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Weapon animation canceling. Dev response please.

I would like to know if weapon animation canceling is intended or not.
EXAMPLE: I can shoot a light attack with bow and .01 seconds later use poison arrow. This makes it so I am almost using 2 attacks at once.
Example2: using light attack with any melee weapon followed by a weapon skill such as Ransack.
Example 3: using light attack from destruction staff then .01 secs later use force shock.

As you can see it is possible to use a light attack with any weapon then immediately use an insta cast spell all within the same cool down/animation.

I would like to know if this mechanic will remain in game or not. Thanks.
  • Mivryna
    It's intended for gameplay mechanic purposes. Compare it with SWTOR, which had such canceling. The game was horribly unresponsive, and often animations would conflict with each other. It's better to have a predictive system that functions on game rules rather than animated spectacles.
  • Mazdryk
  • bantad87
    Many, many games have similar animation cancelling - I don't see what's wrong with it tbh.
  • Ralathar44
    If you ever want to be able to interrupt things in time to be worth it you'll stop complaining about a game feature that is actually a very good feature.
    Some questions answer themselves:
    So what is the problem with building specifically against an oil farm????

    oil farm????
  • bantad87
    Ralathar44 wrote: »
    If you ever want to be able to interrupt things in time to be worth it you'll stop complaining about a game feature that is actually a very good feature.

    But..but...I play ranged DPS, what is this blocking and interrupting you speak of?

    Without animation cancelling/overwrites, veteran content would be impossible as melee. Good luck interrupting that ability that will one-shot you, because you had to attack.

    Well said Ralathar.
    Edited by bantad87 on April 22, 2014 5:45AM
  • Andy22
    The canceling is oki, the oversight/bug/problem is that the dmg from the light attack should be applied near the end of the animation, not the beginning of the attack.

    So basically u want to keep the responsiveness of skills/interrupts, but remove the "free" dmg advantage if canceled early.
    Edited by Andy22 on April 22, 2014 1:03PM
  • Armitas
    I know your looking for a dev, but in case they don't respond.

    Traditionally, what is deemed an instant skill, is a skill that does not have a cast time and occurs immediately regardless of prior animation. So you can think of it as immediate rather than instant because that is really what is entailed by instant.

    Traditionally action durations (the time between attack A and attack B ) are split up into multiple parts. There is a damage duration (how long it takes for the damage or heal to occur), an animation duration (how long it takes for the motion of the attack or heal to complete) and an action duration (time before another attack can be initiated, which can also be longer than the animation duration).

    The way this traditionally works is that each one of these durations has a different length based on the skill. If the action duration is shorter than the animation duration it will allow another skill to activate and expedite the remaining animation portion.

    The idea behind all the durations and animation flexibility is to keep a certain attack speed, while also making sure your toon is visually flowing between differing skills. If they wanted to prevent an animation portion from being expedited they could match the action portion to the animation. So to me it seems intentional, while still being restricted by the action duration. (If this game follows the same traditional format.)
    Edited by Armitas on April 22, 2014 8:17PM
    Nord mDK
  • Obscure
    The real gem is if you charge up a power attack with your bow, from stealth, and use your active bow attack (I prefer Arrow Spray and it's morphs) just as you release your power attack, both will go off and both get the stealth attack bonus.

    I timed it and it takes me no more than 2.7 seconds to kill anyone sub VR in Cyrodiil by opening with a double tap...preferably ganking them from horse back. Not sure what the DPS on that is, haven't done the math, but I'm certain it is high enough to have ruined a few pairs of trousers.
  • Sakiri
    I just imagine using a standard action followed by an immediate per Pathfinder. Immediate is resolved first, especially when used to counterspell :p
  • vicNBitis
    I see there was never any "dev" response to this. Can we get word on whether this is here to stay? Working as intended?

    I'm pretty sure I know what the answers are but something semi-official would be nice.

  • Comaetilico
    if you want a "semiofficial" anwear your best bet is to ask custom service... put it as "I would like to know if this is intended or I'm actualy exploiting a bug"

    obviously custom service is not a 100% sure answear... but alt least that would give you a bit of officiality...
  • vicNBitis
    A ZOS forum CSR already posted over a month ago(4/23) they're Looking Into It™.
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