Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

MESSAGES ACROSS TAMRIEL (main story quest) is bugged.

This is main story quest and it CANNOT BE ABANDONED, so please stop saying that.

I need REAL HELP with this quest: Messages across tamriel, i just cant continue without completing this one (the point is i cant talk to Vanus Galerion). So please, could you just reset it for me?

And yes, i did soft relog, logout for 20 min, reloadui, changing shards, etc etc etc. Please!
Edited by Boroadan on April 22, 2014 11:53PM
I will burn the heart out of you. :|
We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Milaga
    I also have this problem as well. In fact, I've been doing "soft relogs" all day about twice an hour for 12 hours. After my 3rd it appeared to work. But while I was reading the coversation someone else ran up, talked to Vanus and booted me out of the conversation. I have not been able to initiate a conversation with him since. I am stuck.

    Edit: I filed a ticket about 12 hours ago. Still no response.
    Edited by Milaga on April 23, 2014 3:23AM
  • CaptainAqua
    Soul Shriven
    I've been having this issue since yesterday, I did get a ticket response but it was a clear copy/paste "we didn't actually read your ticket" response. And I can't even reply to their email because every time I try it fails and I get this error back

    I would love it if I could just abandon the quest and have it work, but as they should be aware, you cannot abandon a main story quest. Really annoyed now that my ticket has been marked "solved" and I can't even send them an email to let them know that no, sending me a message telling me to do everything I said I already did in my original ticket has not solved a thing.
    Edited by CaptainAqua on April 23, 2014 6:30AM
    We have contacted our Customer support team to help you solve your issue.
  • Jeduthun
    Soul Shriven
    I was having issues with the next quest in that chain, The Three Crowns, I abandoned all my quests except for it, because it can't be, then restarted the client and it worked. Might be worth trying for yourself? I had been waiting for about 5 days for help from customer support and it was a waste of time.
  • Milaga
    Jeduthun, it might be more helpful if you started a new thread about The Three Crowns. This is about problems with Messages Across Tamriel.

    And if you read the above posts you would see that restarting was tried and did not work.
    Edited by Milaga on April 23, 2014 6:01AM
  • Jeduthun
    Soul Shriven
    I apologise for trying to help Milaga.
  • Laine
    Messages Across Tamriel is still broken, patch 1.05 didnt fix it (for me)
    Cant talk to Vanus Galerion

    Have been waiting for 10 days now...

    No help @ all from the costumer service, contacted them about 5 times now, just the usual answear: try to relogg, soft-reset, change language, reload ui, abaddon the quest (lol, cant abaddon since its a mainstoryquest), abaddoned all other quest etc.

    So waiting for a(nother) fix or a miracle...

  • Boroadan
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    Greetings fellow adventurer!
    Thank you for contacting The Elder Scrolls Online Team

    This particular quest bug is a known issue, and the team is currently working on a solution. In the meantime, there are a couple of things to try that may resolve this issue:
    Type /reloadui in the command line of the Chat Box
    Try performing a soft reset: log out of the game and launcher completely for at least 15 minutes. This will reset the character's instance information and may cause quest NPCs to work properly.
    Players like you make our game better by reporting things, like bugs, broken quests/items, and feedback. Thank you for contribution to The Elder Scrolls Online community.
    ... :neutral_face:

    - Are you guys kidding me? :neutral_face:
    Boroadan wrote: »
    This is main story quest and it CANNOT BE ABANDONED, so please stop saying that.

    I need REAL HELP with this quest: Messages across tamriel, i just cant continue without completing this one (the point is i cant talk to Vanus Galerion). So please, could you just reset it for me?

    And yes, i did soft relog, logout for 20 min, reloadui, changing shards, etc etc etc. Please!

    - And when im trying reply to Alexandre:
    "This is the mail system at host

    I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
    be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.

    For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster."

    ... :neutral_face:

    - I will spam your customer service so hard for that. I just need fu..simple reset of this quest.
    Edited by Boroadan on April 23, 2014 10:38PM
    I will burn the heart out of you. :|
  • Romer85
    I have the same problem I haven't had anything bug out on me since the first instance I ran, and now I get the bug to end it all lol just my luck.
  • Milaga
    Jeduthun wrote: »
    I apologise for trying to help Milaga.

    Sorry, Jeduthun. It's just frustrating being completely stuck.
  • Boroadan
    There is no any response from support and now i`ve got: "You have been suspended from the site" also banned in the game? WTF?!
    I will burn the heart out of you. :|
  • BaKaNoOB
    try /struck, /unstruck. leave instance, travel to another part of the map (via wayshrine), then return to the quest, usualy works for me
    Edited by BaKaNoOB on April 24, 2014 11:56AM
  • Thete
    I have exactly the same problem. I have carried out all the usual things multiple times a day for the last few days. Although I have a few alts I spend a bit of time on, I'm coming to the conclusion that if they are prepared to have so many players stuck on progression when there's a fix which is simplicity itself, then I wonder if there's just going to be yet another block to my progress even if this gets fixed.

    A shame really, but might be worth just coming back in a few months rather than bash my head against a brick wall and pay for it.
  • Romer85
    I am wondering the same thing myself, I don't want to waste money on a game I am stuck on with no way to fix it on my end.
  • Milaga
    Just to add some closure to this, on the evening of the 29th a GM asked if they could port me to their location. They did and in a few minutes fixed this quest for me. Thank you gamemasters!
  • Theros
    we are in 2021.... and they did not fix it!? I dont know where to go. There's no Vanus Galerion. Cant reset quest... Want can i do?
  • VaranisArano
    So, a couple maybe dumb questions.

    What Alliance are you in? The locations vary by Alliance.

    What stage of the quest are you on? Vanus Galerion appears a couple times during the quest, and I'm trying to narrow down at which point he isn't appearing.
    Edited by VaranisArano on October 8, 2021 10:32PM
  • Camb0Sl1ce
    My quest isn't really bugged, it just won't go away. I completed the main quest years ago but still have "messages across tamriel" in my quest log. Really don't know how to resolve it, mustve been something i did because I got to the enter vanus' portal and i think I went and did something else, when i came back could never find him so instead just traveled to coldharbour.
  • VaranisArano
    This (old) thread has some possible solutions to the (old) bug. IDK if they work, since I've never experienced this bug on my characters:
  • ZOS_Bill
    As this discussion is now several years old, we are going to close the thread. If you are unable to find any recent threads on an issue, you are welcome to start a new discussion thread.
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