W key overflow (character keeps moving forward after I've stopped pressing 'w')

title says it all. I let go of the W button and my character keeps on marching on ward. It makes pvp rather difficult :P that and everything else harder. Anyways, hoping there's a fix for this.
  • Pixie123
    just throwing this out there only because it happened to me in a previous game and i was certien it was the game and in the end it was my keyboard.... changed keyboard never had another problem lol just incase check that first, if not then I hope its fixed soon for you :)
  • greanor_ESO
    yeah tried that lol keyboard cleaned up, still not working. Still, it isn't just ESO that's the problem. Happens to me in skyrim and a few other games as well. Not sure what's up, didn't have this problem before yesterday in any of my games.
    Edited by greanor_ESO on April 21, 2014 7:46AM
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    Is this in PvP? Are we talking "EU" server? Latency/lag issue more than likely. I havent ventured much into Cyrodiil after release, but during the beta you could completely lag out sprinting and movement with a 1min+ delay.
  • greanor_ESO
    PVE, PVP, even turning it on Walk for roleplay purposes will cause the delays. Also, I'm NA server so I don't think it's that.
    I'd say it's a latency issue except, for obvious reasons, Skryim doesn't have latency issues- and since I've been getting this issue in both ESO and Skryim, I'm inclined to think there's something up with my comp.
    Note: I've been playing Skyrim since,basically, it came out and didn't start having the issue until yesterday. I started playing ESO on the same day and the problems started before i installed ESO so I don't think it's that either. It's bloody obnoxious.
  • RexMoonD
    I have been suffering with the same issue for quite some time now, and I figured out something. There is a threshold in the game, that after a few seconds (maybe 5-7, have not timed it yet), the w key holds, and you can let up on it, and tap it again when you want to stop moving... Short burst movement, like for combat, should be unaffected if you let up on the w key occasionally) I am still getting used to this change in how I move. I hope this helps for you too...
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