By buying a game you expect that laws will then leans against all but candle will not be practiced gives me the impression mistake me soon feel aggrieved by the way if mutiplicam Gold Sellers in the game and yet nothing seems be done . His return demonstrates that rely on players who buy soon rather than just punish the sellers ( and when I say punilos mean losing me / withdraw rights on their accounts ) , investigate those players who appear subtly with large amounts of Gold and one estabelessam research .
Bring on a first date so there you because this unbearable remain unaffected in the game so it should be something that provides a minimum of pleasure more to them instead get bored and spend most of my time reporting players ( just characters now ) and ignoring the .
" 2.5 You may not harass , threaten , embarrass , or cause distress to another customer or guest using ZeniMax sites and Services. This includes but is not limited to verbal attacks , unwanted messaging , personal attacks , stalking or any other undesired behavior used to cause discomfort or disrupt another customer 's experience . At all times users will refrain from attacking Age , Race , Disability , Sexual Orientation , National Origin , Pregnancy , Gender or any other protected category under Federal or State law Maryland .
2.6 Users will not transmit or Facilitate distribution of content that is harmful , abusive , racially or ethnically offensive , vulgar , sexually explicit , defamatory , infringing , invasive of personal privacy or publicity rights , or in a reasonable person 's view , objectionable . Hate speech is not tolerated at any time .
2.7 You may not disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms , message forums or games with ordinary language , abusive behavior , multiple key returns or posting large images in an attempt to disturb other users . Spamming , flooding [ posting repetitive text] , bumping and any other disruptive behavior will not be tolerated . "
Mentioned their rules and demand that meet your part. Because of how much they are here, you are missing with them and wounding who agreed to follow them.
Edited by Tyller on April 21, 2014 5:05PM