So last night as I was playing my funderful Nord Templar, I got kicked off saying someone had logged on my account. Before I could react in time to any of this the hacker had changed the name on my account (to Yang Lin) and changed my credentials, locking me out of my own account.
Yes, my password was very simple. I have checked my computer for keyloggers and found nothing. After finding nothing I changed the password associated with my email address. Before all this though, I noticed a few issues with Zenimax's authentication process that very well may have contributed to my being hacked (in addition to my silly password, of course).
Upon noticing I was being hacked, I was able to log in to my account on the ESO site before I was kicked out. I then changed my password to something else and logged back into the client, already seeing a spam bot had been created on my account (which I promptly deleted). Following this, I started cleaning out my history and cache as well as searching for a possible keylogger on my system. I noticed on the ESO site just as I was clearing my cache (which I believe was my downfall as it logged me out of ESO's website) that the name on my account had been changed to "Yang Lin".
What have I learned from this besides the fact that my passwords need to be better? Well, here is a list:
1. Multiple people can be logged into the same account on the ESO website. My changing the password on my account did not kick the hacker out and make him re-authenticate, just as it did not kick me out to re-authenticate when he changed the password again (my silly decision to clear my web info kicked me out).
2. Since then, I have tried logging in with the hacker's credentials (he is still using my email, and I was able to get the first and last name required to begin the forgot password process). I noticed that there is NO LIMIT to the amount of times I can guess at the security question the hacker changed on my account for "What is my favorite Cartoon character?" Anyone know any popular Chinese cartoon characters?

3. There is also NO LIMIT on the amount of times I can guess at the password on my account. This means with just your account name, which is most likely the same as your account here on the forums (therefore not very private at all), a hacker can run a brute force operation and guess at your password indefinitely until they do gain access to your account.
This service at the moment is VERY susceptible to brute force attacks, and I encourage all of you to increase your password strength to avoid ending up locked out of your own account while some Chinese hustler peddles gold in zone chat using your credentials. Zenimax, PLEASE improve the security of your login system and I seriously hope that an authenticator is in the works. As of now, I am 95% sure that I was brute forced, but the 5% that says I might have a keylogger (despite having verified all of my running processes and the integrity of my system files) Scares the S*** out of me!
Now I am off to work, hopefully my account will be back in my hands when I get off! *fingers crossed*
EDIT: Yes, my password for my email was very similar to the one on my ESO account, which brings up another point that I've always taken for granted... Don't use the same password!!!