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Time for some positive energy

After countless MMO launches I should know better than to check the forum, but I can't help myself.

Every MMO has it's flaws, especially at launch. We can clearly see it's issues laid out in the countless threads here. Bots, bugs, dupes, unexpected (but, to be fair kind of expected) maintenances, lack of communication by CS staff that's probably stressed six ways from sunday.. you name it. The usual frustrating growing pains of a fledgling MMO.

That however has been unable to take away my pleasure in wandering around this fantastic world ZOS has put in place. So, I propose a different kind of thread, to brighten the forum up a bit.

Don't name negative things, but be positive for a change. Name things you liked.

I'll start:

- Exploration, you actually can just wander in a random direction and enjoy the game without being pushed around.

- The voice acting is for the most part superb and adds alot of flavor, I've spent so much time just checking one-liners and what not from various non-important NPC's.

- The class design - though more restrictive than Skyrim - gives you alot of artistic creativity in this usually stale MMO scene.
  • Libertine
    im not saying the game is bad...im saying the way zenimax handles is it is bad
  • butterfly442
    I'm still to irked over the ban(s) to be positive. So, sorry. But good luck.
  • bob_jeko
    Libertine wrote: »
    im not saying the game is bad...im saying the way zenimax handles is it is bad

    Now, now.. We are supposed to be in a happy circle!

    Ill continue!

    I ... Like ... the .. word.. MEGASERVER!

  • Carnage2K4
    Human Infant Connoisseur
  • Demonbox
    bob_jeko wrote: »
    I ... Like ... the .. word.. MEGASERVER!

    Lol you again!
    All hail the MEGASERVER!
    aight? :)

  • Auriso
    Soul Shriven
    A recent poll on Reddit shows that 70% of the players would renew their subscription after 30 days and 30% would not.

    As with everything you will only hear the "bad" things. (People ranting)
    The "happy" players will not post their "good" things.

    Unfortunately it's human nature to complain about the bad.

    I really like the "exploration" factor and immersive story lines :)
  • Laura
    Archannon wrote: »
    After countless MMO launches I should know better than to check the forum, but I can't help myself.

    I keep telling myself that too. I think its like a train wreck.... you hate it but you can't help but to watch it.

    At any rate great post +1 awesome
  • Gordainthic
    good point Archannon , time to be positif, also i will add a small point , Zenemax are new in MMo, the fact sometimes they may not handle the thing perfectly can be understandable, just give them some times, i think also they try the best to fix the bugs as fast as possible, now positif points, i also like the game so much, i m not rushing levelling i m travelling around dagerfall, doing all the quests, and enjoy all panorama, maybe i will takes month before reaching the level 50 :-) but it s my play, the megaserver is great idea, the class and competence design is amazing, the way that we are free to be what we want it s very good, i like also the discovery part of the crafting, also it s not too easy to kill PNJ, that make the game more enjoyable even with low level quest ...
    there is so much to say of the positif points , i love the game
  • bob_jeko
    Demonbox wrote: »
    bob_jeko wrote: »
    I ... Like ... the .. word.. MEGASERVER!

    Lol you again!
    All hail the MEGASERVER!
    aight? :)

    I salute and bow to you!

    BTW forgot to mention the crafting!!

    (and this one still loves the word MEGASERVER)
  • Sgt_Weirdo
    Soul Shriven
    Archannon wrote: »
    After countless MMO launches I should know better than to check the forum, but I can't help myself.

    I know exactly what you mean .. 10 minutes of reading what some people post in these forums and I start to suffer brain damage.
    And possibly eye cancer.

    I've been playing video games for over 26 years now and this is, by far, one of the most amazing and awesome games I've played in my whole time.
    Of course there are some things that need fixing but there's nothing in it, that I have encountered so far, that I don't like.
    Quite the reverse, actually. The more I play and the more I see of this complex and detailed world, with all its beautifully crafted characters and crazy little details the more I fall in love with it.

    I like the combat system, and I like it a lot. It feels great and, I don't know it just feels right. Sure it's a bit buggy, but I've been able to adapt to every situation and enemy so far. If I have trouble with a certain fight I just look at my skills and switch them around a bit. Or, in the case of outdoor bosses, wait for somebody else to come by.
    I also like the way healing works. I'm so sick of having to stare at unit frames and cooldowns and, yes, nameplates.
    I want to see the game I'm playing, not the interface.
    If I want to play an interface I don't have to buy a game, I could just draw up some colorful rectangles in Photoshop and click on them for a while.
    No, seriously. I started out installing all kinds of addons, because I, at first, felt I was not being given enough information. Like most people who whine along in these forums. And then at some point I realized that all this crap was just spoiling it, destroying the expirience. All the information you need is right there on your character and your attribute bars and in the world around you. You just have to learn how to read the information that is being given to you and it's not that hard. You're just too lazy to even try.

    The music and the atmosphere are fantastic. Usually I play mmos with the ingame music turned off and my own playlist in the background. While playing ESO, I barely want to do that.

    I've been on holiday the last two weeks (this was not a coincidence:), so I've been playing a lot. And I mean a lot, by the eight, I've barely been doing anything else. And I still keep wanting to come back, so hard. I dread tomorrow, when I'll have to go to work again.

  • zgrssd
    Sgt_Weirdo wrote: »
    Archannon wrote: »
    After countless MMO launches I should know better than to check the forum, but I can't help myself.

    I know exactly what you mean .. 10 minutes of reading what some people post in these forums and I start to suffer brain damage.
    And possibly eye cancer.
    I asume 90% of those threads are just spammers or trolls, trying to start another pointless, emotional discussion. I hit them with the two thing faulty trolling arguments cannot take: Logic and actuall data. And I hit them at the weakpoint of the original post that they try so hard to distract from.

    It kept that up ingame, with the result that all those pointless complainings (Goldspam, non english in /zone) and trolling attempts in the EU /zone chat are at all time low. Makes no fun if someone stops them dead in thier tracks.
    The only problem left I have that the trolls have become so predictable and easily to detect. If they are hard to detect at least I can learn something from overcomming thier techniques (like new ways to overcome thier techniques).

    But this thread was about what is good in the game. I can agree with what was said so far.
    What I also like epsecially is the Phasing appraoch that shows a "personal view" of the world. Less content for Questnodes and the world is almost as responsive to player action as in a singleplayer Elder Scrolls game.
    It was something I truly missed in other MMO's I played.
    Elana Peterson (EU), Dominion, Imperial Sorc, Rune & Alchemy Crafting Char
    Leonida Peterson (EU), Daggerfall, Kajiit Nightblade, Tank & main Crafter
    Kurga Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Ork Dragonknight, Provision Mule
    Coldblood Peterson (EU) Argonian Templer, Daggerfall, Healer
    Incendia Peterson (EU), Dominion, Dunmer Dragonknight, fire DPS & healer
    Haldor Belendor (EU), Ebonhart, Breton Sorcerer, Tank
    Fuliminictus Peterson (EU), Ebonhart, Altmer Sorcerer, Electric DPS

    Me babbling about PvE roles and Armor, Short Guide to Addon Programming (for Programmers)

    If you think anything I or somebody else said violates the Rules of this Forum, you are free to flag my posts. Till I get any notifcaion from this, I just asume you know you have no case against me or Zenimax disagrees with you.
  • Jeremy
    Archannon wrote: »
    After countless MMO launches I should know better than to check the forum, but I can't help myself.

    Every MMO has it's flaws, especially at launch. We can clearly see it's issues laid out in the countless threads here. Bots, bugs, dupes, unexpected (but, to be fair kind of expected) maintenances, lack of communication by CS staff that's probably stressed six ways from sunday.. you name it. The usual frustrating growing pains of a fledgling MMO.

    That however has been unable to take away my pleasure in wandering around this fantastic world ZOS has put in place. So, I propose a different kind of thread, to brighten the forum up a bit.

    Don't name negative things, but be positive for a change. Name things you liked.

    I'll start:

    - Exploration, you actually can just wander in a random direction and enjoy the game without being pushed around.

    - The voice acting is for the most part superb and adds alot of flavor, I've spent so much time just checking one-liners and what not from various non-important NPC's.

    - The class design - though more restrictive than Skyrim - gives you alot of artistic creativity in this usually stale MMO scene.

    I would pretty much echo your sentiments.

    This game does a great job at creating environments that are fun to explore and interact with. It really is the game's main strength in my estimation. And it deserves recognition for it.

    The characters are well acted also. The writing is excellent. The class design is well-done and interesting. As is the crafting system. This game has a lot going for it.

    Since you wish to keep this thread positive I won't go into detail about this. But I would just like to say these strengths are exactly why negative posts are so important to this game's success. They point out the flaws which are necessary to address to preserve the good parts of the game for all of us.
    Edited by Jeremy on April 21, 2014 11:06AM
  • stefaan.de.wasch1b16_ESO
    I'm using all my positive energy to try and light the 4th brazier in Coldharbor but even that doesn't seem to be enough
    The statement "if you put enough monkeys behind enough typewriters... sooner or later one will produce the works of Shakespeare" has sadly been proven utterly wrong by the internet...
  • melodeath
    sure lets be positive and jump in the game and play... oh wait i cant play, unless you mean play dead for 2 days olready
  • raglau
    Bang on the money. Game is superb. Bugs and flaws are expected, as are the ensuing patches.

    Way it's managed, very inexperienced and immature. I suppose this is positive because the support team can learn or be replaced. If the core game was crap there would be no hope.
    Libertine wrote: »
    im not saying the game is bad...im saying the way zenimax handles is it is bad

    Edited by raglau on April 21, 2014 11:13AM
  • Ibura
    The exploration ofcourse, the chests :smile: , overall look of the game, well sooo many things, even the little things...like, I jumped on a big wooden crate covered with a tarp (? canvas cloth) and it just folded in like I would have jumped on a real one!
  • AlexDougherty
    Um, while I understand what you are doing, I should point out this is a CS forum, it's for threads pointing out problems and asking for help, so of course there is going to negativity.

    Asking people not to complain so much on a forum specifically designed for complaining is like trying to empty the sea with a bucket.

    That said I am enjoying the game enormously.
    I love my sorceror skills.
    I quite enjoy playing as a Templar.
    People are so far quite friendly.
    Edited by AlexDougherty on April 21, 2014 11:21AM
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Methtrain
    Soul Shriven
    I like the fact that you can always play the game - and so far there has been no bugs.
  • SeñorCinco
    If this was a General Discussion forum I could understand. However, this is the Customer Support. It's where people go that have issues. By the very nature it is a negative atmosphere.

    I realize that there is not a GDF but nonetheless, these threads do nothing by being created here.
    Edited by SeñorCinco on April 21, 2014 11:22AM
    Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
    Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
    Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
    ... to be continued.

    Now, get off my lawn.

  • Chirru
    The game is good...the bugs and gold-sellers and bots are not.
    The good thing is that hopefully all the cheats will soon jump to
    another game because there is more money to be made.
  • raglau
    Sadly the school leaver who created the forum website using a Microsoft Sharepoint 2005 template did not see fit to create a General Discussion forum.

    Probably in the - not unreasonable - belief all such discussion would be negative, but ironically it has meant that anyone coming to the forums before buying (a common thing for a prospective game buyer to do) is merely going to find this groundswell of negative energy because, as you say, it's a customer support forum.

    If there was a general discussion forum, I actually think we'd get a far more balanced view.
    Asking people not to complain so much on a forum specifically designed for complaining is like trying to empty the sea with a bucket.

    Edited by raglau on April 21, 2014 11:30AM
  • ZOS_JuhoJ
    Hi, everyone. We have moved this thread from the Customer Support forum, as it was off topic for that section. The Customer Support section is dedicated to those who are seeking support for in-game issues. Thank you!
    Staff Post
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    ZOS_JuhoJ wrote: »
    Hi, everyone. We have moved this thread from the Customer Support forum, as it was off topic for that section. The Customer Support section is dedicated to those who are seeking support for in-game issues. Thank you!

    You know what would solve that problem?

    A general discussion section.

    On topic....

    Besides a few bugs and loading screens of doom I don't have any problems with the game.

    The art design is great, character creation is decent, some armour sets look fantastic, exploration is great, zone story lines are good and I love the PvP.

    My biggest problem is with Zenimax themselves. We're having an issue at the moment and it isn't game related.
  • Knovah
    I love being able to explore all willy nilly. I get that little girl giggle when i find something.
    I love the voice acting in game. It adds so much depth to it.
    Some bad bugs here and there and needs fixing but imho it has so much meat on the bone for me. I do not even think about leveling when i get involved in the story line.
    Video games ......The only legal place to kill stupid people.
  • Pelerin2014
    I just generally enjoy the game, I like the combination of TES and MMO gameplay it offers.

    Exploring is much more rewarding and quests are far more interesting than most other MMOs.

    I also enjoy the character development, having the choice of both Class and Weapon type is really great.

    The crafting is also excellent IMO.

    Oh and lastly, I really like graphics and art-style of the game - looks awesome.
    Pelarius, Imperial Dragonknight of the Aldmeri Dominion.
  • k9mouse
    Khajiit was thinking start a topic like this also! To many negative comments is making the forum hard to read.

    This one likes the small details like "cave paint" on Argonain's jars that look like Argonians. She is starting to fall in love with the Khajiit and Argonain Char models. She loves the story and the crafting!
  • ElSlayer
    Okay, here is my list:

    1 ) Fully voiced dialogues
    2 ) Less than 1% of quests is about "Kiil X-type mobs in amount of Y"
    3 ) Sheogorath
    4 ) Every character can gather any resource nodes
    5 ) No restrictions on learning professions
    6 ) Music from singleplayer TES games
    7 ) Malukah's songs
    8 ) 12 skills bound to 6 buttons (tired of WoW's piano-style)
    9 ) Sheogorath
    10) Classes are not strictly bound to roles
    Edited by ElSlayer on April 21, 2014 12:17PM
    @d0e1ow: There is no singular thing within a game's little ecosystem that will convince you that you hate the game, hate your life, and hate everyone around you faster than the game's official forums will.

    @TaffyIX: Life is too short to get upset by a video game.
  • RookBorn
    I think people forget that this game has only been out for a week... It's had its beta, and this is Zenimax's first MMO.... I think people need to sit back and realise that with the game, the producers will grow. The Zenimax mods and the crew will grow. However because it's so new people can't realise that it's not going to be completely clean.
    Khajiit Nightblade - V6
    --The Brigade--
    Biggest achievement so far - Veteran Area unlocked at 46
  • BulbousMeathead
    Superb game. I'm enjoying it. (Love finding those 'shards ... )
    On another note, I Agree that there needs to be a general discussion section on the forum.
  • DanteYoda
    Auriso wrote: »
    A recent poll on Reddit shows that 70% of the players would renew their subscription after 30 days and 30% would not.

    As with everything you will only hear the "bad" things. (People ranting)
    The "happy" players will not post their "good" things.

    Unfortunately it's human nature to complain about the bad.

    I really like the "exploration" factor and immersive story lines :)

    Which is funny as that doesn't in anyway include the non Reddit people which sadly are far far more.
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