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Why does this feel so much like yet another version of WoW

As the title asks, I log in and apart from some subtle rule, skill and level changes it feels like WoW, everyone running around at top speed just grinding away to level, nobody even stopping to say hello. TBH I am somewhat disappointed and regret having spent the money on this game. Unless someone can direct me to an area or chat where people just simply socialise I will have to treat this as a single player game and cancel out when there is no more I can achieve myself. As much as Id like to join a group and go explore the harder dungeons, I cannot bring myself to stand in the market square spamming LFG for 3 hours straight.
  • Shimond
    What an odd definition of WOW you must have.
  • Csub
    You can use group finder tool for getting a group. As for socialising people, look for guilds of that type, you can join up to 5 guilds so don't be shy to do so. And I must disagree about everyone rushing to high level, I, and several other people I know, have spent almost 4 days of time in /played and we are not even lvl 30. :D
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • Brother_Numsie
    Why does this feel so much like another troll post.....

    No I wont go there. (but I did >:) <--- shut up you!)

    This is only the first month of a new game, everyone is racing off trying to get their Vet Stat for PVP, or exploring the game, or trying to make some gold for a future shiny. Wait a few months and peeps will get more talkative in chat.

    Though how you are not seeing the barrens chat in zone is beyond me, unless that's what you mean by this game being like WOW.

    Then yes, yes it is like WOW, just like every game's zone chat is these days.

    If you want to chat with others, join a guild, join several guilds. You can do that in this game.
  • Supersomething
    Perrie67 wrote: »
    As the title asks, I log in and apart from some subtle rule, skill and level changes it feels like WoW, everyone running around at top speed just grinding away to level, nobody even stopping to say hello. TBH I am somewhat disappointed and regret having spent the money on this game. Unless someone can direct me to an area or chat where people just simply socialise I will have to treat this as a single player game and cancel out when there is no more I can achieve myself. As much as Id like to join a group and go explore the harder dungeons, I cannot bring myself to stand in the market square spamming LFG for 3 hours straight.

    This is practically any MMO in existence and it is not just exclusive to WoW. If you came to this MMO hoping for a massive social experience while roaming then you will undoubtedly be disappointed. Not many players are interested in this when it comes to leveling.

    Only socializing you will get is probably from guilds, and yes there is the group finder as well. I am not sure how many people use it for over world questing though, its typically utilized for finding groups for dungeons.
    Remember, you're unique... just like everyone else.
    Tiberius Aulus
  • Sarenia
    Everybody is entitled to an opinion of course. Even if it's wrong. ;)
  • demendred
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • knightblaster
    At the beginning of an MMO, it's a massive race. People are racing to get the top level (50vr10 here), to get their crafts maxed out and so on, so that they can have a competitive advantage in the level cap endgame once the rest of the playerbase gets there. And the rest of the playerbase, the ones who aren't "racing" per se (the racers are already capped by now, to be honest), and who have more limited playtime, are often extremely goal oriented when they log in so that they can achieve the maximum amount possible in their limited time in the game. It's the way things are in the beginning of an MMO -- it's very cut-throat, really, and even moreso in a game where the endgame is PvP oriented, which is what this game is (currently).

    It will even out over the months as most of the playerbase reaches level cap and people are a bit more social and laid back, but still, even then, almost all of that socializing will take place in guilds. The time of players actually talking to non-guilded players out in the field is long gone in MMOs -- they're too big now. People are no more likely to chat with someone they come across in the field in an MMO than they are to chat with people around them in the grocery store.
  • Elvent
    Ugh no...I've been playing WoW for 9 years...this game is nothing like WoW. WoW feels too much like an EQ clone to me, oh wait it is a EQ clone just made easier and less tedious. WoW was not the first and last MMO, I am not sure how you can compare this game at all with WoW when everything is different.

    Do you see every single MMO on the market a clone of WoW or something? To be honest I think WoW could learn a few things from ESO.

    I know you types of people, every MMO is a clone to you but sorry I can't relate and it doesn't make any sense especially comparing to this game, it's dumb.
  • Voodoo
    another nonsense post. just because this game is a *** MMO does not make a wow clone! Could not disagree with OP more on this rubish.
  • Leesha
    The community in wow has taught me to be antisocial. If someone talks to me and is friendly, I'll happily talk back (may make a new friend) but I'm not going to say hi only to have "stfu go die in a fire" as a reply.
  • demendred
    Leesha wrote: »
    The community in wow has taught me to be antisocial. If someone talks to me and is friendly, I'll happily talk back (may make a new friend) but I'm not going to say hi only to have "stfu go die in a fire" as a reply.

    I completely agree.
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • TicToc
    Shimond wrote: »
    What an odd definition of WOW you must have.

    Exactly what i was thinking.

    The idea that you would expect people that are playing a game to stop when they see you walking by, and sit down for a chat, just seems bizarre to me. It certainly isn't specific to WoW. If there are hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of players in the game, do you really expect people to stop and talk to every one? That is not going to happen. People want to play the game. They aren't going to pay $15 a month to sit around and chat online.

    If you want a more social game, then you need to find a guild that you can be social with, that has the same interests that you do. As others mentioned, there is a group finder, but as was also mentioned, I doubt many people use it to for open world questing.
  • Perrie67
    No I wasn't trolling and apologise to anyone I have offended by comparing this to WoW, but as the only MMO's that I have played are UO, EvE, WoW and ESO the closest comparison is WoW. I will try the friend finder or as I said just play it as a single player until I get bored then leave quietly. Thanks for your insights.
  • Elvent
    Leesha wrote: »
    The community in wow has taught me to be antisocial. If someone talks to me and is friendly, I'll happily talk back (may make a new friend) but I'm not going to say hi only to have "stfu go die in a fire" as a reply.

    It's sad but true :( In ESO I try to start conversations with randoms I see out in the world in /say chat but I mostly get ignored or maybe it's the lack of chat bubbles nothing to grab their attention with zone chat always moving. I don't whisper because I don't want people to feel like I'm bothering them unless they whisper me or if I see somebody in chat asking for help.

    But yeah WoW has made me talk less than I used to with all of the rude people I have come across in that game. I had more fun playing solo in WoW than I did grouping with anybody except friends, I would try to avoid randoms as much as possible because 99% of them are so rude and mean and have an elitist attitude.

    It's a little easier in this game to talk because a lot of people seem friendly but I still see some of those random rude trolls that remind me of WoW...
  • Singular
    Perrie67 wrote: »
    As the title asks, I log in and apart from some subtle rule, skill and level changes it feels like WoW, everyone running around at top speed just grinding away to level, nobody even stopping to say hello. TBH I am somewhat disappointed and regret having spent the money on this game. Unless someone can direct me to an area or chat where people just simply socialise I will have to treat this as a single player game and cancel out when there is no more I can achieve myself. As much as Id like to join a group and go explore the harder dungeons, I cannot bring myself to stand in the market square spamming LFG for 3 hours straight.

    War, give me war, give me war.
  • The_Drexill
    OP, I think you logged into the wrong game... they both have circular icons, but WoW has a big W on it.
    Brandizzle - NB
    Drexill The Unbreakable - Sorc

    For teh covenant.
  • Mortelus
    The game is not like WoW. Maybe the community is though, but that's not Zeni's fault is it? Maybe you need to change the title to reflect this :)
    Edited by Mortelus on April 21, 2014 3:34AM
    Who has time? But if we never take time how can we ever have time?
  • Khyber
    you obviously haven't played wow
  • Kairagan
    Soul Shriven
    Elvent wrote: »
    ...I try to start conversations with randoms I see out in the world in /say chat but I mostly get ignored or maybe it's the lack of chat bubbles nothing to grab their attention with zone chat always moving...
    I turned off zone chat to avoid all the gold spam. The chat tab I usually have active is guild only, so I don't see anything other than green messages or server shutdowns broadcasts.

  • Firmament
    Perrie67 wrote: »
    As the title asks, I log in and apart from some subtle rule, skill and level changes it feels like WoW, everyone running around at top speed just grinding away to level, nobody even stopping to say hello. TBH I am somewhat disappointed and regret having spent the money on this game. Unless someone can direct me to an area or chat where people just simply socialise I will have to treat this as a single player game and cancel out when there is no more I can achieve myself. As much as Id like to join a group and go explore the harder dungeons, I cannot bring myself to stand in the market square spamming LFG for 3 hours straight.

    you forgot to mention ninja looting the quest item you arrived first to take and ninja looting the resources during you clean the mobs to get it.
    I got your point, but I think people are being like that in all games. it has to do with the world we live in not only with WoW. Sadly. Human race... ^^
  • badmojo
    I've walked up to the group dungeon doors exactly twice in my ESO career and both times I've been promptly asked to group up. I'm not sure why you would stand in the town square when the dungeon and people looking to group are far from there.
  • Audigy
    It's sad but true :( In ESO I try to start conversations with randoms I see out in the world in /say chat but I mostly get ignored or maybe it's the lack of chat bubbles nothing to grab their attention with zone chat always moving. I don't whisper because I don't want people to feel like I'm bothering them unless they whisper me or if I see somebody in chat asking for help.

    It has nothing to do with missing chat bubbles or spam in local chat´s. People just don't care anymore for others if it comes to social chatting.

    Not because they are rude, I for instance don't mind a nice chat. But WOW kind of destroyed the will to get to close to people. People dumb you in a split of a second after the quest is done, or they attack you after a wipe or act like impatient kids.

    You just set your priorities to something else than social activities and you tend to play more for yourself, than with others. Its a natural protection even if people deny it, if you look very closely to yourself you will see a pattern.

    Even in guilds the term social hardly exist´s. In wow people join guilds to raid, but if they could raid without them they wouldn't join them at all. Its the same with TESO.
    People join guilds to trade or do the Adventure Zone that is coming, but not to make friends.

    The best bet for friendship are RL mates who also play. That doesn't mean that there is no hope, but its not like it was at UO or Vanilla where you pretty much knew everyone and got help by everyone.
    But yeah WoW has made me talk less than I used to with all of the rude people I have come across in that game. I had more fun playing solo in WoW than I did grouping with anybody except friends, I would try to avoid randoms as much as possible because 99% of them are so rude and mean and have an elitist attitude.

    Exactly. Especially the Elitist attitude is killing it for me. People that tell me how to play, that cant understand that having a job or family requires off times are just...
    It's a little easier in this game to talk because a lot of people seem friendly but I still see some of those random rude trolls that remind me of WoW...

    I noticed them at the forum, they instantly attack you if they don't like your view on things :D Its like at the wow forums, but I hope the mods will run a zero tolerance policy here.
  • Sarenia
    Audigy wrote: »
    It's sad but true :( In ESO I try to start conversations with randoms I see out in the world in /say chat but I mostly get ignored or maybe it's the lack of chat bubbles nothing to grab their attention with zone chat always moving. I don't whisper because I don't want people to feel like I'm bothering them unless they whisper me or if I see somebody in chat asking for help.

    It has nothing to do with missing chat bubbles or spam in local chat´s. People just don't care anymore for others if it comes to social chatting.

    I agree. MMO's have made many of us a bit bitter and antisocial I suppose. I do like meeting new people, but my expectations are so low anymore that I sometimes forget there's some diamonds in the coal.

    I was just talking to a friend of mine how nobody ever says thank you when you save their life. They are 5% health, running for their life, you run in and save them from certain death... and they run off without so much as a "ty". It's very "Massively Single Player".

    None of this is ESO's fault of course. It doesn't make it an antisocial game, or a "WoW clone" or anything like that. It's just the way of the internet.
  • Csub
    Audigy wrote: »
    It's sad but true :( In ESO I try to start conversations with randoms I see out in the world in /say chat but I mostly get ignored or maybe it's the lack of chat bubbles nothing to grab their attention with zone chat always moving. I don't whisper because I don't want people to feel like I'm bothering them unless they whisper me or if I see somebody in chat asking for help.

    It has nothing to do with missing chat bubbles or spam in local chat´s. People just don't care anymore for others if it comes to social chatting.

    Not because they are rude, I for instance don't mind a nice chat. But WOW kind of destroyed the will to get to close to people. People dumb you in a split of a second after the quest is done, or they attack you after a wipe or act like impatient kids.

    You just set your priorities to something else than social activities and you tend to play more for yourself, than with others. Its a natural protection even if people deny it, if you look very closely to yourself you will see a pattern.

    Even in guilds the term social hardly exist´s. In wow people join guilds to raid, but if they could raid without them they wouldn't join them at all. Its the same with TESO.
    People join guilds to trade or do the Adventure Zone that is coming, but not to make friends.

    The best bet for friendship are RL mates who also play. That doesn't mean that there is no hope, but its not like it was at UO or Vanilla where you pretty much knew everyone and got help by everyone.
    But yeah WoW has made me talk less than I used to with all of the rude people I have come across in that game. I had more fun playing solo in WoW than I did grouping with anybody except friends, I would try to avoid randoms as much as possible because 99% of them are so rude and mean and have an elitist attitude.

    Exactly. Especially the Elitist attitude is killing it for me. People that tell me how to play, that cant understand that having a job or family requires off times are just...
    It's a little easier in this game to talk because a lot of people seem friendly but I still see some of those random rude trolls that remind me of WoW...

    I noticed them at the forum, they instantly attack you if they don't like your view on things :D Its like at the wow forums, but I hope the mods will run a zero tolerance policy here.

    I don't agree with you about the guilds, see, I am in 4 guilds, 2 trade and 2 smaller, social guilds, neither of them will rush to adventure zones. The reason is that I DO like to meet and talk to other people and make friends. I can be very social if I find the right company.

    I used to play WoW during BC and I remember I was in a nice social guild, there were lots of guilds like that. I stopped before WotLK and just returned early this year and what I noticed was that everyone is so alienated. And rude. I joined a lot of guilds but none of them were social even the ones advertised as such. I don't know if I just joined the wrong guilds or it is really like this in general, but even I, who is always social in mmos, stopped bothering about socialising. Here I happily noticed the opposite already, even one of the trade guilds is quite social, more than l the guilds I tried in WoW combined. :D
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • Applemoth
    Csub wrote: »
    I used to play WoW during BC and I remember I was in a nice social guild, there were lots of guilds like that. I stopped before WotLK and just returned early this year and what I noticed was that everyone is so alienated.

    I've noticed the same thing - I was playing WoW at around the same time and found some really friendly guilds. Even non-guild groups would occasionally chat when doing dungeons (not very often, I admit, but it did happen). Having been away from MMOs for a while I do feel like things are different now. People won't even chat with you before inviting you to a group, or to join their guild. I guess you're just supposed to read their mind to find out what the group is for (it isn't always obvious), or what sort of guild it is (I'm assuming not a very social one!).

    Why this is, I'm not sure. I must admit to being part of the problem - I don't initiate chat with other players much for fear of being intrusive, or getting an aggressive response.
    Edited by Applemoth on April 21, 2014 5:45AM
  • Perrie67
    Thankyou all for your responses, positive and negative. I now have a greater understanding and will be enjoying the game more as my expectations are different.

  • Vehadrah
    Just like in any large MMORPG the community as a whole may not be as social as you want it but if you join a guild, mainly a RP guild, they tend to play together more and be more social.

    This game is far from being like WoW, main reason you see people grinding is because this game actually makes you work and is time consuming. That is something WoW is not, it is an instant gratification MMO and you can get to end game content with casual play in just a few weeks.
  • Coggage
    Perrie67 wrote: »
    As the title asks, I log in and apart from some subtle rule, skill and level changes it feels like WoW, everyone running around at top speed just grinding away to level, nobody even stopping to say hello. TBH I am somewhat disappointed and regret having spent the money on this game. Unless someone can direct me to an area or chat where people just simply socialise I will have to treat this as a single player game...
    Players get the community they deserve. A community doesn't spring into being, fully formed and vibrant. The mmorpg community has been wasting away for the last 10 to 12 years because, broadly speaking, levels indicate success to the majority of players these days.

    The tools to create a community are there for people to use, but not many people bother. It isn't the game's fault - it's just the way people are in mmorpgs these days.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Wait .... you compared this to WoW because it isn't a Facebook MMO?

    Not everyone uses MMO's as a social gathering.

    Some people don't play games to make friends, we have friends, we play them for our own enjoyment.

    So no, people may not chat with you everywhere you go.

    How the hell does that bring up a WoW comparison?
  • Coggage
    Wait .... you compared this to WoW because it isn't a Facebook MMO?

    Not everyone uses MMO's as a social gathering.

    Some people don't play games to make friends, we have friends, we play them for our own enjoyment.

    So no, people may not chat with you everywhere you go.

    How the hell does that bring up a WoW comparison?
    Ah, well, some people think comparing other games to WoW establishes their gaming credentials and makes them look cool and uber. It's as if they have had some sort of belated gaming epiphany they simply have to share. :D
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