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Death of TESO pretty much guaranteed

There's still lots of people enjoying the questing and leveling cause of the recent launch which is actually very enjoyable. But after playing this game's PvP and PvE, there isn't going to be anything this game has to offer in 2-3 months time....at all. Certainly nothing to justify a sub fee.

PvE crowd: They'll stick around for dungeons and adventure zones, but after the first adventure zone comes out and they have mastered it, will they stay? No. Because not only did TESO launch without any sort of hardcore PvE, but they will will be doing the same thing every other MMO does once it actually does come out, just keep scaling up numbers to make adventure zones "harder." So there goes the PvE crowd.

Structured PvP crowd: They never even came to TESO cause of the games EXTREMELY limited PvP. No battlegrounds, arenas, or dueling......what?!?! No luck here, and no profits for ZO either.

RvR style PvP crowd: they'll get super tired of the 10 minutes of running, 1 minute of fighting system that they have in place now. The map is far too huge, AD is way too overpopulated, and considering the number of players that are in these maps, they should have been made much much smaller with FAR fewer servers. Not to mention the map looks the same everywhere you go. Perfect symmetry in a war...makes sense.

Based on how much this game cost to make, how few people are playing it, and how many will totally stop playing after the free month is up....I'd say it's pretty likely we can start writing our condolences to ZO.
Edited by Vivec on April 17, 2014 2:05PM
  • scruffycavetroll
    well, it's new. MMO's are always paltry on content in the beginning...it's not like wow had a plethora of stuff in the beginning either. took a long time for it to get to where it is.

    MMO's need TIME, that's the problem, time and money. it's a delicate dance they're playing, but it does need to get its act together though and start fixing quests and bug fixes too.

    i'm pretty much at the point there I don't think i'm going to let my sub kick in, which is sad, because i think we all think this game could have a lot going for it, but like most games today, it was rushed out...needed another 6 months in development.
    Edited by scruffycavetroll on April 17, 2014 2:07PM
  • KerinKor
    LOL, your fact-free last paragraph sums up your whole post nicely.
  • Aett_Thorn
    Good to know that you have access to all of the player numbers and everyone's opinions of whether or not they will be playing in a few months.

    Content will come in time. People always race to the end game in 2 weeks, then complain that there's nothing to do in a brand new game. No MMO has ever had a ton of end-game content right at release. It always comes over time. Why is anyone surprised by this?

    The PvP situation was known (or at least should have been known) by players before they came here. So if it surprised anyone that there wasn't duels or arenas right at the start, that's on them.

    I play this game because of what it is, not because it doesn't have features that Game X had. If I wanted all of the features of Game X, I'd play game X. Instead, I like the features that TESO has, so I am here, and will likely be here for some time to come.
  • Vivec
    well, it's new. MMO's are always paltry on content in the beginning...it's not like wow had a plethora of stuff in the beginning either. took a long time for it to get to where it is.

    MMO's need TIME, that's the problem, time and money. it's a delicate dance they're playing, but it does need to get its act together though and start fixing quests and bug fixes too.

    i'm pretty much at the point there I don't think i'm going to let my sub kick in.

    You, me, and many other players friend. Yes WoW did start off similarly, but WoW didn't have anywhere near the competition, or expectations. Which is the reason no MMO released today can even dream of WoW's success.

    It's much more cutthroat in the MMO market now than it was in 2004. They spent too much money on advertising and cinematics, and not enough on making the game good for the long run.
    Edited by Vivec on April 17, 2014 2:10PM
  • Gohlar
    KerinKor wrote: »
    LOL, your fact-free last paragraph sums up your whole post nicely.

    Well it does have high production costs I imagine and there really aren't that many playing it.

    It's speculation as to people quitting after the 1st month, but they made a solo questing "mmo". That's not going to hook all that many, I don't think.

  • Kyosji
    .......said thousands of people the first month of EVERY MMORPG to date, including World of Warcraft.
  • Aett_Thorn
    Gohlar wrote: »
    KerinKor wrote: »
    LOL, your fact-free last paragraph sums up your whole post nicely.

    Well it does have high production costs I imagine and there really aren't that many playing it.

    It's speculation as to people quitting after the 1st month, but they made a solo questing "mmo". That's not going to hook all that many, I don't think.

    And you're guessing that not many are playing it based on...what exactly?
  • Gohlar
    Aett_Thorn wrote: »
    Gohlar wrote: »
    KerinKor wrote: »
    LOL, your fact-free last paragraph sums up your whole post nicely.

    Well it does have high production costs I imagine and there really aren't that many playing it.

    It's speculation as to people quitting after the 1st month, but they made a solo questing "mmo". That's not going to hook all that many, I don't think.

    And you're guessing that not many are playing it based on...what exactly?

    Very low number of forum posts compared to other games is a good place to start. There doesn't seem to be much hype over the game as well. It seems to be flying under the radar. Also no sales figures have been released.

    Every indicator seems to say small audience.
    Kyosji wrote: »
    .......said thousands of people the first month of EVERY MMORPG to date, including World of Warcraft.

    That's not really true with WoW. People were raging over server downtimes sure, but people were far more excited with the game itself. All the other games where people talk like they do here on ESO, well, we know what happened to them.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 17, 2014 2:15PM
  • SinBad
    all i know is i will be playing it for months to come. i most likely wont be VR 10 by the time of the end of the first month. So i will have plenty to do and the pvp can keep me busy for a while. Whether a lot of people quit or not i will still be playing.

    We will have to wait and find out.
    Myrmidons, my brothers of the sword. I'd rather fight beside you than any army of thousands. Let no man forget how menacing we are, we are lions! Do you know what's there, waiting, beyond that beach? Immortality!Take it, it's yours!
  • Jynai
    All I'm going to say here is this...

    If SWTOR survived, ANY AAA MMO will survive. (Exaggeration I know, but still)

    I know a lot of people think they are the Guru's of MMO's and can tell the future of a MMO by emotional guesses, but let me tell you one thing, you don't have the data, the devs do, the devs are the ones who need this game to succeed so they can get their money, so if anyone here is going to try their hardest, its the devs.

    More content will be added, it might not be the type you prefer, but there will be those that do.

    Either way, I don't agree with what you're saying.
  • scruffycavetroll
    Vivec wrote: »
    well, it's new. MMO's are always paltry on content in the beginning...it's not like wow had a plethora of stuff in the beginning either. took a long time for it to get to where it is.

    MMO's need TIME, that's the problem, time and money. it's a delicate dance they're playing, but it does need to get its act together though and start fixing quests and bug fixes too.

    i'm pretty much at the point there I don't think i'm going to let my sub kick in.

    You, me, and many other players friend. Yes WoW did start off similarly, but WoW didn't have anywhere near the competition, or expectations. Which is the reason no MMO released today can even dream of WoW's success.

    Well, WoW came out during a time when the philosophy of the industry was different...it wasn't quite what the ethos it is today. which seems to be, rush, rush, rush, then patch later. Games came out more complete back then, which is funny, considering 'back then' is only 10 years ago.

    If I recall, its only competition at the time was Everquest (which was HUUUGE) at the time, and Ultimata Online. WoW, also had the Warcraft brand behind it. I was 24 at the time, played all the predecessors so was pretty excited for it, and played for a long time, although, my interest in that game has wained to to next to nothing. I'll buy the expansions, play for a month, then i'm done. for me, the game hasn't really evolved all that much...in fact, feels more watered down and way less challenging than the days of Vanilla.

    So ESO, does have the deck stacked against it in terms of much more competition, which has had more development time. BUT ESO does have something going for it which is ELDER SCROLLS. This name can carry the game a long way, BUTBUTBUT, Zenimax needs to get their act together, or i can see the same thing that happened to SWTOR happening to this. nothing being corrected, bland features stay, then within 8 months, the model shifting to a sub / free model.
    Edited by scruffycavetroll on April 17, 2014 2:17PM
  • Gohlar
    ESO will survive as F2P, no question.
  • KerinKor
    Gohlar wrote: »
    KerinKor wrote: »
    LOL, your fact-free last paragraph sums up your whole post nicely.

    nd there really aren't that many playing it.
    You did it again, posted something that's fact-free. Either provide a link to a FACTUAL report of player numbers or stop spouting drivel based on your agenda, which is to talk this game into extinction.

  • Vivec
    Kyosji wrote: »
    .......said thousands of people the first month of EVERY MMORPG to date, including World of Warcraft.

    Everyone loves to say "Wow did it, why can't my MMO?"

    Too bad that no other MMO has even come remotely close to WoWs success, and that's mainly based on the time it was released. WoW would do terribly if it was released in today's market. Much like TESO will do.

    That super high production cost mixed with low player numbers is gonna hit ZO hard.

  • Gohlar
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Gohlar wrote: »
    KerinKor wrote: »
    LOL, your fact-free last paragraph sums up your whole post nicely.

    nd there really aren't that many playing it.
    You did it again, posted something that's fact-free. Either provide a link to a FACTUAL report of player numbers or stop spouting drivel based on your agenda, which is to talk this game into extinction.

    We are forced to use common sense in this case, but it serves well enough. ESO has a small fraction of the number of forum posts most mmos have by this time. It's a pretty strong indicator. Don't expect sales figures any time soon also. If they sold a lot, believe me, we'd know.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 17, 2014 2:20PM
  • zydrateanatomy
    Bit early for this prediction. I suspect once there's a couple of expansions out, people won't know what to do with themselves!
  • KerinKor
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Very low number of forum posts compared to other games is a good place to start. There doesn't seem to be much hype over the game as well. It seems to be flying under the radar. Also no sales figures have been released.
    LOL, and those are the FACTS that justify the OP's comments? Really?

    What the OP said many be true, but neither they nor you have any FACT to back up what is otherwise a vacuous assertion.


  • Pristia
    I would disagree with the OP, the reasons you mentioned are why a lot of are playing TESO, I'm sure a lot of people play this game because its not like any other out there, people wanted a change from the norm.
    You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.

    Albert Einstein
  • Vivec
    Jynai wrote: »
    All I'm going to say here is this...

    If SWTOR survived, ANY AAA MMO will survive. (Exaggeration I know, but still)

    Oh sure, if your definition of "surviving" includes lead dev quitting, mass layoffs, broken cash shop, and massive F2P advertising while simultaneously gimping F2P players to the extreme.
  • scruffycavetroll
    Jynai wrote: »
    All I'm going to say here is this...

    If SWTOR survived, ANY AAA MMO will survive. (Exaggeration I know, but still)

    I know a lot of people think they are the Guru's of MMO's and can tell the future of a MMO by emotional guesses, but let me tell you one thing, you don't have the data, the devs do, the devs are the ones who need this game to succeed so they can get their money, so if anyone here is going to try their hardest, its the devs.

    More content will be added, it might not be the type you prefer, but there will be those that do.

    Either way, I don't agree with what you're saying.

    i think swtor survived because they saw the writing on the wall and went to the free model...had they not done that, the game would be dead i feel.

    DCUO was another one that was a disappointment.
  • Gohlar
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Very low number of forum posts compared to other games is a good place to start. There doesn't seem to be much hype over the game as well. It seems to be flying under the radar. Also no sales figures have been released.
    LOL, and those are the FACTS that justify the OP's comments? Really?

    What the OP said many be true, but neither they nor you have any FACT to back up what is otherwise a vacuous assertion.


    Already addressed. Yes, it requires a small amount of thinking, but it's pretty obvious the game has a relatively small population. Common sense should tell you this.
    Edited by Gohlar on April 17, 2014 2:22PM
  • Vivec
    BUT ESO does have something going for it which is ELDER SCROLLS.

    This mindset didn't work for STAR WARS. Freaking STAR WARS, which is many times more popular than TES. Saying it'll survive cause it's TES is a massively disproven argument.
  • Gohlar
    Vivec wrote: »
    BUT ESO does have something going for it which is ELDER SCROLLS.

    This mindset didn't work for STAR WARS. Freaking STAR WARS, which is many times more popular than TES. Saying it'll survive cause it's TES is a massively disproven argument.

    It's not even a good tes game imo. Way too linear and theme park.
  • MysticAura
    There is so much wrong with this topic I don't even know where to start

    So early after launch things need adjusting, this is normal and expected. There will be content patches adding greatly to the game over time. This is a well known fact.

    Many people like rvr even those who know it needs adjusting, and every area I run through is well populated, so I haven't a clue where you're getting the idea that few play it. The forums are constantly moving fast, though the majority of people are playing instead of forum diving.

    I see mention of this game all over the place. I have not talked to or heard of a single person who has not heard of it..this includes twitch, twitter, youtube and many game forums. To not know about TESO you'd really have to live under a rock, or not be into games at all.

    Sure the people who think that all games should be WoW may leave..I'm failing to be worried or bothered by this.
  • jimredtalon
    Vivec wrote: »
    well, it's new. MMO's are always paltry on content in the beginning...it's not like wow had a plethora of stuff in the beginning either. took a long time for it to get to where it is.

    MMO's need TIME, that's the problem, time and money. it's a delicate dance they're playing, but it does need to get its act together though and start fixing quests and bug fixes too.

    i'm pretty much at the point there I don't think i'm going to let my sub kick in.

    You, me, and many other players friend. Yes WoW did start off similarly, but WoW didn't have anywhere near the competition, or expectations. Which is the reason no MMO released today can even dream of WoW's success.

    It's much more cutthroat in the MMO market now than it was in 2004. They spent too much money on advertising and cinematics, and not enough on making the game good for the long run.

    Um, your wrong, WOW release 2004, EverQuest 1999, EverQuest 2 2004, Ultima Online 97, Final Fantasy XI 2004, and many many more.

    Oh and lets not forget WOW's marketing campaign that was not what I would call cheap.
  • KingRebz
    They should make a MASSIVE future dlc with nearly everything we have requested which are not lore breaking. It will bring it back to life in the next months..honestly I can see this game dying. it has no competition with Wow or the other mmos..they DID rush this game. They didnt think that we would be asking for SO MUCH when it came out..thats a really bad thing.
    V14 Sorceror [Ebonheart]
  • fougerec99b16_ESO
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Already addressed. Yes, it requires a small amount of thinking, but it's pretty obvious the game has a relatively small population. Common sense should tell you this.

    By the same logic then so many people are playing the game non-stop that they don't have time to post to the forums.

    Faulty logic is faulty logic.

    Or maybe they just don't like this absolutely horrid forum layout.

    Edited by fougerec99b16_ESO on April 17, 2014 2:29PM
  • the1andonlypzb14_ESO
    Just about every day there's another poster claiming that ESO will fail. It's easy to make ridiculous fact free comments like this in today's internet for 2 reasons...

    1. If the game is successful - they won't face any scrutiny because this post will be hidden deep within the archives, nearly impossible for anyone to find.

    2. If the game does in fact fail - this poster, and 1,000's of others - will get to give their lives some sliver of meaningfulness by popping up on a forum for a game they supposedly don't care about and declaring to the community... I WAS RIGHT!

    If that's what you need to make you feel good about your life, then by all means live on bro. The rest of us will continue to enjoy ourselves and our game - without even an inkling of care put towards whatever babble you feel the need to put out there.

    Good day, sir.
  • Vivec
    MysticAura wrote: »
    I see mention of this game all over the place. I have not talked to or heard of a single person who has not heard of it..this includes twitch, twitter, youtube and many game forums. To not know about TESO you'd really have to live under a rock, or not be into games at all.

    This is because of the millions and millions that ZO spend on advertising, instead of paying for talent to make the game. Did you know that TESO cost over $200 million to make? That's an absolutely ridiculous number for a game that has this much limited gameplay at launch.

    All their money went to advertising, not making a good game. When they start seeing that their profits are much lower than expected, this is going to come back to bite them HARD.
  • Gohlar
    Gohlar wrote: »
    Already addressed. Yes, it requires a small amount of thinking, but it's pretty obvious the game has a relatively small population. Common sense should tell you this.

    By the same logic then so many people are playing the game non-stop that they don't have time to post to the forums.

    Faulty logic is faulty logic.

    Not at all. It's a very clear statistical indicator unless you are suggesting that for some reason a MUCH smaller % of players post here than every other game. Again, if the game sold well, we'd know it. They would let it be known early and often. I don't think it sold all that well to begin with and word of mouth isn't going to be very strong imo. I mean why get friends to play when the game makes it so tedious to play together?
    Edited by Gohlar on April 17, 2014 2:32PM
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