merfpmerfinton wrote: »It's better than the guards who warn you not to cause trouble, even though you just single handedly saved the entire town
I believe there is a mod for that..check it out at
Sorpaijen_ESO wrote: »I use Borrower and Lender mod and it IS great. I worried at first (and still do, sorta) that the way it mute generic speech might make me miss out on something --- it will play it ONCE but thereafter, block that same dialog line from the same NPC.
Like, I don't know what would happen in the case that the NPC would say, "Look out, come over here to be healed!" once and then after that I'd never hear that cue again. There's a Daggerfall mission where these Elementals do that --- call out warnings or instructions to you. Unfortunately for ME, they were speaking GERMAN at the time, so I had to actually read the (English) chat window to see what they were saying. Borrower/Lender doesn't change the chat window, so you COULD always see "chatter" there.
Crap, me too.I had Borrower and Lender for a while but recently removed it because it was cutting out sound from non-vendor dialogue. It would happen during an NPC chat window, which wasn't a big deal because I could read the text, but then it started happening during the 'watch the scene' parts and I had no idea what was going on >.>