. In pvp everyone is running around at stage 4 making both of those skills super cheap. The ultimate can be reduced to cost 4 ultimate points which makes it very spammable. Mist form also receives a huge cost reduction making it spammable.

    They need to rework the feeding system and cost reductions. A fed vamp should be stronger than a hungry vamp anyway and right now that's not the case. You're much stronger at stage 4.

    Bat swam cost 80 ultimate, elusive mist is the same argument as bolt escape.

    Also the feeding is fine if you don't feed you get cheaper vampire abilities but -75% hp regain

  • blackwolf7
    Such crybabies deserve to choose a more simplier game than eso. It is very easy to deal with vampires even if they are spammjng ult / mistform if you know what you are doing. You are just being outplayed by these guilds of vamp nothing more.
  • Silverion
    blackwolf7 wrote: »
    Such crybabies deserve to choose a more simplier game than eso. It is very easy to deal with vampires even if they are spammjng ult / mistform if you know what you are doing. You are just being outplayed by these guilds of vamp nothing more.

    Hmm, you can even write how do you counter Untargetable vampire, that in spamable mist form, run for 30+ seconds around PvP battlefield, surounded with bats that do 400+ damage a second.

    As i have seen vampires taking outposts guards, mine etc. ALONE in quite in doubt that it is little bit overpowered, So if a vampire players say "i spend skill points in this and so i have to get something back", i can also say i spent all in Fighter guild passives and actives and if i sacrifice my slots to have them among my skills just to fight vampires i wish that vampires fear me, still i cannot do anything against bats and untargetable superspeed mist form.

    i cast a antivampire shield and staying in its middle bats hit me for 250 a thick, My fire AOE dont do same damage, i cannot hit him with silver bolts and all this sitting in middle of raid with 10 people ... all get slaugtered ... all with a VL healers healing all time near you ... with maxed spell resistance, maxed armour .. so what you suggest to do ? Run? spread to exit out of shield and get hit for 400+ ?
    Edited by Silverion on April 25, 2014 4:49AM
  • Elyna
    Well vampires have a passive that decreases damage taken when they drop below a certain hp percentage, basically a lifeline. The mist form is powerful too because it is bugged and actually makes your character untargetable and increases movement speed when it is just supposed to decreases damage taken and make you immune to heals. See, vampires have more valuable lifelines than werewolves.
    The extra movespeed was intended. You can morph it to do so. Although 50% extra MS is a little too much for how little you sacrifice. Next to Bolt escape, its one of the best escape abilities.
  • Brittany_Joy
    Elyna wrote: »
    The extra movespeed was intended. You can morph it to do so. Although 50% extra MS is a little too much for how little you sacrifice. Next to Bolt escape, its one of the best escape abilities.
    Oops sorry I worded it wrong, I just meant the untargetable mist form was a bug because it is just supposed to reduce damage taken by 75% not make the vampire untargetable.
  • ChampionSheWolf
    Well vampires have a passive that decreases damage taken when they drop below a certain hp percentage, basically a lifeline. The mist form is powerful too because it is bugged and actually makes your character untargetable and increases movement speed when it is just supposed to decreases damage taken and make you immune to heals. See, vampires have more valuable lifelines than werewolves.

    Werewolves have a lifeline? News to me since last I checked I couldn't make myself invulnerable while abusing another power to get healed while being invulnerable, or make that power so cheap it's infinitely spammable.

    As far as the "best" PvPers going vamp... I don't think it's the best, just the try hards trying to get any advantage they can eek out. We've been railroading them all day. Both th Aldmeri and the Covenant.
    Harbinger of The Black Wolves.
    Member of Grindstone.

    Ebonheart Pact
    Tyra Ravenheim - Templar (newly rerolled)
  • Andy22
    The ultimate can be reduced to cost 4 ultimate points which makes it very spammable.

    NOTE: The screenshot showing "4" as cost was "supposedly" photo-shopped, the real number seems to-be around "44". If u can "verify" the "4" number plz show it in a video, if possible.
    Edited by Andy22 on April 25, 2014 10:43AM
  • Medwin
    Get a PvP group of fighters guild users and crush them hard, if you do that then a lot less people will want to go vampire.
    Please read through and comment on my incredibly comprehensive Vampire guide. :)
    Officer at Cross Guild check us out, we are a large DC guild that does PvP, RP, and PvE. We have things for just about anyone.
    RP Characters: Anora, Redguard -- Mira Medwin, Dunmer -- Pia Patricia Potts, Breton
  • crislevin
    I say make vampire incurable, then fixed these two bugs of spamming ultimate and invulnerable to anything.

    You want to be a vamp? Now live like a true vamp.
  • crislevin
    Andy22 wrote: »

    NOTE: The screenshot showing "4" as cost was "supposedly" photo-shopped, the real number seems to-be around "44". If u can "verify" the "4" number plz show it in a video, if possible.

    No, the number "4" was calculated to be entirely possible. Im not arguing against math.
  • Anilahation
    crislevin wrote: »

    No, the number "4" was calculated to be entirely possible. Im not arguing against math.

    On the emperor who is one person out of thousands. Please stop

    Also Dragon set makes 80 then 20% cheaper makes 68
    5% bonus from emperor buff makes 61
    20% from ritual mundus stone makes 49

    There is your math 49 ultimate
  • M.M.Fuchsb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    You forgot the 15% from sorc skillline ;)
  • pecheckler
    Klimarov wrote: »
    mist form is not OP a

    haahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Ace_SiN
    I still see more "normies" than vamps(at least on Wabbajack).

    However, I didn't see the current rise in the vamp population until after most of the Werewolf players realized how bad it is. Then most of them switched over to being a vamp.

    Vampires and Werewolves have always been popular regardless of which movie, game, or etc they may be in. Unless you make these lines completely useless(see: Werewolf), you will not see a major decline in popularity.
    Edited by Ace_SiN on April 28, 2014 5:21AM
    King of Beasts

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