Missing features & annoyances: Message to the developers

Soul Shriven
First of all, I am very happy with ESO. I am currently enjoying a lot, and since i care about this game's future, I thought I could share some opinions about the current game's state (at least in my opinion).

1. Faction based Auction House vs Guild Store

What does the Guild Store accomplishes that a global auction house would not? Well established mmorpgs (WoW for example) have proven this. A game like this needs a well established trading point.

Players are joining guilds just for trading. Not because they want to belong. I see a lot of people ending in 5 trading guilds so that they can have the most expanded market possible.

This does not mean that Guild Stores would cease to exist, but i think its pretty unfair that i must belong to a well-established trading guild in order to take advantage of the market.

2. Searching the Guild Store

Its pretty obvious that the Guild Store needs a major overhaul. My question is: what is the priority?

Features i would like to see in the Guild Store:
- Searching in All guilds
- The obvious "search" text box
- There are a lot missing item types (such as recipes, enchanting materials, etc)

3. "Hireling" problems

I've chosen to spend a point in the Hireling for Enchanting, since i did not have much time to farm enchanting materials, and i thought the hireling could help a bit.
In fact, it did help, i have mails every now and then which enchanting materials...that i cannot use!

I am currently having a hard time leveling enchanting because i can only find materials for higher enchanting level.

I think it is more than fair that the hireling should only send me materials that i can actually use. Right now, it seems to be random... there is no point in spending a skill point in the Hireling if you cannot get a quality service.

4. Bot problems

Have you gone into those public dungeons and seen those bots farming the dungeon's boss?
I mean ZOS...how hard is it to deal with those guys? I know if they are actually people (farmers) farming over and over for money, you cant do anything. But if those players are being automated somehow, that is against the ESO policy and should be taken care.
  • KerinKor
    kvnt wrote: »
    4. Bot problems

    Have you gone into those public dungeons and seen those bots farming the dungeon's boss?
    If you'd taken a mere 15 seconds looking at the forum index not to mention the many Dev Tracker posts you'd know the answer.

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