Werewolf: How to Become One!

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Soul Shriven
Becoming a Werewolf in ESO

1) Become infected by fighting a werewolf NPC.
NOTE: This only happens on certain in game moon cycles at night time. You have three possibilities of moon cycle spawns A) Vampires B) Werewolves or C) Neither.
This can lead to a lot of camping as in game days cycle approximately every 5 hours. (4 hours of daytime 1 hour of night). You must be in specific zones according to your
faction. Basically the ones that host lvl 40 mobs.

Q: I am infected now what???
A: Travel to a nearby wayshrine and you should see an NPC offering a quest. This NPC will tell you that you can either see a local priest to cure this disease, or sends you off with a waypoint on how to further the disease.

See other guides on more information on the fights in Hircine's Realm, but be warned that if you are below lvl 20 you have pretty much no hope of doing this part.

2) A rank 6+ werewolf with the ability "Bloodmoon" can infect a player.
NOTE:Here is how to use this ability.
1) Make sure you have your Ult slotted and ready to go. (Wouldn't let me turn my person until I myself turned first).
2) Place the reticle over your target and you should see the "Press X Key" to devour.
3) This infects your target BUT unlike a bite from NPC, your target will find a scroll near the altar.
4) Scroll tells the target to seek a priest in town for cure (What a waste....) or to enter the glowing orange portal to start the questline we all love.

Took a bit to figure all this out, hope this helps others!
  • thesawolfb14_ESO
    thank you, @Diabolic for that information.

    Should further mention...
    (without too much story spoiler and more tactical information):

    The hunting grounds is a SOLO instance meaning no one else can go in and help you. It's just you and your mad skills. Upon entering the hunting grounds, you will be tasked to kill a big nasty. These are randomly chosen from:
    Snake (42 elite), Mammoth (42 elite), Troll (42 elite), Snow Troll (42 non-elite).

    The Snow troll is the easiest of the bunch with the Mammoth right behind due to the way it attacks. However, the Snake and Troll are relatively nasty.

    Proper timing and use of your fear skill (#2) will help you defeat the "boss".

    If you enter the hunting grounds and one of the BIG nasties are up, I have found (and confirmed) that you can exit the grounds and wait for about 5-10 minutes and then re-enter and usually a different boss will be up. You could help yourself out (especially if you are low level trying to complete this) by rotating through the bosses until you get the Snow Troll or Mammoth.

    I'd practice on some of the regular 42's in the instance too get used to fighting.

    (Note: I completed my werewolf questline in my early 20's)

    Good luck and hope to see more brothers and sisters of the hunt.
    Edited by thesawolfb14_ESO on April 23, 2014 1:11PM
    Name: Wolf-in-Shadows
    HA HA.. made you look! Just my game vitals below ---
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion
    Race: Bosmer (VR-1) / Werewolf (10 - max)
    Class: Nightblade
    Campaign: Dawnbreaker
    • Is Not Lost (personal)
    • The Lost Ones (friend's personal bank)
    • Trade Masters (trade)
    • Incognito Merchants (trade)
    • empty
    Question Reality : Find Your Own Truth!
  • kayleejack
    Soul Shriven
    Question - I was bitten by a friend who transported me to Bangkorai. Now I'm back finishing quests in Stormhaven. Do I have to go back to a Bangkorai wayshrine to get the NPC quest? Or will I be able to find one in Stormhaven?
  • Diabolic
    Soul Shriven
    kayleejack wrote: »
    Question - I was bitten by a friend who transported me to Bangkorai. Now I'm back finishing quests in Stormhaven. Do I have to go back to a Bangkorai wayshrine to get the NPC quest? Or will I be able to find one in Stormhaven?
    Quest NPC should be back in Bangkorai near wayshrine
  • antmck2011rwb17_ESO
    I'm a werewolf and tried to turn another player. Couldn't get it to work. I was at the shrine in The Rift and used ultimate, now in wolf form couldn't bite player. I was standing right next to them and no "X" appeared. Moved around, moved mouse view around and nothing. It wasn't until someone got some giants to come over to the shrine that it allowed me to use devour. Then with a few dead giants on the ground I could then select the player that wanted to be a werewolf and "devour" them. This should be must easier than that? I'm I missing something?
  • Tiyamel
    hope you don't mind but linked this thread in my own guide @Diabolic
    Guild Master of Lost Prophecies, small group of friends playing in Ebonheart Pact, recruitment only accessible through playing with us and making a good impression.
    Want to know more on how to increase forum stars and achievements, check my guide here:
    Can't seem to level Werewolf or its abilities? check this:
    If it helps then please Insightful/Agree/Awesome or even Lol me :)
  • Neutronium_Dragon
    I'm a werewolf and tried to turn another player.

    The Bloodmoon perk's ability to bite another player has been buggy from the get-go. (Surprise, surprise.) If Devour isn't showing up, move away from the altar until your werewolf timer (appearing as a smaller blue bar underneath the mana bar) begins to tick down, then back again. This should enable the Devour option.

    I've no way to verify this, but I suspect that Devour being unavailable for use on other players until the timer has ticked at least once is probably related to Devour (and its associated internal cooldown) also being a function used on corpses to replenish the timer bar.
  • KingAwsomo
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, I am on the xbox one version of eso and...
    Is there a player here that could please turn my lvl 8 Dark elf into a werewolf?
    His name is Duke Freja
    Ebonheart pact
    EU server
    this is just if your willing to do this, thanks.
  • antmck2011rwb17_ESO
    KingAwsomo wrote: »
    Hello, I am on the xbox one version of eso and...
    Is there a player here that could please turn my lvl 8 Dark elf into a werewolf?
    His name is Duke Freja
    Ebonheart pact
    EU server
    this is just if your willing to do this, thanks.

    Wouldn't recommend it at your level - it's meant for levels over 40.
    There are NPC werewolves in The Rift. Get scratched for free.
    Don't know on the exact time they show up - not sure it it's random now or what.
    Last time I saw them it was a crescent moons.
  • KingAwsomo
    Soul Shriven

    Wouldn't recommend it at your level - it's meant for levels over 40.
    There are NPC werewolves in The Rift. Get scratched for free.
    Don't know on the exact time they show up - not sure it it's random now or what.
    Last time I saw them it was a crescent moons.[/quote]

    Yeah I know it's not recommended, just want it there for when I get to a high enough level and then I can pass through it simply.
  • antmck2011rwb17_ESO
    KingAwsomo wrote: »
    Wouldn't recommend it at your level - it's meant for levels over 40.
    There are NPC werewolves in The Rift. Get scratched for free.
    Don't know on the exact time they show up - not sure it it's random now or what.
    Last time I saw them it was a crescent moons.

    Yeah I know it's not recommended, just want it there for when I get to a high enough level and then I can pass through it simply.[/quote]

    You do know the "infection" only last about a week.
  • cors97
    Soul Shriven
    Anyone on ps4 EU Ebonheart who can turn me into a werewolf prepared to pay
  • cors97
    Soul Shriven
    Btw my ps4 name is cors97
  • mulv
    The vamp and WW now scales to your level - which means essentially now it can be done at any level.
    I just turned my lvl 10 into a WW

    I'm on PC though

  • ZakuBeta
    If you get the message about the infection, and then get killed, do you keep the infection?
  • Mistress_Loki
    Soul Shriven
    I can confirm that you can successfully complete the mission at low levels on the PS4. Just became a werewolf at level 9 :)
  • UrQuan
    mulv wrote: »
    The vamp and WW now scales to your level - which means essentially now it can be done at any level.
    I just turned my lvl 10 into a WW

    I'm on PC though
    This is only half true. The WW quest enemies now scale to your level (but only down to level 12, so it can still be difficult for brand new characters), but the vampire quest enemies still don't scale down. The lowest level that the vampire quest enemies will be is 38. I've literally just tested this on a couple of level 4 characters.
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • MeridianKnight
    Did the vamp quest on my lvl 6 yesterday, just a bit of kiting and healing while using the stun/heal vamp ability. So I recommend using a restoration staff for the extra heal if you're not a Templar like I was - they don't hit lite. I used light armor. This was enormously easier than doing the WW quest since I didn't have to go in and out trying to get the right boss - and I had a self heal.

    Did the WW quest on my lvl 4 now on my nightblade just now. Kind of the same thing with kiting, but you rely on natural regen of stamina and health so I recommend using a health regen drink and have some health potions in the quick bar slot Q.

    Just thought I'd add to this that you can do it at basically any level out of the tutorial. Just takes a bit of practice and hoping for the right boss on the WW quest - leave the portal for 10min and return for a possible new boss. It kept giving me the snake >.< Finally gave me the Wamasu or something. That had a good combat pattern to work with. Block, run around on the rock and take a health regen drink. Don't get greedy and be patient. Good fight. I actually learned a good bit about the combat system in terms of block, dodging and timing between attacks.

    I hope this helps someone in the future.
    Edited by MeridianKnight on September 10, 2015 2:18AM
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