Because kids these days have an attention span of about 1 millisecond and can't be bothered to do a search for posts that aren't on the front page? wrote: »And again... I still haven't seen a darned single one of them and I'm close to Veteran Rank 2... Again... I think I need to take a shower or something wrote: »And again... I still haven't seen a darned single one of them and I'm close to Veteran Rank 2.
Tell us which server you're on and we'll send you to the appropriate public dungeon. If you're EU try any Eastmarch public dungeon right now, those groups of auto attacking people named dfghhdd are just common players right? :P wrote: »And again... I still haven't seen a darned single one of them and I'm close to Veteran Rank 2... Again... I think I need to take a shower or something
It's simply not possible to go into public dungeons and NOT see bots. wrote: »I don't play Pact so I can't say either way... but on A.D. I have yet to see them... wrote: »I don't play Pact so I can't say either way... but on A.D. I have yet to see them...
SeñorCinco wrote: »Now, here's an original thread. I thought I would come here to see the same thing that has been broadcast over the last several days.
.. whew, that was a close one.
Clearly not funny to you, little one?WylieCoyote1511 wrote: »Why be cocky?? it's a *** issue.
My guess is that, for some, it's how they got to VR in the first place.Why are so many VR players so defensive towards these bots?
Why are so many VR players so defensive towards these bots?
Why are so many VR players so defensive towards these bots?