I must ask Zenimax that after this fiasco of a so called Elder Scrolls game, did they fire that guy who decided to make Elder Scrolls in mmo style? And apart from that, let us be clear this is mmo, they decided or he or whatever they call him, maybe even IT, they decided that this MMO dont have most features that all MMO have. No cast bar, no nameplates, no minimap.
Basicly we got some single mmo hybrid that is uber crappy with a lots of bugs, with EU server based in US which gives people who play on EU huge lags, ability delays etc.
Also we have that some genius got with idea of megaserver.
From what I understand, they just wanted to set record in one massive pvp battle in beta and that is why its called megaserver.
I simply cant belive that You ZENIMAX relased this game full of bugs, like its in alpha state and You dont even try to fix it what is worse things of all. With every new "patch" I feel game is more and more degraded with performance.
Lots of fps drops. Do I have to play on i5@3.4, 8GB ram, r9 280x oc 3gb ddr5 on low settings? Then if so why the *** did you create this *** of a game? You should better release it for consoles and let team who created skyrim make anothe single player elder scroll game for PC.
Zenimax should fire all you of so called true lovers of RPG, you ruined it. You are sunday gamers and you should stick with CoD games.
But I think You all knew that, people told you in early betas, they gave you feedback and you didnt do ***, even worsen it.
You are ripping us off with that sub and that will go on for couple of months when everyone realize that you are not fixing anything and ofcourse Wildstar is coming out and you will automaicly lose people. What does this game offer? You finish main story and thats it. END. PVP is like in gw2 just with more ppl, because they want to SET *** RECORD with most people in one battle.
So you will charge us couple of months and then what? B2P? F2P? ONE HORSE IN YOUR STORE IS 11.99€ because its brown color?
Bioware and their swtor are little babies for you and your sunday ZENIMAX team that created this rubish. I just cant belive how much hype you created and sold imperial editions. Even I belived and bought it.