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How many crafting professions can you maximise without gimping Skill Points ?

Title says it all.

How many crafting professions can I take to maximum level without leaving my character short on Skill Points for normal gameplay?

Thank you :)
  • Mallow
    This is something I'm curious about as well. I'm limiting each of my characters to one "main" profession and provisioning so I don't spend too many points in crafting.
  • Shimond
    I think it's been said crafting professions take 26 points each. You can go play with a builder like the one at esohead.com if you want to see how many points you'd need to do everything it is you want to.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    I thought there waqs an unlimited amount of skill points to learn. Is there not?
  • Shimond
    I thought there waqs an unlimited amount of skill points to learn. Is there not?

    Certainly not. The last number I heard was around 330. I think there's over 500 you could spend to learn everything.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Well thats not very elder scrolls like.
  • Shimond
    Well thats not very elder scrolls like.

    I don't recall being able to learn every perk in Skyrim on one character.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    You could, on PC
  • Ohioastro
    There are about 300 all told. Individual class and weapon lines don't take tons each, so the cost is in endgame flexibility, not directly in power. e.g. you can max out all 3 class skills, 2 weapon skills, racial, and 2 armor lines for < 150 skill points. The real issue with multi-crafting is the time sink to level some of the professions. If you do 1 it doesn't crimp your style at all; 2-3 starts to get in the way if you level crafting as you go.
  • dagnome
    At VR2 i have been able to whittle down what skills i need and dont. As of now i am mastering woodworking, blacksmithing, and clothing while not gimping any combat abilities.
  • Shimond
    You could, on PC

    Ah you're right, once you got the Dragonborn expac (level cap raised past 80). So I guess according to you Skyrim wasn't very Elder Scrolls like until the very last expansion.
  • mandrakethebard_ESO
    I am actually running a character who is working 4 professions quite hard, but he's not suffering. The difference is that I'm not "maximizing" anything. Instead, I'm being rather selective... I've avoided laying down any points for anything that will not eventually end up in my preferred skill/power arrangement (or something that I have to take in order to start earning levels on a skill line) Now, this might end up biting me in the rear later in some way, but so far it's working out great. I'm basically not dropping skill points on stuff I'll never use.

    Of course, I never intended this particular character to be anything but a master crafter so I was only concerned with him having enough stuff to get through the game and not dominate. But that's just me.
  • Nasuradin_ESO
    According to the skill calculator, if you decided to max out:
    all 3 class skill trees
    all 6 weapon trees
    all 3 armor trees
    all 3 guild trees
    soul magic + vamp or werewolf
    assault & support pvp trees
    all racial passives

    It would take 325 skill points. I have heard anywhere from 320-350 total skill pts.
    So the answer is, if you decided to max out EVERYTHING, then you would have no points left for crafting.

    Personally I am VR3 and have select useful skills from all 3 class trees, a couple from fighter's guild, vamp tree, a couple pts in soul magic, maxed some racials and half of light and heavy armor, and know 3 weapon types and have kept up with blacksmithing, woodworking, clothier, and lagging behind on enchanting because it takes forever, I have never once thought that I was lacking skill points or attacks.
    Edited by Nasuradin_ESO on April 23, 2014 4:11PM
  • Mortuum
    320 is confirmed number of Skill Points we can get, and use. Maxing all crafts will require spending about 190 or 170+ points, cant remember exact value. Below 200 for sure.
    So yea you can have all crafts o main, if you choose 1-2 weapon types and will not try to learn and morph every skill possible. Also, some passives in crafting are not really needed. Keen eye for ore...+1 portion of food/drink in provisioner,+1 item to research as clothier/blacksmith/woodworker. Those can be easily ignored, as its only matter of time to get materials/do research without them.
    I have blacksmith, woodworker, provisioner and alchemist. Only passives i took are keen eye for plants(helps a lot) and +3 potions also as alchemist, as some plants are rare, or at least rarer then others. Lvl42 now and no problems using all 3 skill lines, armor/weapon passives etc etc, all i need for combat.
  • Ohioastro
    The rare (blue+) food and drink recipes are great, buffing 2 or 3 stats, and involve a third pretty rare ingredient. So the extra food and drink portions are useful; the longer buff time much less so (as the good recipes have long base duration.) One point in research doubles your research potential and is worth it. There are about 18-20 useful skill points in my book per crafting line except alchemy (14 is probably fine.) And most of these are frills as opposed to essentials, e.g. hirelings.
  • Sorpaijen_ESO
    Depends on what you mean by 'gimping' but as noted, you should have plenty of skill points available to ~effectively~ master all professions. I say effectively because you don't NEED to put skill points into some crafting things like Keen Eye, and after you've researched all the traits you can respec and drop that entire skill (however many points you invested there)...

    Also bear in mind, it's highly unlikely you'll master EVERY weapon and armor and class and world and guild skill line.

    I mean, Soul Trap? Not going to put any points there (I don't die often enough for it to be worth a point to rez for free and the others seem pointless).... the fighters guild have a few generically applicable passives I might eventually get, but the mages' guild passives (as I recall) pretty much deal with mages guild powers and I can't see myself taking any of those (except the passive Persuasion)....

    And while I may have, say, three weapons lines in which I dabble, or even master, I cannot imagine mastering ALL the weapon lines.

    And heck, even Class skills ---- I have a templar archer and I have zero interest in the "spear" line, so I won't invest any points there. I mainly solo, so there are a lot of group-oriented heal spells she won't have any need to buy, etc etc.

    Admittedly you might want to max out all three armor lines ~just in case~ you decide to swap armor types but that still leaves plenty of skill points free. In one of the character builders I picked every skill I thought I MIGHT be interested in and it came to around 160 pts I think. With ~300+ available, that's a LOT of "left over" points I'll be able to spread around.
  • Loxy37
    Shimond wrote: »
    You could, on PC

    Ah you're right, once you got the Dragonborn expac (level cap raised past 80). So I guess according to you Skyrim wasn't very Elder Scrolls like until the very last expansion.

    I'm sure it was the legendary edition that basically removed the level cap. I think also they patched the normal version at the same time to remove the cap but I cannot confirm as I bought the legendary on the PC but bought all the expansions separate on the Xbox. Legendary difficult was a joke like fallout 3s.
  • Jaxom
    People are also neglecting the fact that other skill lines will pop up without more skill points to put into it (at least for now). I don't know about you guys but when the Thievery and Dark Brotherhood lines come up, I'll probably drop some in there. Also they said they plan on adding more active abilities for Vamps/Wolfs. I plan on Maxing 1 craft, probably Blacksmithing and minor in Clothing for my Armor. I'll put enough points to make legendary gear but that's it. I want to make sure I have enough point to add into new lines added later.
  • Natjur
    L1-50, I only put SP into maxing research and item breakdown. I leveled the trade skills without making almost anything, just breaking down everything I found.

    Once you start the Veteran levels and get the next lot of sp (110-220 range) and by then you have already maxed a weapon line, your race line, your class lines, the fighters guild line and one armor line, you can spend a lot of SP on other stuff.

    I then maxed out alchemy and started to waste points on other trade skill lines
  • Shimond
    Jaxom wrote: »
    People are also neglecting the fact that other skill lines will pop up without more skill points to put into it (at least for now). I don't know about you guys but when the Thievery and Dark Brotherhood lines come up, I'll probably drop some in there. Also they said they plan on adding more active abilities for Vamps/Wolfs. I plan on Maxing 1 craft, probably Blacksmithing and minor in Clothing for my Armor. I'll put enough points to make legendary gear but that's it. I want to make sure I have enough point to add into new lines added later.

    While true, more skyshards and skillpoints will be coming with Craglorn, too.

    Nothing is permanent.
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