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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

I'm curious as to what we're going to get for our $15 a month

So the game has only been out a few weeks, however I'm wondering what we're going to get for our money.

I understand some of it is going to pay for bandwidth and server maintenance but are we going to get anything beyond basic bug-fixes? I mean, the obvious bang for buck is to expand the endgame activities (not at end game myself so not sure what there is currently to do) but are we going to get anything beyond that? (if we get even that). Perhaps adding fishing as an actual skill? Or adding new adventure areas as an alternative for alts to level through?

What do you all think. Is the game going to be static with new stuff added in pay expansions or do you think we'll get something more for our money (and is there enough here to keep you paying 15 even if they never add anything new just fix bugs and polish things?)
  • Shimond
    I wouldn't be playing and paying if I didn't think what is in the game is worth it. I've never bought the "pay now and hope" attitude some people seem to take concerning games. They've already announced not two weeks in a major content patch in the form of Craglorn upcoming. I expect more of the same but it won't impact me until I'm actually finished with the existing content (which I'm not even close to a quarter through yet).
  • loops73
    I don't think this game should have a sub..ESO offers nothing new and is a hot mess at the moment. I might possibly come back once it goes free to play.
    Edited by loops73 on April 18, 2014 8:43PM
  • loudent
    Well of course the game is worth it now. It's still all new. It may be different when you've consumed most of the content.
  • imperialyap_ESO
    The subscription allows the studio to continue developing new content on a much larger scale, as the funds are there. Zenimax mentioned in an older press release or of sorts, that they are looking to do DLC type expansions on a very regular basis. So basically, the fee is for future content and to support the game and it's longevity. A good example is EVE, the game is subscription based and is able to pump out large content expansions often. ESO however, is going to attempt to get those types of expansions out much faster.

    Lastly, having a subscription helps filter out a lot of BS that comes with a free to play game. Those games tend to attract the worst of individuals, and cheaters.
    Edited by imperialyap_ESO on April 18, 2014 8:49PM
  • nerevarine1138
    I'm sorry, you must have missed the announcement trailer and AMA about Craglorn. That's a whole new zone, new 4-man and 12-man content, new veteran levels, new gear, etc.
  • loudent
    loops73 wrote: »
    I don't think this game should have a sub..ESO offers nothing new and is a hot mess at the moment. I might possibly come back once it goes free to play.

    I prefer games with a sub, but I agree this one doesn't feel as polished as I'm used to for sub games. However, it's possible my expectations are spoiled by games that have and real time to mature.

    I'm actually more concerned by design vision that I think is a mistake because there's no fixing that. Ultimately that, and lack of compelling things to do, will be the cause of an unsub.

    EDIT: I'm not saying that I'm at that point. still working through content
    Edited by loudent on April 18, 2014 8:47PM
  • RianaTheBosmer
    Suspended for doing absolutely nothing.
  • Thete
    Bottom line is that a subscription model exists on new content. They've said that they will be bringing out regular content patches, which they will need to unless they want their subs income going up and down like a rollercoaster.
  • Shimond
    loudent wrote: »
    Well of course the game is worth it now. It's still all new. It may be different when you've consumed most of the content.

    Sure, and when it ceases to be entertaining, I quit. Like anyone rational. What I don't do is continue paying once it's stopped being entertaining, holding out hope of some sort of imminent change that will justify my continued spending.
  • Jarndyce
    Hmm........Not worried about the bug fixes. In time, they will get worked out.

    Let's see........so far, imho, a very good story driven elder scrolls mmorpg. Excellent pvp. Great crafting system.

    The Tamriel map is only partially filled in, so......the possibility of future content, pve and pvp, looks promising.

    I have no issues with the $15 subscription.

    This is just one person's opinion.
  • RaZaddha
    We are paying so the developer will pump out more fun content to keep us playing, so the game will be constantly being improved to make it more fun to us. If there wasn't a sub the devs would have to focus on pumping out content that makes us spend more money instead of making fun content for us.
    Edited by RaZaddha on April 18, 2014 8:56PM
  • loudent
    Jarndyce wrote: »
    I have no issues with the $15 subscription.

    I think only one person actually said it shouldn't have one. I'm just more curious about what we'll get for it. Someone mentioned the new craglorn adventure zone for veterans and that looks cool. I'd also like to see various alternative leveling/adventuring zones for all levels though. Mostly this thread is about speculation over the future of content based on our sub fee

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