I have recently headed back to the Ebonheart Pact to finish off the last of the achievements there only to find the some I should of been credited for, I haven't been.
The achievement's in question are as follows
- Giant Friend
- Skald - King's Arrow
- Skald - King's Salvation
I have reported this in game as a bug but I am also posting it on here in hopes that it will get fixed a bit sooner, the report number is 140422 - 022943.
Wondering if anyone else has had this issue with achievements which you know should have been credited but they haven't been. Also before anyone starts to say go back and do them again these 3 achievement's are all linked to quests that once you have done them you cant go back and do them again, so for me to go back I would have to start a new character and go through it all again which I really don't plan on doing.
Never retreat, If you turn and run you will only die tired.