If you check down the threads there are some that cover this notably this one with some detail of the issue which is memory related.kristofferstrutzenblad16_ESO wrote: »I've seen it on some forums that people have complaint about crashes while gaming. I didn't have the problem until yesterday or the day before since the release. Is this a very known issue? What could it depend on? Is it something that is being take care of? Damn how this ruin my gaming experience..
Cool. The Apple report will give nothing really But if it is the ZOSCrashReport for the actual game then it does give info we can use.kristofferstrutzenblad16_ESO wrote: »Oh! Yea I forgot to copy the crash report. I only sent it to Apple
It will happen again I presume. So I will update on that thread when it happens.
Cool. The Apple report will give nothing really But if it is the ZOSCrashReport for the actual game then it does give info we can use.
You are talking about two different things. The answer to you iMac specification was answered pretty much in the other thread. It's fine to run the game, as I do on mine with high settings.kristofferstrutzenblad16_ESO wrote: »Is it something that eventually will be fixed? I'm going crazy here. I thought this computer would run this game without any flaws. Now it seem like it is impossible to play this game with this computer. I don't get it really. I thought there would be a pretty big buffert between the requirements of the game and the iMac specifications. But I was wrong? Or is it something that the developers have to fix in order for Apples computer to fully run the game?
You are talking about two different things. The answer to you iMac specification was answered pretty much in the other thread. It's fine to run the game, as I do on mine with high settings.
kristofferstrutzenblad16_ESO wrote: »You are talking about two different things. The answer to you iMac specification was answered pretty much in the other thread. It's fine to run the game, as I do on mine with high settings.
The memory crash which happens maybe every 2-3-4 hours, as detailed in the thread I linked (best place for this TBH) is a known issue and being worked on. If you post crash report there are suggested then we can give a better idea of the cause. There are plenty of other possible crash causes also.
Please post the link to that post where he refers to the iMac 2012 (680M) because I just checked through every post he made on MacRumors and I can't see it there?kristofferstrutzenblad16_ESO wrote: »I read a lot yesterday on different forums, where a guy who said he worked on the Mac side when developing this game (you were there as well, Macrumors) said a thing which caught my attention. He said that he had played the game on an iMac 2012 (680M) last summer and the game ran smooth on ultra settings, no problems. I can't understand how someone who claim he works on the game for the Mac users can claim such a thing when it obviously doesn't work that way. Maby he played the game with no one on the servers, I don't know. But I think it's sad to say such thing. Some might have bought that version of iMac to play the game. If so, I feel sorry for those people.
kristofferstrutzenblad16_ESO wrote: »I didn't get what he said totally right, but here it is:
4th comment from the bottom of the page.
It's pretty clear that he stated that using a first generation MacBook Pro Retina with a Nvidia 650M playing on High in most areas at 1440 x 990 (recommended by Apple) about 35-45 FPS. The Mac he uses for testing at home (they have all models in-house to test I believe) He mentions that it gets hot.Dec 28, 2013, 05:43 PM #47
Gen 1 MBP-R with a 650M is a good machine.
It gets about 35-45 FPS in most areas on high at 1400x???
Which is to say running at Apple's recommended settings.
This is the machine I test with from home and enjoy playing on.
On the down side the fans area going to run at Max and the laptop may burn your hand off ( they get really hot on top left side ). YMMV
I do not know how much faster the 750m is... nor if it can handle the external display at 1900x???
Some of the new iMacs from this summer handle the game full res on ultra beautifully. ( I need to check on the model, I assume it was the 750m GT or better GPU )
The Lead OS X Engineer posted a while back to the MacRumors ESO thread detailing the current situation and looking forward which covers this in some details. Main point is that, having gone with 10.7.x as the minimum fore launch it makes moving up to 3.2 & 4 < more feasible.viktorcodeneb18_ESO wrote: »You’re right about the games don’t use OS X to the full extent. The biggest drawback IMO is to not use OpenGL 3.2 as the default minimum revision. I hope eventually this will be changed (perhaps, porting to PS4 will help?).