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[POLL] Is login/logout to reset items in boxes/bookcases ... a cheat/exploit?

In my opinion exploits have ruined many things in this game, but the annoying thing is that people can abuse the login/logout to reset book cases... do it 100 times and you probably have reset maybe 500-1000 attempts at skillups... Even more annoying is the spam of people selling Motif and recipe claiming rarity... which would be true if people did not exploit. Scamming to me is worse than gold spammers.

Question 1- Is abusing login/logout resets a cheat/exploit?
1= yes
0= no

Question 2- Should this loot table be server side to take away the exploit?
1= yes
0= no
*Policing the MMO community since 1997*
  • TheCookisMonstar
    *Policing the MMO community since 1997*
  • Sarenia
    I feel that it is an exploit.

    They need a more elegant throttle than login to manage containers.
  • MysticAura
    I feel that pointing this type of thing out on the forums, is just asking for more people to say 'oh neat I'm going to do that now!' please don't advertise possible exploits or cheats on the forums (no matter how minor)
  • TheCookisMonstar
    MysticAura wrote: »
    I feel that pointing this type of thing out on the forums, is just asking for more people to say 'oh neat I'm going to do that now!' please don't advertise possible exploits or cheats on the forums (no matter how minor)

    awareness bringes fixes

    not being aware and ignoring game breaking exploits brings free to play

    in the words of a dev I know.... its better to get their attention through votes than cries...
    *Policing the MMO community since 1997*
  • dolmen
    Else where, in response to this I said:

    If a player wants to spend their time on these "exploits", fine by me. I would find it very boring. But some will do most anything to get more "gold", items or skill levels.

    Doing so will not affect anyone's play, or the game "economy". There is no game "economy". Prices are set at the vendors and do not fluctuate. There is no influence of supply and demand, thus no economy.

    The only "economy" that exists in game is the trading between players. Prices there are influenced by supply and demand. ZOS will not concern themselves with this. How these "exploits" ruin that economy isn't an issue. If you don't like the price, don't buy. If can't get your price, sell something else. This economy is a true Open Market. I do hope a trade channel will be opened on day to segregate the "exchange" off to another channel, just to clear up the current spam.

    I believe it's up to the players who don't like these "exploits" to control their "Item envy" and "Level envy". The fact some players are doing these does not in anyway affect your play or enjoyment unless you chose for it to.

    And let's be honest here. Who hasn't while moving items through the bank from character to character not hit the various containers/book cases in the bank while doing so? I have. Who hasn't on the way to else where stopped off at the Mages Guild and hit the book cases? I have.

    Remember also, all containers are instanced to the player, so you are not losing the chance for anything to anyone.
    The Sidekick Order
  • TheCookisMonstar
    dolmen wrote: »
    Else where, in response to this I said:

    If a player wants to spend their time on these "exploits", fine by me. I would find it very boring. But some will do most anything to get more "gold", items or skill levels.

    Doing so will not affect anyone's play, or the game "economy". There is no game "economy". Prices are set at the vendors and do not fluctuate. There is no influence of supply and demand, thus no economy.

    The only "economy" that exists in game is the trading between players. Prices there are influenced by supply and demand. ZOS will not concern themselves with this. How these "exploits" ruin that economy isn't an issue. If you don't like the price, don't buy. If can't get your price, sell something else. This economy is a true Open Market. I do hope a trade channel will be opened on day to segregate the "exchange" off to another channel, just to clear up the current spam.

    I believe it's up to the players who don't like these "exploits" to control their "Item envy" and "Level envy". The fact some players are doing these does not in anyway affect your play or enjoyment unless you chose for it to.

    And let's be honest here. Who hasn't while moving items through the bank from character to character not hit the various containers/book cases in the bank while doing so? I have. Who hasn't on the way to else where stopped off at the Mages Guild and hit the book cases? I have.

    Remember also, all containers are instanced to the player, so you are not losing the chance for anything to anyone.

    So... you condone cheating and if they can and want to you have no problem with it?

    What about later when it effects you in pvp and they are exploit cheating there?
    *Policing the MMO community since 1997*
  • Applemoth
    It can't be considered a cheat, because it's allowed by the "rules" of the game.

    To argue that it's an exploit, you need to show that the devs clearly didn't intend it. The 'duplicated items' exploit that came to light recently is obviously an exploit because nobody could sensibly argue that the devs intended it. I don't think that's so clear in this case.

    Of course, if the devs announce that they consider it an exploit and are going to take steps to prevent it, then it's an exploit. Until then I think its fine (if a bit cheesy).
  • Caran
    I fail to see the problem. What "valuable" loot do those containers have? Racial motif books at best ... in a couple of weeks (even without these "exploits") everybody will have the normal ones.
  • Melian
    Logging in and out to loot containers doesn't interfere with anyone else's enjoyment of the game and doesn't use them in a way the devs didn't intend. If they only wanted them looted once, they would have made them that way.
  • MercyKilling
    Actually, I have a greater concern in this:
    I've made one character per faction, and I play them in roughly equal amounts. My first is a Dunmer, and I played the intro island and then alted. Played my Bosmer through the intro island then alted. Played my Redguard through the intro island then went back to the Dunmer. One week I took to get through Bal Foyen and Stonefalls..and in that entire week I found NOT ONE SINGLE MOTIF BOOK despite looking everywhere. When I moved to the next zone, the Bosmer was next up.

    Took me four hours of play until I was able to enter the bank area and immediately loot three motif books in a row. After that...nada. Nothing, zip zilch squat.
    Flash forward another week and I'm playing my Redguard through the second starter island and I'm running through Glenumbra. Took a couple of days, but I managed to loot two more motif books, and just last night to get a VERY RARE motif book. Imperial style, YAY!

    My concern is this: For the Pact, I have yet to find a motif book despite a whole week of play as compared to four hours for the Alliance and two days for the Covenant. I'm thinking loot tables are skewed and might need some attention.

    Either that, or I have some REALLY godawful luck on loot rolls for my Dunmer character.
    Edited by MercyKilling on April 18, 2014 6:57PM
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • dolmen
    @TheCookisMonstar, I don't advocate cheating. Nor do I consider these "exploits" such since they do not in anyway deprive me of something. Who is getting cheated here? That is the question. Those who make use of these "exploits" in my opinion only are cheating themselves of the full game experience. But that is an opinion and not really relevant.

    So. How are these "exploits" cheating? Someone goes to all that trouble to have more virtual "stuff" and this negatively affects me how? Someone goes to all that trouble to gain skill levels, for which they still need the skill points to use and this affects me how?

    Not sure where you were going with the PVP advantage so I let that ride.
    The Sidekick Order
  • Audigy
    I don't think spreading exploits in the official forum is the answer. Most people didn't know about this exploit but now that you made it public ...

    There is a support form ingame, use it.
  • Zakua
    Dolmen makes some very good points.
    I'm going to say no and no.
    I login and out a bit between my toons and I always check / recheck for loot befor
  • Gaudrath
    This is not an exploit, nor is it cheating. The game is designed this way, and it was an intended design. Good or bad, players cannot be blamed for playing the game as it was intended to be played.
  • Alexies
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    MysticAura wrote: »
    I feel that pointing this type of thing out on the forums, is just asking for more people to say 'oh neat I'm going to do that now!' please don't advertise possible exploits or cheats on the forums (no matter how minor)

    awareness bringes fixes

    not being aware and ignoring game breaking exploits brings free to play

    in the words of a dev I know.... its better to get their attention through votes than cries...

    Awareness for whom? A simple Bug Report to the Devs in game would of sufficed. Instead you brought it to the forums to announce it. This might be microcosm of the community. But people are going to share this with others and its going to spread even more then it already has.

    There was no need for a poll. Bug Report would of done just fine.

    I think the real issue is that you wanted to create a debate on this because you dont like the way others are going about getting these items and you seek to cause an uproar about it so the Devs HAVE to do something about it. Rather giving the Devs a chance to make a call about it without a mob of forum-goers crying foul.
    Edited by Korah_Eaglecry on April 18, 2014 7:42PM
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • MaxBat
    @TheCookisMonstar: No and No.

    Really? Here on the forums? Not getting enough attention at home?
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Harbingers
    No and No.

    This is a flaw in the system if deemed anything of such. This is what happens when the majority cries about shared loot boxes. You face your own consequence.
    ~ Immersion is no substitute for Exposition ~
    Karesh Zeal - VR12 Templar - Live
    Abyssiana Zeal - VR10 Dragon Knight - Beta - Retired by Zenimax 5/27
  • caelumpanache
    Either that, or I have some REALLY godawful luck on loot rolls for my Dunmer character.

    6 motifs across a week, two days and four hours, isn't really bad luck. It is funny though.

    To the OP, I would vote no and no. If you think it is an exploit or cheating then you should report it as such through the proper channels.
  • Melian
    Actually, I have a greater concern in this:
    I've made one character per faction, and I play them in roughly equal amounts. My first is a Dunmer, and I played the intro island and then alted. Played my Bosmer through the intro island then alted. Played my Redguard through the intro island then went back to the Dunmer. One week I took to get through Bal Foyen and Stonefalls..and in that entire week I found NOT ONE SINGLE MOTIF BOOK despite looking everywhere. When I moved to the next zone, the Bosmer was next up.

    Took me four hours of play until I was able to enter the bank area and immediately loot three motif books in a row. After that...nada. Nothing, zip zilch squat.
    Flash forward another week and I'm playing my Redguard through the second starter island and I'm running through Glenumbra. Took a couple of days, but I managed to loot two more motif books, and just last night to get a VERY RARE motif book. Imperial style, YAY!

    My concern is this: For the Pact, I have yet to find a motif book despite a whole week of play as compared to four hours for the Alliance and two days for the Covenant. I'm thinking loot tables are skewed and might need some attention.

    Either that, or I have some REALLY godawful luck on loot rolls for my Dunmer character.

    For what it's worth, I have one character in each faction too and I've found the most motif books on my Dunmer (I think she found three, the Breton found two and the Bosmer found one).

  • TheCookisMonstar
    MysticAura wrote: »
    I feel that pointing this type of thing out on the forums, is just asking for more people to say 'oh neat I'm going to do that now!' please don't advertise possible exploits or cheats on the forums (no matter how minor)

    awareness bringes fixes

    not being aware and ignoring game breaking exploits brings free to play

    in the words of a dev I know.... its better to get their attention through votes than cries...

    Awareness for whom? A simple Bug Report to the Devs in game would of sufficed. Instead you brought it to the forums to announce it. This might be microcosm of the community. But people are going to share this with others and its going to spread even more then it already has.

    There was no need for a poll. Bug Report would of done just fine.

    I think the real issue is that you wanted to create a debate on this because you dont like the way others are going about getting these items and you seek to cause an uproar about it so the Devs HAVE to do something about it. Rather giving the Devs a chance to make a call about it without a mob of forum-goers crying foul.

    Awareness brings both questions, answers, comments, and concerns.

    If you are unhappy about this being made public then please feel free to state your opinion on pro/con of it.

    Bottom line is that it has already been widespread since beta and word of mouth has people running around like crazy exploiting this in mages guilds or banks. It does cause problems with other people because it gives unfair advantages and is a method of gold farm botting.

    Anything that is outside the proper means of obtaining wealth, experience, or fame will always be of concern to real gamers... only elitists would cheat and exploit their way up while not enjoying the real gift that has been granted to them... the time, story, and community. The obligation one has to maintain a community or save it from itself involves reporting problems...without doin so, things get out of control and ruined.
    *Policing the MMO community since 1997*
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Nah , i dont really think so.

    If you have the patience to do it , then you may get whatever you get.

    I personally like this , they farm it , their farm lower the prices , i can buy one of each for a better price :P (granted i already got like 5 dif ones , so i only need to buy 5 now).
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • TheCookisMonstar
    Nah , i dont really think so.

    If you have the patience to do it , then you may get whatever you get.

    I personally like this , they farm it , their farm lower the prices , i can buy one of each for a better price :P (granted i already got like 5 dif ones , so i only need to buy 5 now).

    So if you have the patience or ability to cheat then do it?

    I don't think I could ever agree with you on that line. That can extend to if you can kill someone than do it because then that's one less person to compete for in jobs, mating, life, etc. Maybe in a zombie apoc but ... lieing, cheating, and stealing is not a tolerable issue.
    *Policing the MMO community since 1997*
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