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Make over kit - Cash shop - Make it happen!

  • Raice
    We finally get a decent subscription game, and the first content addition people ask for is for Zen to put something in the cash shop? Really?

    Come on guys. It's a subscription for a reason... you don't need a Cash Shop. Just put it in the game for regular Gold.
  • Zakua
    Yes I want the option to have a make over. I'm happy with my toon butI like options.

    I'd rather have it in game bought with gold and not in the cash shop.
  • kieso
    Whether this option is given for in game gold or a cash shop depends primarily on the rates. If they make it insanely expensive with in game gold then I'd rather see a cash shop.
  • YuccaPalm
    Fraction/class change would suck
  • Saihung423
    cash shop? hells no! I am paying $15 a month to not have a cash shop for things that MMO's in this style of pay plan give for free.

    No. If it can't be implemented for "free" then why for real money?
  • A247
    Hopefully they implement it into the game and not the cash shop since we already pay a subscription fee.
  • kieso
    cmon make over kit!
  • Gisgo
    We need a stylist npc cutting hair/beards/makeup for in game currency.
    And a dietologist too.
  • Csub
    Why store right away? Why not as an in game feature?
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • caleb.badrulzamannrb18_ESO
    Be realistic. It will not be for in-game gold.
  • axiod
    I'm really against cash shops, even if it is just cosmetic items in it. That's how they all start.. then the greed sets in. Let's not start this in ESO please.
  • k9mouse
    NO CASH SHOP! Cash shops are pure evil! Stay from them. Have no items in cash shop.

    ~holds sign up and march around ZOS's HQ~
    ~chants "NO CASH SHOP!"~

    //yes, I know there is one. I still don't like it. At least it is out of game. (have to go a web site to see items in it)
  • kieso
    make it happen ZOS!
  • moXrox
    As soon the game would have a more heavy cash shop system and same counts for F2P
    ---> thx and goodybe

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  • denicolad16_ESO
    I think people recommend "Cash Shops" to make what they suggest to the devs more appealing and that they will say, "OMG we should do that they want a cash shop"! Well NO!!! No damn cash shop. If people want appearance changing items they need to implement it in game using gold. A cash shop will destroy this game and ultimately lead it to F2P.
  • r4v3nw0lf
    I think they need a barber in towns that could change your hair etc. Name change no way.. your stuck with it. that puts those power leveling jerks who name their character whatever hghsgshdg for example and try to sell the account to other players out of business. They will be stuck with a stupid name. Or even stops people from selling accounts and have some goldseller or another person take over and rename.
  • k9mouse
    I will go so far that one can not change their race, gender or class. One just change their hair style or their looks. If one want a new race, gender or class -- time for an Alt!
  • WhimsyDragon
    My opinion?

    Basic cosmetic tweaks for small in game currency (hair color, style, body markings)
    Full char gen modifications for larger game currency and/or cash shop

    Really I just want these options available soon, regardless of how it's handled. I doubt I'd change my chars very often, but I merely want the option to do so and not feel confined to what I initially chose... I pretty much remade my characters many many times to get them the way I wanted :confounded:
  • PBpsy
    I payed a full AAA price at launch and I will pay that every 4 months . Nope I do not want that in the cash shop.I want it in game and I don't want it behind stupid gold sink no 731 either.It is actually ridiculous that it wasn't in game at launch.
    Edited by PBpsy on May 12, 2014 5:50PM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
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    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • LIQUID741
    I support a cash shop..as long as it doesn't enhance your character in a Pay2Win system. It's kinda shocking that so many peeps want a cash shop to spend money$$$. But yet there isn't one...ESO is losing $$$. Get with it, make that cash!
    Solid-Nightblade of AD
  • EsORising
    This is a perfect cash shop item and they should already have this. For all of you that think this should be free; you are dreamers. The server doesnt run on moon pies and juju beans. If this was a cash shop item I am positive even the players that swear against cash shops would purchase this if they could. I've seen this in other games and some people would change their look monthly. Such a great item fo the cash shop to sell.
  • EsORising
    Abigail wrote: »
    Forget the cash shop, forget even in-game barber/beauty shops (which would be grossly out of place in an Elder Scrolls world). When characters reach level 30 they should receive an automatic in-game message that has a cosmetic re-do token attached. (Tokens are non-transferrable.)

    Introducing ANY item whatsoever into a cash shop of some sort is a very slippery slope.

    A slippery slope of what? Selling stuff lol. How do you think the server pays the bills? By giving you free stuff for no reason whatsoever? No loyalty reward, no cash shop purchase just here you go. You need to think beyond yourself for a second and stop calling zos evil or they are "going down a slippery slope" everytime they try and sell something that you specifically want. This is not something that would make sense ingame and should be a cash shop item. If you really wanted to look different you can reroll at anytime and change your appearance but this is a "convenience " item and that's why its perfect for the "convenience" cashshop.
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