Suggestion - Armor dye

  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    When I think cash shop, I think microtransactions. I could care less if they put in name changes and stuff you can buy off the web site. The VP of PR and marketing stated in response to the August press release about the cash shop; that they wouldn't have micro-transactions.

    Ahh, then I stand corrected.

    I just bundle cash shop and microtransactions together.

    Although I never trust anything PR for any company says. They are paid to talk crap and make people believe it, it doesn't make what they say true.

    I'll wait and see what the future holds for the cash shop.
  • Zakua
    Given the fact that the armor changes a lot as you progress in levels. I doubt they had to remake/remodel each piece 6 times. There are some pretty simple methods in 3D software to raise a shoulder pads edges and what not. They would start with the high-poly version of the lvl50 gear and simply take off or alter a bit of this or that for the lower lvl versions. Pure conjecture here of course...I do not know the exact method they used...

    Improving the armor from white /green/blue/purp...changes color so it would seem they already have a system in place for simple color adjustments. Maybe they could simply adopt this current system into a more robust color selection and give us a UI for it.

    Yeah Alchemy would be a cool route/source!
  • Knovah
    I don't have to be that flashy bright pink power ranger , but I would love to be able to match all my armor color wise. I would be happy with basics for now.

    I don't need to be that special snowflake just want to match dang it…

    There is no rule anywhere in fantasy land that says a girl cannot kick tush and look good at same time. I don’t want Tera armor ( might as well be pole dancing even if I loved the game it left little to the imagination) I just want to match ..stomps foot…

    *one more time incase I did not cover it ....
    I just wanna match
    Edited by Knovah on April 21, 2014 10:52PM
    Video games ......The only legal place to kill stupid people.
  • Zorak
    Just don't turn this game in another online circus like D3 and other games.
  • esomackenzie
    Soul Shriven
    Sarenia wrote: »
    Sarenia wrote: »
    Agree. :)

    Probably one of those quality of life things they'll look into when they get issues under control. Like re-customization.

    Experience suggests to me that the way the designed armor/clothing won't allow dynamically dying portions of attire, but I would be happy to be proven wrong. More likely though, they'll have to re-color the textures by hand and you'd effectively be "dying" the full clothing piece to replace it with a new texture entirely. That's a lot of work for them though.

    from what i understand they would need to add another texture map to allow armor dyes to work like the op suggests so assuming the method is the same one they would go about doing that might take a while to have support for every armor piece in the game

    Well, right now each piece of armor is a mesh with a single overlaying texture -- excluding layers for specular and etc that they probably use, we don't care about those for purposes of this discussion. A "body replacer" approach in the style of older MMOs. Good for optimization and getting design done faster, not so good for customizing colors later.

    In theory, they could segment the textures into separate parts (re: straps, metal, etc), desaturate the segments, and allow recoloring of each segment. In some cases this wouldn't be pretty though, and it would mean a lot of manual labor. I've seen games take this sort of approach before.

    Or maybe I'm completely wrong, and they already have some ingenious method in mind to implement dyeing later. One can hope.
    can be done easily , is it going to be effective and attractive who's to say , that's why they pay their workers is to come up with inventive ways to do something better then whats been done before and push new limits or at least that's the idea behind it.Oh and yes other mmo's not going to mention that is not related to star wars at all have poorly done this ,and im pretty sure the method im talking uses the spec map anyway
    Character name:Ask for it
  • Enfinityx
    I agree. Add dye recipes to Alchemy! I'm an appearance geek and will spend hours mix and matching gear and then mix and matching dye combos in any game. Any adds to customization is always a plus!
    Lady Novà - Wood Elf Templar - American Megaserver
  • TicToc
    I'd be happy if they implemented vanity slots, so you can maintain a certain look that you like rather than getting stuck with the look of whatever armor has the best stats.

    I am all for dyes too, though I am guessing that it would take a bit of time to make dyes work for all armor pieces and still look good. It's probably not a priority at the moment, but hopefully somewhere down the line.
  • Sarenia
    TicToc wrote: »
    I'd be happy if they implemented vanity slots, so you can maintain a certain look that you like rather than getting stuck with the look of whatever armor has the best stats.
    I like this in games as well. "Appearance slots" they're also called. If ZOS is worried about people portraying the wrong armor (for example a heavy armor player using light armor for appearance), they could restrict it to only allow same armor style as a replacement.

    ESO sort of has this in the form of "Costume" but that's full body. If the costume respected hiding the helm model I would be more satisfied with it I suppose.

    They clearly put a lot of effort into promoting an immersive, roleplay friendly environment. Hopefully, given time, they'll continue expanding on those strong traits with quality of life changes like this. :)

    Edited by Sarenia on April 21, 2014 11:19PM
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