Suggestions and bug reports

Some suggestions and bugs from my little experience so far. Before u start reading, read that first. I am dyslexic.

I have a sorc and the bugs I experience with him are :
bugs :

1) Some times when I summon my clannfear is bugged, it doesnt attack anything! I have to re-summon.

2) dual wield weapon is bugged, especially when I use specific spells, its 50/50% not to be casted. The character tries to do it, but stops, it makes a cheesy animation, like is going to do it. The same applies when I try to link damage with my staff to enemy mobs. (I say link, because I use a healing staff and it makes a magical damaging link when I point to enemies).

3) I ve experienced this bug the last few days, sometimes when the battle is intense, the character bugs, becomes extremely slow moving/walking. It's not the walk mode, it's even slower! And I can't cast spells. If I stuck, it reloads slow again! I have to relog.

4)When I mount I can't see my weapon (staff), it disappears.

Not going to write anything about quests, just that for now. Bellow some suggestions.

Suggestions :

1) Make sorc pets more active, a bit faster, they are very slow and they dont do much damage. They just keep damage away from sorc. But whats the point of having 2 slots in the tiny spell bar occupied, when they damage so little and clannfear cant keep the agro allot. The bad thing is, I cannot give to my pets the command to attack, I have to attack first, so I get damage and sometimes "death", before clannfear or the winged one, get the agro from me. The winged twilight holds agro better than clann fear!! But it dies very fast. I would also suggest you to give separate slots for the pets, NOT to occupy slots in the tiny tiny tiny spell bar.

2) I love my sorc to have great style but all cloths (not leather and heavy armors), look and feel heavy and tights, they have no feel of cotton or silk or light armor, is like tutu tights! Make them more fluffy, the wind can move my rob away, u know.. windy stuff...

I also LOOOOOOVE to have cape's, huge ones, dark ones with hoodies and be able to add enchantments on them, with great animations on them, when I run with my horse or by feet, when I move.. I love cape's!! I dont like to have disguise because it looks better than my armor.. This is laziness. Not quality as bethesda claims. This disguise thing scares me a bit, the thing that scares me is, that you will try to give us disguise instead of quality crafts! And that freaks me out.

3) You can give us more motifs, purple and yellow, with super duper stylish crafting (cape's. accessories, etc) These motifs can be super rare drops and if you ask me, "there is no slot for cape's" it could have an option, to apply the cape into an armor, like an enchantment!! Because you are so lazy to add an extra slot in the character dressing tab. Make it as a perma attachment (like we apply an enchatment).

4) Increase the spell bar by 2-3 blocks the least, 5 is to limited and as you noticed above, its AWAYYYY to limited for a sorc summoner.

5) I gave u a bug about my when the character is mounted, we cant see his weapon, I dont know if its a bug, but when my staff has a light, because when we use our staff, it lights up! When we mount, you can see a ball of light next to our head.. lol. At least, when our character is mounted, just to avoid the stuff or the sword to penetrate the horse, our character can hold it on his hands!

I will have this topic for feature bugs and suggestions.

ps: Take a look at this... You advertise the game with cape's but the game has no cape's... How dare u.

also the assasin in your cinematic, even if he is medium armor, he have a cape!
Edited by Perseas on April 17, 2014 4:51PM
  • Perseas
    Another suggestion I wish to give you is about enchantments.

    Right now, the enchanting thing, confused me allot. I personally call it "replacement" not "enchantment". The reason is, when we try to enchant an item, it removes a feature from the item that originally got! ...So whats the point of enchanting an item for something more and extra, while u it removes some basic stats from the item! This is not enchantment, this is "replacement". So I dont need to suggest it, you know what to do.

    I wrote this, because I destroyed some of my items. I originally thought is an enchant, but i replaced stats... I didnt knew that it was a replacement.

    In the feature, I will try to give some examples about capes and the way I imagine them, also how to avoid the penetration of the weapon, through the cloth

    Another bug I need to report, is about world boss killing as a veteran. I didnt have the problem at low lvls. If I try to visit a world boss to complete it and get my xp/loot and there is already a group of people, that have the boss almost killed and I hit a couple of times. I get my xp, but I get no loot! So I have to wait again, to kill again and get my loot.

    Also, I tried to kill a boss, the boss killed me, I ressed far away in a wayshrine and after about 10 min, a group of people went there, killed the boss and I got the indication that I killed it!! But I was far away! Maybe because I was there before? Who knows... I lost my loot again.

    And a fresh bug while ago.. While ago I got the xp and achievement of "heart of rootwater" rank 3 veteran area, without even going near or hiting this boss!

    Edited by Perseas on April 17, 2014 12:53AM
  • Perseas
    Another suggestion about guild options.

    1) Give us the option to AUTO-decline invitations. PLayers, including me, getting harassed in daily bases to join guilds. Even when I log in, I have pending invitations waiting in my email to join any kind of guilds.

    You wish us to report guilders? Thats what u wish?

    I am against guilds because they bind our accounts and as a result, all our characters. I am a soloer and soloer comes first, than joining a guild. All MMOs have an option to auto-decline guild invitations. Whats the matter with ESO, not to allow us auto-decline and let us harassed.

    2) Ive learned some motifs and I have some in my bag. But when it comes to learn more motifs, I dont wish to read 1 motif that I already learned. Because I could sell it. I tried to search in the "Journal" tab and "Achievements" but I cant find it there. There is some information about motifs in the LORE library, but it doesn't tell us, which ones we allready know. And here is a think, they have different naming in the lore and different names in the book? (wood elf in the book and bosmier in lore library?).

    Edited by Perseas on April 17, 2014 6:34PM
  • Perseas
    Some more suggestions. I ve wrotte the following in another topic, but since I want this one to be my topic of suggestions, I will transfer it here as well.

    Economy :

    I prefer some neutral trade markets, each person to have his/her personal vendor and little stand. Or at least those who are not in guilds. So all alliances, enter these trade markets (huge areas and tour the little shops!) Or vendors with little karts, moving/touring all along Tamriel and major cities and quest area villages...

    An AH have its big flaws as well. Some people stay there all day and if I post an item (eg. 500 gold, he/she gets notice of that and changes the prices few gold less for their items... so I never sell) or if I want to sell something cheap, they buy all and they sell very expensive after.

    Little karts and little shops, will make that impossible and all people will find all short of items... and if the vendors travel, it will also have the essence of "luck"...

    We could have vendors that we can upgrade!!!! We start with a little stand and we can upgrade to a fully trolley!!! or a big store and if we get a store, we could accomodate other friends vendors too. (The trolleys could stay 6-12 hours in 1 spot and then move to another).

    I prefer moving karts/trolley.. We could have both options and we could choose one of these 2. So its not a complex networking system... but indevidual vendors instead. Less bugs as well.

    They could implement in all villages and towns, an extra icon in the map (small areas) capital trading posts, so we could recognize that these are the player vendor areas. And vendors could gather there...

    Vendors is a standard thing in Elder Scrolls, I wonder why they didnt implimented that, more interactive and personal and beautiful and sandbox, but they gave guild stores instead.

    Am dyslexic.
  • Perseas
    More suggestions

    Motifs, give us more styles, or even accessories, improve the crafting system, be able to craft even accessories.

    What about horse motifs.

    I ve noticed that you have 4-5 types of horses (there is no many choices, I always get the draft one and its always the same). You could add 2-3 slots for gearing up our horse and we can achieve that with motifs! To make them look beautiful and different! (not to paint the horse, but give them some armor, or some accessories).
    Also decrease the drop rate of the motifs. Make them rare! Right now it is not rare and motifs is very most wanted, all searching for them!

    Suggestion 2

    You may have to consider in the very near feature, companions. All people love it, to be total modifiable, very responsive, the dificulty of the game in high ranks, screams for it, you could even increase it a bit and give us companions. All mmos promoting companions right now. Because we love them.
    Edited by Perseas on April 25, 2014 5:41AM
  • Perseas
    Above I requested as a suggestion, about sorc armors, to look more wizardy..

    Medium armor can be tolerated for someone who loves to be a sorc/wizzard with a staff. Because the game age is dragons age, doesnt matter that the dragons are sleeping and we dont see any... The climax supports it.

    Here is an in game disguise you have and I repeat, you must never use disguise trick for our looks, thats not quality content, I want to craft it, I want it as a motif or something.

    Bellow I have an example, for what I like as a medium armor for my sorc. I love this looks and I use this disguise some times, I kept it because I liked it, that doesnt mean, I love it the way it is, because its a disguise, I dont feel it as an armor right now.

    The only thing missing from it, is a black cape, this armor screams for it, black cape will look perfect with that set of armor.

    Click the image to enlarge it.


  • Mizumauz
    Been experiencing the walking bug, I'll tell you that when you're in an epic 1v1 with a skilled vampire in Cyrodil and you're about to kill them dead but then you bug out and walk slower than crouch speed like you're eternally snared, it makes you pretty pissed off. I remembering exclaiming some very rude things. Anyway, the vampire got away and I had to relog to fix the issue as well, reload ui did not work.

    As for the clannfear, he's just great when he just spaces out staring at a wall when you're engaged in combat, depending on his aid... :( Also, sometimes it abandons me to run off with my mate who has his own clannfear, and leaves me all alone for quite some time, that kinda hurt my feelings for a while until his clannfear started doing the same (we could be pretty darn far away from eachother & I'd have two clannfears doing my bidding! OP)

    So good points to bring up that I should have reported myself as well! :)
  • Perseas
    the pets need to be balanced, the twilight matriarch pet, gets much more agro than clannfear! Even clannfear holds the agro, the NPC for a reason, will leave alone my clanfear and attack me instead! They have to balance these things.

    Here is another suggestion, I love it, so why not... The game has combat collision and u feel the swords and bash and things... ok...

    What about spell collision!!! I want the bellow thing to be implemented into casters! Its soooo amazing and immersive, I just want it. Imagine if 2 mages in cyrodiil or in game combat, cast at the same time a spell, the most advanced and powerful wins.... Look the img bellow, if this could happen between 2 mages/sorc or spell casting NPC vs player... its sooo beautiful. You could make it last much less with a push back and damage taken for the looser, not for a long time, but the immersion is sooo big... I want it.

    This scene in the game story, is my favorite of all! I love it.

    Edited by Perseas on May 6, 2014 12:52PM
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