@MishonikoAnd we'll call it... The Fighter's Guild!
@Ker.Rakb16_ESOKer.Rakb16_ESO wrote: »Go tell somebody with a stamina burst build that Silver Shards is useless in PvP. Their reaction may... surprise you.
So we get to take 50% more fire damage AND have no way to counter it? Cool, way to make vampires completely and utterly useless with once sentence.I've heard about the vampire and werewolf stuff, but I've not actually seen it in game yet, just made 23 this morning. However, I'm sure that if things get too weighted towards one of them that something will likely be introduced to deal with it. Perhaps a simple modification that vampires cannot use fire resist equipment/potions would help. I seem to recall people selling fire resist potions and mentioning that vampires need them.
We have ONE skill that can be spammed, and it takes 2 skill points to just to make it do damage, we're unable to to fight back and we still take damage while in mist form, the only thing it's good for is running away and unliving to fight another day.Problem is currently OP in PvP SPAM skills, ultimate, etc
Oh yeah, and as a side note, when the entire population goes Vamp, you know that Werewolf sucks it hard... and it does :-(
mist form is not OP and the Ultimate no longer heals you while in mist form. asides from that neither of them are spammable. So relax and look for some one else to hit with a nerf stick. WW though can clearly use a buff stick.
visionlyricsub17_ESO wrote: »
Ummm what? Mist form and bats are both spammable. In pvp everyone is running around at stage 4 making both of those skills super cheap. The ultimate can be reduced to cost 4 ultimate points which makes it very spammable. Mist form also receives a huge cost reduction making it spammable.
They need to rework the feeding system and cost reductions. A fed vamp should be stronger than a hungry vamp anyway and right now that's not the case. You're much stronger at stage 4.
blackwolf7 wrote: »Such crybabies deserve to choose a more simplier game than eso. It is very easy to deal with vampires even if they are spammjng ult / mistform if you know what you are doing. You are just being outplayed by these guilds of vamp nothing more.
The extra movespeed was intended. You can morph it to do so. Although 50% extra MS is a little too much for how little you sacrifice. Next to Bolt escape, its one of the best escape abilities.Brittany_Joy wrote: »Well vampires have a passive that decreases damage taken when they drop below a certain hp percentage, basically a lifeline. The mist form is powerful too because it is bugged and actually makes your character untargetable and increases movement speed when it is just supposed to decreases damage taken and make you immune to heals. See, vampires have more valuable lifelines than werewolves.
Oops sorry I worded it wrong, I just meant the untargetable mist form was a bug because it is just supposed to reduce damage taken by 75% not make the vampire untargetable.The extra movespeed was intended. You can morph it to do so. Although 50% extra MS is a little too much for how little you sacrifice. Next to Bolt escape, its one of the best escape abilities.
Brittany_Joy wrote: »Well vampires have a passive that decreases damage taken when they drop below a certain hp percentage, basically a lifeline. The mist form is powerful too because it is bugged and actually makes your character untargetable and increases movement speed when it is just supposed to decreases damage taken and make you immune to heals. See, vampires have more valuable lifelines than werewolves.
visionlyricsub17_ESO wrote: »The ultimate can be reduced to cost 4 ultimate points which makes it very spammable.
NOTE: The screenshot showing "4" as cost was "supposedly" photo-shopped, the real number seems to-be around "44". If u can "verify" the "4" number plz show it in a video, if possible.
No, the number "4" was calculated to be entirely possible. Im not arguing against math.