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Are horses pay2win?

As an old school TES fan I wanted to give this game a try, despite the negative publicity it has gotten (some of it undeserving I think).

Ive had to let go of A LOT of aspects since the daggerfall, morrowind etc times as this is an MMO (and a completely different game). And I cant say it disturbs me. I rather like the challenge of learning everything from scratch, though I feel somewhat comfortable regarding the lore at least. So its like having a brand new car even though ive had my licence a long time.

I didnt buy the Imperial Edition as I wanted to try the game first, before upgrading.

For my first character, a NB, i managed to grind together gold for my first horse.
Now, dont misunderstand me, I like grinding! I would rather grind than pay for an advantage, not because Im cheap but because I like that kind of mechanics. And especially in TES as searching for progress always leads to adventure.

But as I started my second character and I thought that I could place my "old" horse in the stable and come pick it up with my new character..?

So, the question is(despite the harsh title) can I not switch between horses with my characters?

But upgrading will let me circumvent this by allowing me to buy a cheap (and not so manly) horse for all of my new characters?

If so, are horses pay2win?
  • Kolache
    I'm sure they are by somebody's definition. They are just so insignificant in the big scheme of cash shop things that few people care.
    Something being unbalanced in 1v1 does not imply that it is balanced in group play.
  • seanolan
    Because having a horse = win? I have the imperial edition, I never ride the horse. I use it for inventory space, which is nice, especially with the bank situation, but it isn't necessary. Maybe this will change in the PvP areas, but so far, I prefer exploring by walking, and don't seem to have any significant problems with it. And by the time PvP is your main focus, the cost of a horse should theorectically be chump change.
  • nerevarine1138
    No, horses are not "pay2win". Horses grant no substantive advantage to any players.
  • jambam817_ESO
    Uh, if by "winning" you mean reaching places a few seconds before someone who is walking... sure... I really don't see an issue though.
    Although I'm biased because i got my Imperial Edition for $64 even.... gotta love pre-order sales :)
    They could take this horse back and give me my missing gold and bank slots though, I wouldn't argue that :persevere:
  • MysticAura
    Horses aren't in any way pay to win. You can buy them with in game cash, even if it does take a bit of effort to earn enough. Effort = Reward. The horses that basically come with the Imp edition have no training, we have to pay into them in order to make them better. That aside, no one 'needs' a horse and can advance fine without one.
  • Orizuru
    I rarely use mine. Wayshrines are a faster way to travel, and I find exploration on horseback less enjoyable. Horses are great when you have a destination in mind, but playing too much like that will cause you to miss out on a lot of quests and locations you can only find by leaving the roads and exploring what is behind every rock and around every corner and over ever ridge, river or mountain.
  • Laerian
    From that point of view IMHO yes it is.

    I stated in other threads that basic horses should cost 2000-3000 gold. (this could be a comparable price of the horses in some other mmos and TES games). After all, the horse is a gold sink you "have" to feed everyday,

    But don't worry, about the Pay2Win concept, that's outdated; we have to deal with Cheat2Win these days.
  • bob_jeko
    No, horses are not "pay2win". Horses grant no substantive advantage to any players.

    Seriously? Not even i pvp?
    MysticAura wrote: »
    Horses aren't in any way pay to win. You can buy them with in game cash, even if it does take a bit of effort to earn enough. Effort = Reward. The horses that basically come with the Imp edition have no training, we have to pay into them in order to make them better. That aside, no one 'needs' a horse and can advance fine without one.

    Pls read my post, before answering.. lol
    Edited by bob_jeko on April 18, 2014 2:54PM
  • nerevarine1138
    bob_jeko wrote: »
    No, horses are not "pay2win". Horses grant no substantive advantage to any players.

    Seriously? Not even i pvp?

    Seriously, not even in PvP. If you try going into Cyrodiil with just the basic horse, you'll be sprinting on foot a lot more, since it's faster. Especially once you get medium armor perks.
  • Imryll
    I rarely use mine. Given the slow speed of the Imperial horse gathering > riding. That said, I'd rather pre-ordering/special edition bonuses were cosmetic only, but that ship sailed long ago.
  • Audigy
    They are not.

    Pay to win or pay to play is what for instance SWTOR has with the dungeon fee or GW2 had with the pvp fee or HS has with the Arena fee.

    Unless you require a horse to enter content, nothing will be pay to win / play.

    Mounts at other games are also expensive, just look at wow where you needed a lot of gold to buy one at Vanilla.

    The difference to other MMO´s however is the fact that you cant earn a mount. There are no quest´s that can lead to a horse, even if its just the basic horse of the imperial edition without any real benefits until you feed it.

    It would make sense to add a quest line that rewards a horse.
  • Rek
    The pay horses are just the 17k horses. Players are just better off skipping it and going straight for the 42k horse. Sure, if you pay 1g for an Imperial horse then it's worth picking up but it's not worth investing 250g a day in.

    So all it's really giving is a small early advantage which is primary the fact you can sprint on the horse and enter combat right away without having a depleted stamina bar. But both Imperial players and normal players should be able to get the 42k horse at the same time if both players are informed enough to know to not bother buying the 17k and not spending 250g a day on a dud horse.
  • disexistencenub19_ESO
    Getting attacked while you are on horseback in pvp is like CC'ing yourself so the enemy can whack you, and the basic horse is slow. It will happen. When on foot, you have the advantage of stealth if needed and sprinting is almost as fast as the basic horse. Now, the more expensive horse might be a different story once upgraded, we'll see.

    In pve, it is nothing more than convenience if you have a set destination in mind. When exploring, it is almost always better done on foot. And the same can be said for gathering mats, as the constant mounting/dismounting can get tiresome.
  • Aellikor
    I haven't purchased the 42k horse yet. But I suspect those are character bound versus account bound. Maybe ask Support in game for definitive answer?

    I do have Imperial and that allows all of my characters to get a horse at level 1 for one gold. Same for the Palomino store version for level 10 characters, those are the only two I know for sure are Account versus character.

    Unfortunately help.elderscrollsonline.com does not have a good article on this question.

    It's just a pay for convenience. Doesn't let you "win" at anything, unless maybe you are racing to a harvest node or treasure chest. I think I got value out of the Imperial edition so it works for me.
  • Thechemicals
    I paid for my horse through imperial edition so im assuming i paid to win at least a little. You didnt so there you go.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • scruffycavetroll
    so i won the game already? no achievement?
    Edited by scruffycavetroll on April 18, 2014 3:13PM
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    No its not pay to win. I dont even ride a horse I just walk or port. My horse is just bag space.
  • Sarenia
    bob_jeko wrote: »
    If so, are horses pay2win?

    Obviously not. Won't even bother elaborating because this was last month's discussion.

    Edited by Sarenia on April 18, 2014 3:24PM
  • Coggage
    bob_jeko wrote: »
    ...are horses pay2win?
    Silly question really. No, they're not. Getting around a bit faster is not "win" in any way. Very often I don't actually bother using my horse because I am exploring and/or gathering resources, and getting on and off the horse all the time really irritates me. Sometimes I don't bother just on a whim, because I'm perfectly happy just running around. If I'm not using my mount I don't consider it somehow "losing".
    Edited by Coggage on April 18, 2014 3:27PM
  • Shimond
    It does not give you power over another player in PVP, so no. Now if you had mounted combat or something, you might have an argument.
  • bob_jeko
    Well after playing and reaching lvl 40+ on one of my chars, Ive realised that money is not an issue so I guess Ill have to admit that I was (kinda) wrong.. :S

    And the expression "pay2win" perhaps was not the right one to use and writing a post being "salty" doesnt help either..

    Well, lesson learnt!
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Ahhh pay to win .... another "buzzword" that gets thrown around and seems to have lost all meaning.

    No, no horses are not "pay to win".

    They are a convenience, nothing more.

    At times they can be a major inconvenience. Want to get around faster in Cyrodiil? Go right ahead ... until you hit that ambush squad that knocks you off your horse and you die before you can react.

    Pay to win is paying for an advantage that other people can't get. Everyone can get a horse.

    Paying to win would be having a sword in the cash shop that one shots everything.

  • Sarenia
    Ahhh pay to win .... another "buzzword" that gets thrown around and seems to have lost all meaning.

    It basically embodies anti-capitalism at this point.

    Anything that can be remotely linked to someone, somewhere, potentially making some sort of profit (or breaking even), is pay-to-win.
  • Coggage
    bob_jeko wrote: »
    And the expression "pay2win" perhaps was not the right one to use...
    It never is.
  • Zordrage
    i did not read ANYTHING here only the Original Post

    Horses p2w..................
  • bob_jeko
    Just keep rubbing it is as I already have realized (and confessed) my mistake, but just keep rubbing it in.. just keep rub..

    And I guess the EU downtime doesnt make things better either

    Nothing to see here, move along now..

  • Sarenia
    bob_jeko wrote: »
    Just keep rubbing it is as I already have realized (and confessed) my mistake, but just keep rubbing it in.. just keep rub..

    And I guess the EU downtime doesnt make things better either

    Nothing to see here, move along now..

    You could edit the original post to reflect this.
  • bob_jeko
    Naaah, that would take away ALL the fun... Wouldnt it?

    Kinda fun seeing whos actually "reading" the forums/threads and who´s just opening their hole and lets out what ever comes out (like i did writing the OP)...

    And as the EU server is down, we dont have anything better to do.. :/
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