...could you please make it do what it's supposed to do?
Try doing a search for soul gems. Hey, there's a filter especially for "glyphs & soul gems"! Awesome! And then there's a compulsory secondary filter which doesn't actually provide an option to select "soul gems"....so, that doesn't work then.
How about we do a search for Materials. Let's say you want to buy some ore. Wow! There's a materials filter! That'll be useful, then! Oh...the materials filter seems to have just bought back anything that has ever had a material near/in/on/next to it. So, the whole bank then. Good filter.
By the way, I think the Guild Store is the worst idea for an in-game trading approach evaaaaaa.
I appreciate you have more important things to fix right now, but at some point...for the love of God....please sort out this terrible, terrible trading tool.