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Im just being honest - ESO feels like a downgraded version of Skyrim. What dyou think?

  • Ysne58
    I do not think it's like Skyrim. I have over 700 hours in Skyrim.
  • Zordrage
    The thing that disappoints me most is the fact that you can't interact with most things in the environment.

    In Skyrim (and Oblivion if I remember correctly) you could pick up most items, even random things like bowls. In ESO I keep seeing cool armor, weapons etc but it's effectively just background art that I can't do anything with.

    as i allready said here

    this would totaly break the game lol
  • drkeys143

    As for the graphics, I think people are looking back on skyrim with rose tinted glasses. Check it again guys. It was good for when it launched, but I think you'll find it's not as good as you remember in comparison to ESO.

    I agree, I have Skyrim modded to hell on a high end rig, and I still think that TESO looks better
  • Shimond
    KingRebz wrote: »
    sales dont determine whether a game is good or not. Your expectations therefore are farfetched mate.

    huh? You're the one projecting your expectations on us, not the other way around. You started this thread, not I.

    I loved Skyrim and I love this game and I don't see how you can possibly compare the two.
  • LarZen

    Skyrim is a singleplayer RPG and The Elder Scrolls Online is a MMORPG. The first thing one should do is read up a little and get some knowledge about how these two genera's are and what differentiates them. Because there are many things that are different on how these two type of games are built up and with technical limitations etc.

    That said I kinda agree with you....

    This is the first mmorpg I have played that made me feel like I am playing a RPG game. It's a good thing because I like everything a RPG have. But at the same time bad because I can play RPG games that cost me nothing pr.month to play....in contrast to ESO.

    Playing with others is the biggest flaw in ESO. It's clunky,messy and most times not necessary. For a mmo that is a bad thing...

    The game falls short between being a RPG and a MMORPG. It's like the developers could not decide and the result is this strange mix.

    I really like this game. It makes me want to log on and play more. As a mmorpg player I find it puzzling that I log on not because I want to play with others but alone.

    The game makes me think more and more about playing Skyrim or other RPG games. And that was probably not the effect the developers wanted...?

  • p.hurst1b16_ESO
    I have always thought that TESO does have a feeling of being "Elder Scrolls Lite".

    But that is not exactly true. It is also an MMO and has had many familiar aspects
    from TES. It could never be as detailed as a single player game.

    But those complaining about that are missing a few points.

    1. This game has all of Tamriel in it. Okay a few bits are not open yet but I bet they will be in the long run.

    2. The sheer volume of items and books to read are more than in a single player.

    Basically, what TESO misses in detail it makes up for in scale.

    Also, do not forget that TESO is the most sophisticated MMO of all time. The instancing is almost beyond belief. The site of a zone after you have been through and done your work is very satisfying. The villages that were overrun are now peaceful. NPC heroes from your alliance have moved on or returned home.

    Gone are the days of watching the same NPC, rooted to the spot, giving out the same "Kill 20 Crocodiles" quest.

    It is not easy to write off such a complex and majestic a game as TESO without putting a bit of thought into it.
    <Enigmatic Name> Is poaching new guild members again ! Apply on our webby with your CV and proof of identity and we can arrange an interview with a panel of our officers.
  • temjiu
    Laura wrote: »
    I feel like its a lot more like elder scrolls than oblivion and skyrim. I felt like skyrim was the weakest title and pretty much all my friends agree on that (keep in mind i'm a pretty old geek I remember playing dungeons and dragons on atari) This game is a LOT more like previous titles and quite frankly i >love< it. I love skyrim but it sort of felt like a hiking simulator

    You kids need to remember ES isn't defined by Skyrim. Try some of the older games you might enjoy them they are a LOT of fun and a lot more in depth.

    I agree Laura :) my favorite ES game was morrowind, and i enjoyed the lesser ones. Oblivion (and from what i hear skyrim was similar) felt very weak to me. I hated the design...you could literally beat the game by level 3. I always enjoyed how in morrowind, if you went into a high level area you got beat down. it was a challenge for me to level up and set up my gear to beat it.

    This game IMO has all the better elements of the early ES series put into an MMO package.
  • Elencha
    Mortuum wrote: »
    OP you are another one who cant see difference between MMO and SPRPG, and that some compromises were required to make this game work. So yes, you cant move or pick every plate, recollect arrows from dead bodies and one shoot mobs from stealth. It is not a ''poor version of...''. It is called balance. Do you know how massive and complicated game code will be to allow above things? Amount of data to track arrows etc? There are no servers in world which could handle that. So choice is simple, play MMO as it is, as they not going to change it, or play SPRPG and have it all.
    I have to concede to most of this. But nerfing stealth? Why is that essential to an MMO? ESO is not Skyrim, I get that. I love Skyrim and I love ESO, they don't need to be the same game. But to be honest, there are things about ESO that really make me wonder. In Skyrim, and other ES games, the quests were meaningful and changeable. Not to say that ESO has none of this, it just seems to have significantly less and of less significance. There are a few quest objectives where you can choose how to approach them, but not many, and those are teensy little pieces of overall quests.
    I think those are my two main gripes with ESO:
    I can't really level stealth and use it effectively long term, (admittedly though, I'm a very low level and my Nightblade skill lines and I haven't had a lot of time to talk about how they can best serve this objective)
    I can't choose to hide behind a pole or a stair rail and shoot the guard rather than bribe him. It isn't unrealistic that one well-aimed arrow could kill a man, even one wearing armor.
  • Luciana
    This is an MMO, by definition you could not have expected everything Skyrim had.

    Many things missing here are near impossible to do in an MMO, things that Elder Scrolls players take for granted unfortunately, like the killing of NPCs or turning an entire town hostile, or even stealing everything that isn't nailed to the ground.

    This is an MMO first and an Elder Scrolls game second, that means it has limitations that any singleplayer Elder Scrolls game didn't have, both in gameplay and in graphics.

    I won't deny, I've had moments myself where I felt a bit disappointed in the beta, like indeed when I noticed I could interact with very few things around me, but as someone who was already expecting an MMO, I quickly moved on and accepted that, and many other things, as a result of this being an MMO.

    The most common problem ranging from nobodies to even AngryJoe who's ESO streams I've been avidly following, is that most people expect an Elder Scrolls game first, and are here for that, yes, those people will be disappointed by countless things, I came here for an MMO myself and adjusted my expectations accordingly.
    Edited by Luciana on April 19, 2014 8:08PM
    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Noisivid
    I don't know where you got your expectations from.
    All of the Elder Scrolls games are different, Daggerfall to Skyrim. Add in a switch from single player games to MMOs and there are of necessity going to be even more changes. For me personally it still feels like an Elder Scrolls game.
    Also the game released two weeks ago. More stuff is coming, Thieves guild, dark brotherhood etc... rumours (very unconfirmed) of spellmaking...
    Vogon Poet Laureate
  • Zordrage
    temjiu wrote: »
    Laura wrote: »
    I feel like its a lot more like elder scrolls than oblivion and skyrim. I felt like skyrim was the weakest title and pretty much all my friends agree on that (keep in mind i'm a pretty old geek I remember playing dungeons and dragons on atari) This game is a LOT more like previous titles and quite frankly i >love< it. I love skyrim but it sort of felt like a hiking simulator

    You kids need to remember ES isn't defined by Skyrim. Try some of the older games you might enjoy them they are a LOT of fun and a lot more in depth.

    I agree Laura :) my favorite ES game was morrowind, and i enjoyed the lesser ones. Oblivion (and from what i hear skyrim was similar) felt very weak to me. I hated the design...you could literally beat the game by level 3. I always enjoyed how in morrowind, if you went into a high level area you got beat down. it was a challenge for me to level up and set up my gear to beat it.

    This game IMO has all the better elements of the early ES series put into an MMO package.

    not all but most of it.
  • temjiu
    LarZen wrote: »
    This is the first mmorpg I have played that made me feel like I am playing a RPG game. It's a good thing because I like everything a RPG have. But at the same time bad because I can play RPG games that cost me nothing pr.month to play....in contrast to ESO.

    Playing with others is the biggest flaw in ESO. It's clunky,messy and most times not necessary. For a mmo that is a bad thing...

    The game falls short between being a RPG and a MMORPG. It's like the developers could not decide and the result is this strange mix.

    I really like this game. It makes me want to log on and play more. As a mmorpg player I find it puzzling that I log on not because I want to play with others but alone.

    The game makes me think more and more about playing Skyrim or other RPG games. And that was probably not the effect the developers wanted...?

    This is probably the best general critique I've seen yet. That's one of the biggest current issues IMO. Even though I love how "soloable" the game is, group content should be inviting and easy to do. grouping up should not be discouraged, and currently, the rewards for grouping IMO outweigh the negatives.

    Add to that the points that their group content at the moment is clunky and full of bugs, and even the open instance areas (public instances) aren't designed well. needed quest bosses are killed so fast by farmers that people who want to quest can't get a shot in, and half of them are bugged anyways. They reduce exp gotten in public instances to prevent grinders and farmers from...I dunno...grinding. this reduces the desire to go spelunking with a group even more. It's one thing to provide solo and group options equally...it's another to outright dissuade you from one. And it almost feels like they do that at times with grouping.

    valid complaints, and it's pretty obvious that in spite of it being an excellent game, the SPG experience of the Dev's is showing through. the solo play is well designed and fun, the group play is clunky and feels like an add-on.

    However, once they get the groups stuff figured out, I feel this game will be one of the best so far I've played to date.
    Edited by temjiu on April 19, 2014 8:07PM
  • Mortuum
    @Elencha it is mostly for PVP balance, which is huge part of game. If i will be able to one shoot everyone from really big distance, and remain in stealth all time, like my character in Oblivion, we will end up with everyone playing stealthy archer/assassins. Melee classes will make no sense, and PVP will be dead in few weeks.

    Also crime system is coming with Dark Brootherhood and Thieves Guild so maybe it will give us option to slaughter guards hehe.

    Just to add, higher level NB's are very annoying in PVP...Means they are not that weak, if player invest in skill lines and gear. You may just not see it yet as you are, as you said, low level.

    Edit: also later in game you will face many choices, which actually are important for your character and story lines. But i wont spoil your fun :) You will see yourself. But depending on choices, you will meet different NPCs, they will react differently to your character, all NPCs will behave based on choices you have made.
    Edited by Mortuum on April 19, 2014 8:10PM
  • Elencha
    Luciana wrote: »
    ... This is an MMO first and an Elder Scrolls game second...
    Please understand that I ask this question in earnest: On what is this assertion based?
  • Pelerin2014
    I don't think it feels like a downgraded Skyrim at all, I think it feels like a good mix of TES and MMO gameplay.
    Pelarius, Imperial Dragonknight of the Aldmeri Dominion.
  • Luciana
    Elencha wrote: »
    Luciana wrote: »
    ... This is an MMO first and an Elder Scrolls game second...
    Please understand that I ask this question in earnest: On what is this assertion based?

    Okay, you got me there I guess, since I really can't ''prove'' it as a solid fact, let me rephrase then.

    To me, this is an MMO first and an Elder Scrolls game second, it remains a matter of perspective, those that came here purely for Elder Scrolls, with matching expectations (ergo, assuming everything Skyrim had, ESO will have), will be disappointed without a second of doubt.

    Those like me that came here knowing full well to align expectations to the fact that this is still an MMO, will be less disappointed about missing functions.
    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Elencha
    Mortuum wrote: »
    @Elencha it is mostly for PVP balance, which is huge part of game. If i will be able to one shoot everyone from really big distance, and remain in stealth all time, like my character in Oblivion, we will end up with everyone playing stealthy archer/assassins. Melee classes will make no sense, and PVP will be dead in few weeks.

    Also crime system is coming with Dark Brootherhood and Thieves Guild so maybe it will give us option to slaughter guards hehe.

    Just to add, higher level NB's are very annoying in PVP...Means they are not that weak, if player invest in skill lines and gear. You may just not see it yet as you are, as you said, low level.

    Edit: also later in game you will face many choices, which actually are important for your character and story lines. But i wont spoil your fun :) You will see yourself. But depending on choices, you will meet different NPCs, they will react differently to your character, all NPCs will behave based on choices you have made.
    I hadn't considered the PvP aspect or the impact of big stealth bonuses therein. Interesting point. I shall pout less on this issue. :-P Although, I suspect that it would actually make PvP more interesting.

    I am glad to hear that my Nightblade is weakish because her skill points mostly went into crafting.

    @Luciana Fair enough, and as I've said, I know it's ridiculous to expect to be able to horde every cup, bowl and loose floorboard in Tamriel in the context of something that has to support this many people. And to be fair, there is a lot in this game that sings of Elder Scrolls and not a typical MMO. And a lot of concessions had to be made both ways. But, to me, this is an Elder Scrolls game first. Frankly, I bought it at all because it was the closest thing I could find to a good LAN RPG to play with my boyfriend. It was our compromise between his MMO habit and my single-player RPG habit. Overall, I'd say it's a pretty good balance from what I've seen so far.
    I find these threads interesting because they are a reflection of what happens in my house whenever we load the game.
  • AbraCadabra
    How does this belong in New Player Discussion or Players Helping Players?
  • nerevarine1138
    I love that people claim "This is watered-down Skyrim!" without actually providing any reasons.
  • Arreyanne
    Shimond wrote: »
    You were expecting an MMO to be better than a game that got multiple Game of the Year awards and sold well over 20 million copies?

    Those are some expectations.

    (this is of course absolutely ignoring the multiplayer and non-moddable aspect of it that make it a completely asinine comparison)

    And no I did not expect it have mods and all, and I can like Skyrim better for that reason, even if you believe it to be asinine

  • poochie
    Skyrim never really had "tough" spots or areas or bosses that just increased in difficulty by a factor of 5. Graphics are way better in TESO. But to me Nords don't look beefy enough compared to Skyrim. That or they just not ugly enough. The sneak attack power-shot in TESO just isn't there compared to Skyrim. In Skyrim I could 1-shot almost anything including dragons but in TESO the sneak attack power-shot only works maybe 30% of the time if sneak attack is 100% chance then fails hard.
  • Lalai
    Disagree. It's different while still maintaining an Elder Scrolls feel (for me) with a lot of aspects I've come to love about MMOs, and some things that MMOs typically don't have. It's kinda it's own thing that I'm finding quite enjoyable. Then again I try not to compare one game to the next, and rather just judge them on whether I think they're fun or not.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • lordspyder
    I notice, it's mainly those that played mostly Skyrim that feel like this isn't Elder Scrolls-y enough, those of us that played the older games feel right at home.
  • Kyotee0071
    I disagree with the OP.

    I didn't play Skyrim much as I am not into single player games. But from what I did play this game's combat is much more engaging and smooth than Skyrim.

    Also from what I can tell, the quest are much better, the npc's are way more interesting, and well it just does not feel much like Skyrim to me, and feels improved in many ways. Again, this is from my limited experience with Skyrim.
    I didn't think my hangover was that bad this morning until I spent 10 minutes trying to log into my old Etch-A-Sketch

  • Alurria
    I played skyrim but I am loving this game so far. I was on the edge in beta but this is different enough, and the same if you understand to make it enjoyable. I disagree with the OP. The very difference is what is appealing to me.
  • Howl
    MMOs grow over time. It's pretty much a given that things like Thieves' Guild, poisons, Dark Brotherhood, Player/Guild housing etc, will gradually make their way into the game at some point.
  • Humor
    Zenimax has been making this game long before Skyrim, ESO has been in the making for 7+ years now, if you expected Skyrim out of this game, you'd probably want to look elsewhere.

    Honestly, the visuals on Ultra settings aren't that bad, in fact, it's better than what most mmorpg's now a days can pull off. Right now, the only games that actually lead mmorpg's in visuals would be Final Fantasy 14, and some Korean games such as Black Gold. Of course, anything within Korea, we usually never see brought over sea's, so, they don't technically count. One could also argue Tera, however, once I went back, long time ago, I thought to myself, "Wow, this game doesn't look that great actually".

    To me, ESO doesn't feel that different from any other TES game, people just rate the game poorly in comparison to the other TES series, because they've yet to experience the MMO world, stuck in their old traditional single-player ways.

    And in all honesty, whether people want to admit it or not, they're butt-hurt over no Sex Mod from Skryim. I base that on it being one of the most popular Skyrim mods out there.

    In short- No Sex Mod= Not as good as Skyrim (the average person's thought).
  • badmojo
    I feel like the combat is better, but the immersion is obviously worse.

    But, I'd still play it if it was step back from Oblivion, because multiplayer.
    Naming this game elder scrolls online and putting in the same universe is a blessing and a curse. For me it's a blessing. I've wanted this for many years.
    You cannot compare this game to skyrim, if this was the next elder scrolls game then yes it would be a letdown, but it's not. The next elder scrolls game better have crazy insane graphics and a world full of npc's that is huge huge, better gameplay and I want it mold my experience. That said this is an mmo and for an mmo it's pretty amazing. Although I totally understand what your saying.
  • Korusus
    lordspyder wrote: »
    I notice, it's mainly those that played mostly Skyrim that feel like this isn't Elder Scrolls-y enough, those of us that played the older games feel right at home.

    This may be true, but I still don't feel quite right with ESO. I think everyone would be much happier if they considered this a Battlespire or Redguard spinoff rather than a true Elder Scrolls game.

    If you look at it for what it is: a tribute game developed by a different group of people...then the err...inconsistencies start to be tolerable. (Dunmer architecture, I'm lookin at you).

    I fully expect Bethesda do develop future Elder Scrolls games based in provinces that look as different from ESO as ESO looks different from Morrowind...(Dunmer architecture, I'm lookin at you again).

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