So I quit the game recently after the colossal disappointment that it is and the downright worse Customer Support team I have ever encountered. But that is beside the point, I set up my subscription as soon as early access ended and $15 was removed from my account, now I looked around the forums and many stated that the money would return within a few hours so I let it slip my mind. Now more then 2 weeks later I have cancelled my subscription and the money has still not returned to my account, and what is more annoying is that the missing money does not even show up in my transactions list. It has been more then 48 hours since I cancelled my sub, after the first 24 hours I submitted a support ticket asking what was going on, and all I got back was a response, stating that it was a Ghost Charge and my information was probably not processed correctly. Now I am really at a disadvantage right now because I am hoping buy another game who's 20% voucher is only valid until tomorrow. Now don't throw *** at me because "If I don't have enough money in my account to by even a game then I got other things to worry about" because I don't. I am still in school and I am in between pay checks, and fact is I do not want to miss out on a good sale because of Bethesda.