Hello TESO Team,
I writing in regards to the huge issue's that I have been having with the game from the first day of early access. I've spent countless hours trying to finish quests that were completely broken, stuck in loading screens before having to Alt+F4 and simply sat waiting during prime time hours for 'scheduled maintenance' to end.
I'm not unreasonable and some of these things I expect from a new launch but over the Easter weekend I learned that the guild bank dupe bug that a whole bunch of us reported in beta was not fixed and has been used by exploiters since launch!
This completely unacceptable, and unfortunately I can not see anyway for you to undo the damage without a full server wipe (which I wouldn't be very happy with myself). Banning the exploiters wont fix things as there are thousands of players who traded gold for legendary crafting materials which they then used to make top level gear with. You would need to go and case by case remove any crafted materials that had been broken down or made into other items for the game to to balanced again.
You then need to go and reimburse the gold payed by players who bought these duped items and reset their crafting skills to an appropriate level. I find it highly unlikely that as complex as your logging systems may be that it would be practical to do any of these things.
So what I'd like to know is based on what has happened what are you going to do to not only compensate me for time and confidence I've lost in the game but what will you be doing to make the game balanced now that a lot of innocent players have things they shouldn't have due to the duping.