Anyone still playing?

Just curious. Never seen such a hard fail for a premium game release such as this. Way too many things to mention. Seems like everything is just wrong. Who left, and who's still playing?
  • Alyrn_Grey
    Yes and quite happily too.
  • Hakuichi
    In game you can hardly tell anyone left, still full of happy players.
  • sinjidsotw
    still playing as are a lot of people in the guilds i am in.
  • Dudegeridoo
    What a productive post we have here.
  • Silowyi
    Still playing, still going to play. 95% of the game is awesome and the rest will get fixed. It's a game, i's not the core of my life and I think they got a lot fo things right. Are there things I'd like to see fixed or different? Sure there are. But I'm not on life support and this isn't a faulty heart I need to depend upon. I'm having fun, bugs and all.
  • GossiTheDog
    I'm still playing. It's a really great game - when it works.
  • Auric_ESO
    "The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit." Morihei Ueshiba
  • CTraveler
    Yup! Still playing :)
  • Exittium
    Still going strong and having fun
  • Dreyfron
    awesome and loving it!!
  • Endolith
    People don't realize what a tiny fraction of a population frequent official forums.
  • JKorr
    Yes. Rather happily, actually. Started a new character and I'm having a ball playing. Took a break to feed the cats and make dinner. I plan on going back when I'm done. Reporting gold sellers and bots is an added element.
  • Audigy
    Just played for an hour, was fun as usual :)
  • Alierion_ESO
    Just got home from work a little while ago and I'm finding the forums are pretty damn entertaining. Yes I'm still playing ESO but this situation has peaked my curiosity enough to where I want to watch the forums more so than play the game.
  • joshuabutlerb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Loving ESO! Yep I am here to stay.
  • Moobs
    The game works fine, haven't seen much complaining in guild or zone chats. Apparently this forum is for another game with the same name.
  • Scott
    I lurk the forums a lot when I can't play, but that's the only way I would know how 'terrible' the game is at this point.
  • xPuppetx
    Still playing it, still loving it. I'm here for the long haul. Sure, it's definitely got some kinks that need to be ironed out but overall it really is a fantastic game.
  • CTraveler
    Endolith wrote: »
    People don't realize what a tiny fraction of a population frequent official forums.

    Quoted for Truth!
  • Jim_McMasterub17_ESO
    Yup, still playing. (Altoholic though, so by virtue of this; avoiding several bugs that have plagued people's progression)
  • MysticAura
    Still playing and loving the game :smile: Bugs are slowly but surely being squished. Cheaters and spammers are slowly also being squished. I have no reason to leave.
    The forums however..make me sometimes fear for humanity's future.
  • Shanna
    still playing when I'm able to log in...which is not, apparently, on Friday nights.
    This is all part of the game.
  • Willow
    Playng but I think I will c ncel my 6 month sub and just sub monthly. I love the game but think maybe a monthly sub is the way to go for the first 4 months.
  • feartheswansb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Witblitz wrote: »
    Just curious. Never seen such a hard fail for a premium game release such as this. Way too many things to mention. Seems like everything is just wrong. Who left, and who's still playing?

    Then you never Played WoW at its actual Launch. I swear The amount of bugged quests and most people not even being able to enter Lagforge, I mean Iron Forge or Orgrimmar was ridiculous. Its one of the reasons that the Auction houses are Cross faction, they had to because people couldn't get in the towns much less to the City specific AHs. People were dumping subs left and right because the Dwarves and Gnomes couldn't progress in their Zones because of it. They had to corpse run to Menthil Harbor to hop the boat to Darnassus to quest there! Then they couldn't use the big AH because one they were on the other side of the world and two they lagged out when getting there. It was Horrible. Then never mind the invincible Ret Pally Self heal Loot Grinding exploit.
  • Hodorius
    Still playing.
    Still a great game.
    Customer Support still extremly bad.
    Bugs are getting fewer and cheaters are getting banned.
    Have not seen gold sellers for two days now.
  • Kium
    Yup still playing, even with the bugs and mess ups. I see lots of other people still playing too. Doesn't seem too big of a fail launch to me..
  • Saint_JiubB14_ESO
    Endolith wrote: »
    People don't realize what a tiny fraction of a population frequent official forums.

    @Endolith not to mention the fact that people who are content don't tend to even look until something is wrong and the people who rage about everything never leave the forums to play. People get such a distorted view of the player base.
    You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.

    Winston Churchill
  • PBpsy
    I play it and starting to enjoy it even more since I got used to/got over some of the features that I (still) think are crap. I am about to go to VR2 and Yeah I like it. Also it doesn't seem that anybody left since probably nobody actually left including the OP troll.
    Edited by PBpsy on April 19, 2014 1:43AM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
    Elitist jerk
    Fan of icontested(rainbow colors granted)
  • ElliottXO
    Of course it's still being played. Go to any low level dungeon boss and you will see "people" literally lining up for the boss, for hours and hours.
  • felixgamingx1
    I really liked the surprise mass ban and honestly there's a lot more to be banned fun fun fun I like this game more now!
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