Unfortunately I don't see this on the known issues list, but Cyrodiil still has a very inconvenient D/Cing issue. Most of the time I can only get about 10 minutes of PvP time without spnding the next 20 minutes trying to enjoy another 10 minutes. The problem has a tendency to happen after relogging. Yesterday I spent about a dozen times trying to get back to the game.
If you don't know what kind of D/C I am talking about, here are the symptoms:
- Horses glitch up and jig in the spot.
- Everybody stands still.
- Can't swing a sword, use skills or sheathe/unsheathe.
- If the siege becomes quiet all of a sudden, it is a sign that a D/C might be coming.
- Takes about 30 seconds to D/C, although alt + F4 is faster.
I saw someone's horse jig out once and thought it was me, but it was him. That means I am not alone. Help!