Im just gonna list some problems I personally came across, on top of my head:
1. Missing Bank/Items/Skill-points. People didn't get anything back yet after half a month this issue is known.
2. Main Quest Line completely bugged, attempted a fix after many days of suffering, many people still have problems.
3. Large number of side-quests dont work.
4. Worst possible time for maintenances, no respect for EU players.
5. Game economy completely broken, people exploiting a bug KNOWN FROM BETA, most of them not banned with millions of gold +legendary mats on their bank. (Completely game-breaking). The sad part about all this. It was happening back in beta, and they were told about it. They went live with the bug in, and DELETED threads on the official forums about it. That doesn't give me confidence they'll do the right thing and hand out bans for this.
6. Vampire/WW spawns completely broken and they top that with all those downtimes> Cherry on top is that exploiter guilds blocking players access to them in order to sell the bites (Zenimax does nothing)
7. Many maintenances (Okay I could live with that since its a new game, kinda ok)
JUST ON TOP OF MY HEAD!!! Im pretty sure there are many other problems since im not 24/7 on the forums.
I just wanted to make this post so people that compare this game to WOW (Something completely stupid since 10 years of technological advancement should mean way better results.) saying that we are good and "remember back in the day" can finally shut it. This release was a complete fiasco and I personally am completely disappointed. I havent given up hope still since this is a really anticipated game but everything that could go wrong already went wrong. Please Zenimax even if that means to make some "lineup" changes or give an extra something to employees, PLEASE FIX THE GAME.