The moment I walk up to an area with a boss, there are about 8 people with names like mxyqwe (an actual name) and hhjjhh (actual name). The moment a boss spawns, they kill it. Usually it doesn't even perform a single attack, and I can't get a single hit in. I am prevented from experiencing the game.
The best I can try to do is heal the botters hoping I can get loot, but I never get loot from doing this, nor can I do anything that deals enough damage to get myself loot or exp for the bosses.
This is ruining the game. You are showing that my business is less valuable than the business of Bot Farmers who, unlike me, can afford to maintain multiple accounts. You want their money, so you tolerate their behavior. And real players can't play the game to its full effect because these botters are in every single dungeon.
Within; Without.